Ready For Integration Events


The Financial Integration API provides clients and authorized partners access to each of the document types when the document is ready and available for import through the events on the topic public.concur.financialintegration. To subscribe to these events follow the steps described on the Event Subscription Service v4 page.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the subscription.

Scope Usage

Name Description
FISVC Financial Integration API related events.


Event Type Event Purpose Recommended Partner Action
expense.readyForIntegration Notify the subscribers that there is a new expense document ready to be imported. Subscribe to the topic and call the Financial Integration API to import the document.
invoice.readyForIntegration Notify the subscribers that there is a new invoice document ready to be imported. Subscribe to the topic and call the Financial Integration API to import the document.
payroll.readyForIntegration Notify the subscribers that there is a new payroll document ready to be imported. Subscribe to the topic and call the Financial Integration API to import the document.
cashadvance.readyForIntegration Notify the subscribers that there is a new cash advance document ready to be imported. Subscribe to the topic and call the Financial Integration API to import the document.
requestObligation.readyForIntegration Notify the subscribers that there is a new request obligation document ready to be imported. Subscribe to the topic and call the Financial Integration API to import the document.
reportObligation.readyForIntegration Notify the subscribers that there is a new report obligation document ready to be imported. Subscribe to the topic and call the Financial Integration API to import the document.


Schema for Event expense.readyForIntegration

Name Type Format Description
id String UUID event id - a unique id for the event.
correlationId String - correlation id for the event.
eventType String - This will be expense.readyForIntegration.
topic String - This is the topic to which the event will be published. This will always be public.concur.financialintegration.
timeStamp String yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ Timestamp for the event being published. Maximum length 24 characters.
subtopic String - This is set to the Entity id of the company for which the expense document is ready to be imported.
facts Object Facts This is the facts object that will contain the companyId, documentId , href, entityId.
data Object - This will be set to null. The data will be in facts.
route String - This will be set to stable.

Schema for Event invoice.readyForIntegration

Name Type Format Description
id String UUID event id - a unique id for the event.
correlationId String - correlation id for the event.
eventType String - This will be invoice.readyForIntegration.
topic String - This is the topic to which the event will be published. This will always be public.concur.financialintegration.
timeStamp String yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ Timestamp for the event being published. Maximum length 24 characters.
subtopic String - This is set to the Entity id of the company for which the invoice document is ready to be imported.
facts Object Facts This is the facts object that will contain the companyId, documentId , href, entityId.
data Object - This will be set to null. The data will be in facts.
route String - This will be set to stable.

Schema for Event payroll.readyForIntegration

Name Type Format Description
id String UUID event id - a unique id for the event.
correlationId String - correlation id for the event.
eventType String - This will be payroll.readyForIntegration.
topic String - This is the topic to which the event will be published. This will always be public.concur.financialintegration.
timeStamp String yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ Timestamp for the event being published. Maximum length 24 characters.
subtopic String - This is set to the Entity id of the company for which the payroll document is ready to be imported.
facts Object Facts This is the facts object that will contain the companyId, documentId , href, entityId.
data Object - This will be set to null. The data will be in facts.
route String - This will be set to stable.

Schema for Event cashadvance.readyForIntegration

Name Type Format Description
id String UUID event id - a unique id for the event.
correlationId String - correlation id for the event.
eventType String - This will be cashadvance.readyForIntegration.
topic String - This is the topic to which the event will be published. This will always be public.concur.financialintegration.
timeStamp String yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ Timestamp for the event being published. Maximum length 24 characters.
subtopic String - This is set to the Entity id of the company for which the cashadvance document is ready to be imported.
facts Object Facts This is the facts object that will contain the companyId, documentId , href, entityId.
data Object - This will be set to null. The data will be in facts.
route String - This will be set to stable.

Schema for Event requestObligation.readyForIntegration

Name Type Format Description
id String UUID event id - a unique id for the event.
correlationId String - correlation id for the event.
eventType String - This will be requestObligation.readyForIntegration.
topic String - This is the topic to which the event will be published. This will always be public.concur.financialintegration.
timeStamp String yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ Timestamp for the event being published. Maximum length 24 characters.
subtopic String - This is set to the Entity id of the company for which the requestObligation document is ready to be imported.
facts Object Facts This is the facts object that will contain the companyId, documentId , href, entityId.
data Object - This will be set to null. The data will be in facts.
route String - This will be set to stable.

Schema for Event reportObligation.readyForIntegration

Name Type Format Description
id String UUID event id - a unique id for the event.
correlationId String - correlation id for the event.
eventType String - This will be reportObligation.readyForIntegration.
topic String - This is the topic to which the event will be published. This will always be public.concur.financialintegration.
timeStamp String yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ Timestamp for the event being published. Maximum length 24 characters.
subtopic String - This is set to the Entity id of the company for which the reportObligation document is ready to be imported.
facts Object Facts This is the facts object that will contain the companyId, documentId , href, entityId.
data Object - This will be set to null. The data will be in facts.
route String - This will be set to stable.

Schema for Facts

Name Type Format Description
companyId String - The company uuid of the company for which the document is ready to be imported.
documentId String - The document id of the document that is ready to be imported.
href String - The v4 callback GET url for the document to be imported.
entityId String - The entityId of the company for which the document is ready to be imported.

Flow Diagram

Process Flow

Process Flow for ReadyForIntegration

Sample Events

Example for Event expense.readyForIntegration


Example for Event invoice.readyForIntegration


Example for Event payroll.readyForIntegration


Example for Event cashadvance.readyForIntegration


Example for Event requestObligation.readyForIntegration

  "id": "1tt0b656-a4f5-48a8-9ed9-7576595b0dee",
  "correlationId": "S4P_QM7CLNT715_4T010AEF4D5A1EEDACEBB009D5D61888",
  "eventType": "requestObligation.readyForIntegration",
  "topic": "public.concur.financialintegration",
  "timeStamp": "2023-02-23T09:36:13.524Z",
  "subtopic": "p1007275pott",
    "companyId": "325b8e77-14ee-458e-aebt-8193dc166786",
    "documentId": "B96B0E572F91714085616A3F2ABA00BAT",
    "href": "",
    "entityId": "p1007275pott"
  "data": null

Example for Event reportObligation.readyForIntegration

  "id": "7b255204-ea52-4cb5-aa67-4f7d3c625ae8",
  "correlationId": "81ca8td0-a9f9-46e0-baf0-f679979b47cd",
  "eventType": "reportObligation.readyForIntegration",
  "topic": "public.concur.financialintegration",
  "timeStamp": "2023-02-23T14:23:26.567Z",
  "subtopic": "p1007275pott",
  "route": "stable",
    "companyId": "325b8e7t-14ee-458e-aeb9-8193dc166786",
    "documentId": "CC79684B741042679T16",
    "href": "",
    "entityId": "p1007275pott"
  "data": null

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