Guide to the Request v4.0 API, TMC Edition

The Request v4.0 API provides travel request information for a specified traveler. Request v4.0 allows applications to pull and post information about the traveler’s request for travel.

This guide is part of a collection designed for TMCs, to read the shared content about audience, development, authentication, and other key information see the TMC Guide Overview.

Sequence Diagram

Application Scopes

Travel applications normally have the following scopes registered:

  • openid
  • travelrequest.write
  • user_read
  • FOP
  • TSAI
  • USER

Explanations for these scopes are documented on If you wish to have your application include additional scopes or endpoints, you must have your application recertified.


Host Location URL from refresh token based on host location of Company GUID URL to use for Travel Profile

Using the Request v4.0 API

Traveler Plans Trip

The traveler has to plan few aspects of travel, before creating or submitting the travel request. Below are a few things need to be planned.

  • Plan itinerary.
  • Plan hotel bookings.
  • Plan car rentals.
  • Specify the airlines to use.

Make a Travel Request

Once the traveler has the plan ready, they can create the travel request by using Concur Request.

Step 1: Log in to SAP Concur

Once logged in, click the Request tab:

SAP Concur page after log in

Step 2: Create a Travel Request

Once you are logged in, select New Request under the Request tab and fill in the traveler details.

Request Header: Includes details for request policy, request name, travel start date, travel end date, and purpose of the travel.

New Request Form UI

Next you’ll fill in details for all the segments. This may include:

Air Segment

Request UI showing air segments

Rail Segment

Request UI showing rail segments

Hotel Segment

Request UI showing hotel segment

Car Segment

Request UI showing car segment

Click Submit Request. This request will be added to your Active Travel Requests.

Request UI showing all active travel requests

Agency Receives Travel Request Notification

Agencies that have subscribed to ESS services will be notified, once the traveler submits the travel request. Based on the Travel_Request_Id the agencies fetch the travel request details for a traveler.

Get Travel Request Information

To fetch the traveler’s request using status “Submitted” without parsing UUID.

NOTE: If no value for status is indicated, then by default it will return the response for “ALL ACTIVE” travel requests.

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 


            "href": "",
            "id": "8354DDF8F1C6374BAE25189266293CF9",
    "data": [
"approvalStatus": {
                "code": "SUBMITTED",
                "name": "Pending Travel Agency Update"
            "approved": false,
            "businessPurpose": "Leisure Trip",
            "canceledPostApproval": false,
            "closed": false,
            "comment": "Bon voyage\n",
            "creationDate": "2019-06-03T21:14:42.000Z",
            "endDate": "2019-08-25",
            "everSentBack": false,
            "expenses": [],
            "highestExceptionLevel": "NONE",
            "name": "Dream Trip To Paris",
            "owner": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "eaf089a5-1569-31ab-95d2-7ef8dc58354a",
                "template": "{id}",
                "firstName": "William",
                "middleInitial": "p",
                "lastName": "Never2"
            "pendingApproval": true,
            "requestId": "3339",
            "startDate": "2019-07-26",
            "submitDate": "2019-06-03T21:29:50.000Z",
            "totalApprovedAmount": {
                "value": 12000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalPostedAmount": {
                "value": 12000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalRemainingAmount": {
                "value": 12000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "type": {
                "code": "TRAVEL",
                "label": "Travel"
            "href": "",
            "id": "C1CDF36851BF1645ABA76C92A91DE06E",
            "approvalStatus": {
                "code": "SUBMITTED",
                "name": "Pending Travel Agency Update"
            "approved": false,
            "businessPurpose": "Business Visit",
            "canceledPostApproval": false,
            "closed": false,
            "comment": "Book a travel\n",
            "creationDate": "2019-05-30T17:47:06.000Z",
            "endDate": "2019-07-01",
            "everSentBack": false,
            "expenses": [],
            "highestExceptionLevel": "NONE",
            "name": "Book To California",
            "owner": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "eaf089a5-1569-31ab-95d2-7ef8dc58354a",
                "template": "{id}",
                "firstName": "William",
                "middleInitial": "p",
                "lastName": "Never2"
            "pendingApproval": true,
            "requestId": "3336",
            "startDate": "2019-06-28",
            "submitDate": "2019-05-30T17:51:31.000Z",
            "totalApprovedAmount": {
                "value": 400,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalPostedAmount": {
                "value": 400,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalRemainingAmount": {
                "value": 400,
                "currency": "USD"
            "type": {
                "code": "TRAVEL",
                "label": "Travel"
            "href": "",
            "id": "47ACF629CB38F54EAEAB227BFC4E09C8",
            "approvalStatus": {
                "code": "SUBMITTED",
                "name": "Pending Travel Agency Update"
            "approved": false,
            "businessPurpose": "Buisness Travel",
            "canceledPostApproval": false,
            "closed": false,
            "comment": "Travel\n",
            "creationDate": "2019-05-30T17:48:49.000Z",
            "endDate": "2019-07-01",
            "everSentBack": false,
            "expenses": [],
            "highestExceptionLevel": "NONE",
            "name": "Book to BLR",
            "owner": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "eaf089a5-1569-31ab-95d2-7ef8dc58354a",
                "template": "{id}",
                "firstName": "William",
                "middleInitial": "p",
                "lastName": "Never2"
            "pendingApproval": true,
            "requestId": "3337",
            "startDate": "2019-06-28",
            "submitDate": "2019-05-30T17:53:21.000Z",
            "totalApprovedAmount": {
                "value": 3000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalPostedAmount": {
                "value": 3000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalRemainingAmount": {
                "value": 3000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "type": {
                "code": "TRAVEL",
                "label": "Travel"
            "href": "",
            "id": "4A8BA47815C5034CB5493A1F5F57351F",
            "approvalStatus": {
                "code": "SUBMITTED",
                "name": "Pending Travel Agency Update"
            "approved": false,
            "businessPurpose": "save",
            "canceledPostApproval": false,
            "closed": false,
            "creationDate": "2019-05-28T19:25:42.000Z",
            "endDate": "2019-06-12",
            "everSentBack": false,
            "expenses": [],
            "highestExceptionLevel": "NONE",
            "name": "Trip to Bangalore",
            "owner": {
                "href": "",
                "id": "ba6a1658-7d6d-3659-b8a5-884319f6d724",
                "template": "{id}",
                "firstName": "William",
                "middleInitial": "p",
                "lastName": "Never"
            "pendingApproval": true,
            "requestId": "3334",
            "startDate": "2019-06-04",
            "submitDate": "2019-05-28T19:29:46.000Z",
            "totalApprovedAmount": {
                "value": 3000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalPostedAmount": {
                "value": 3000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "totalRemainingAmount": {
                "value": 3000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "type": {
                "code": "TRAVEL",
                "label": "Travel"
    "operations": [
            "rel": "first",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "last",
            "href": ""

To view the traveler’s profile, using “GET Travel Profile by UUID.”

Content-Type: application/xml
Authorization: Bearer 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ProfileResponse xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" Status="Active" LoginId="" Unique="">
        <NamePrefix />
        <NameSuffix />
        <PreferredName />
        <JobTitle />
        <CompanyName>SAP Concur TMC-130-PE</CompanyName>
        <RuleClass>Default Travel Class</RuleClass>
    <Addresses />
        <EmailAddress Contact="true" Type="Business"></EmailAddress>
        <AirMemberships />
        <AirOther />
        <RailMemberships />
        <CarMemberships />
        <CarOther />
        <HotelMemberships />
    <Roles />
    <TSAInfo />

To view the traveler’s expenses fetch all active travel requests, using “Get TR by requests by status=ACTIVE.”

"id": "8354DDF8F1C6374BAE25189266293CF9"
approvalStatus": {
                "code": "SUBMITTED",
                "name": "Pending Travel Agency Update"

By passing the travel_request_id (id: “8354DDF8F1C6374BAE25189266293CF9”) you can get the expenses for a traveler.

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 


    "href": "",
    "id": "8354DDF8F1C6374BAE25189266293CF9",
    "approvalStatus": {
        "code": "SUBMITTED",
        "name": "Pending Travel Agency Update"
    "approved": false,
    "businessPurpose": "Leisure Trip",
    "canceledPostApproval": false,
    "closed": false,
    "creationDate": "2019-06-03T21:14:42.000Z",
    "endDate": "2019-08-25",
    "everSentBack": false,
    "expensePolicy": {
        "href": "",
        "id": "DC9A8A67FE220F48BB1C0C7A625FB4CB",
        "template": "{id}"
    "expenses": [
            "href": "",
            "id": "04B6E512AC2FCD4FA66697D14CC964F5",
            "template": "{id}?userId=613cd9cd-9145-4806-ae6c-bfc7da54c9ab"
            "href": "",
            "id": "5B1B4B514CE60243AF70F53062DFAE5B",
            "template": "{id}?userId=613cd9cd-9145-4806-ae6c-bfc7da54c9ab"
            "href": "",
            "id": "B6D135D95C7E904988C6569410F8114B",
            "template": "{id}?userId=613cd9cd-9145-4806-ae6c-bfc7da54c9ab"
            "href": "",
            "id": "7F06BECD2A87F64F87F346C94C7D095D",
            "template": "{id}?userId=613cd9cd-9145-4806-ae6c-bfc7da54c9ab"
    "lastModified": "2019-06-03T21:29:50.000Z",
    "name": "Dream Trip To Paris",
    "owner": {
        "href": "",
        "id": "613cd9cd-9145-4806-ae6c-bfc7da54c9ab",
        "template": "{id}",
        "firstName": "William",
        "middleInitial": "p",
        "lastName": "Never2"
    "pendingApproval": true,
    "policy": {
        "id": "C61AF0EA030FF243ABA2C4C115E0EA50"
    "requestId": "3339",
    "startDate": "2019-07-26",
    "submitDate": "2019-06-03T21:29:50.000Z",
    "totalApprovedAmount": {
        "value": 12000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "totalPostedAmount": {
        "value": 12000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "totalRemainingAmount": {
        "value": 12000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "travelAgency": {
        "href": "",
        "id": "D8E1B4B94CA13B4DA1642147B600731B",
        "template": "{id}"
    "type": {
        "code": "TRAVEL",
        "label": "Travel"
    "operations": [
            "rel": "recall",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "cancel",
            "href": ""

To get the travelers request expenses, by passing Expense_id and user_id.



    "href": "",
    "id": "B6D135D95C7E904988C6569410F8114B",
    "allocations": [
            "allocationAmount": {
                "value": 1000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "approvedAmount": {
                "value": 1000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "allocationId": "52B89920BABD924B8FAAE9328B7B37C3",
            "postedAmount": {
                "value": 1000,
                "currency": "USD"
            "expenseId": "B6D135D95C7E904988C6569410F8114B",
            "percentEdited": false,
            "systemAllocation": true,
            "percentage": 100
    "approvedAmount": {
        "value": 1000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "exchangeRate": {
        "value": 1,
        "operation": "MULTIPLY"
    "expenseType": {
        "id": "CARRT",
        "name": "Car Rental",
        "href": "",
        "expKey": null,
        "formId": null,
        "customFormId": null,
        "hasSegment": null,
        "formType": null,
        "spendCategoryCode": null,
        "expId": null,
        "formula": null,
        "agencyVisible": null,
        "caRelated": null,
        "spendExpenseCode": null
    "postedAmount": {
        "value": 1000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "remainingAmount": {
        "value": 1000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "transactionAmount": {
        "value": 1000,
        "currency": "USD"
    "transactionDate": "2019-07-26T00:00:00.000Z",
    "tripData": {
        "agencyBooked": true,
        "selfBooked": false,
        "tripType": "ONE_WAY",
        "legs": [
                "endDate": "2019-08-25",
                "endLocation": {
                    "id": "D0059541F7874D3A97F53ACD163FEB7E",
                    "countryCode": "US",
                    "countrySubDivisionCode": "US-WA",
                    "city": "Seattle",
                    "name": "Seattle",
                    "lnKey": 83926
                "endTime": "01:00",
                "id": "11D37079654C4042AE5FC88D53D724F6",
                "returnLeg": false,
                "startDate": "2019-07-26",
                "startLocation": {
                    "id": "0BC6B782B77349898E2CA814F5B57C08",
                    "countryCode": "US",
                    "countrySubDivisionCode": "US-WA",
                    "city": "Seattle",
                    "name": "Seattle",
                    "lnKey": 29857
                "startLocationDetail": "Airport Drop off",
                "startTime": "00:00"
        "segmentType": {
            "category": "REQ_SEG_CARRT",
            "code": "CARRT"

To get the traveler’s expense type details, by passing ExpenseType_id and user_id.



    "expenseTypeId": "01025",
    "expenseCategoryCode": null,
    "expenseCode": "OTHER",
    "expenseCodeName": "Standard",
    "hasChildren": false,
    "isDeletable": true,
    "isDeleted": false,
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "isSystemRecord": false,
    "isUsedInItemizationConfig": false,
    "isVisibilityCodeEditable": true,
    "itemizationType": "NREQ",
    "name": "Train",
    "parentExpenseKey": "TRANS",
    "parentName": "02. Transportation",
    "showOnMobile": true,
    "spendCategoryCode": "RAILX",
    "spendCategoryName": "Train",
    "visibilityCode": "ALWAYS",
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""

Agency Submits Proposals

Agencies store the Travel Request and Expense details, and use that information to create proposals that will be shared with the traveler.

TMCs can submit up to three proposals for a traveler for each travel request submitted.


  • Sign in to your SAP Concur Travel and Expense User Profile.
  • Select Profile Settings.
  • Select Request Setting then Request Information.
  • In the Default Travel Agency drop down, select the agency.

Set the default travel agency

The following fields will help you submit proposals to a traveler.


You can submit up to three proposals in a series known as batches per trip request. You need to pass the value in the data element for ProposalBatchSize and ProposalSequenceIndex for the number of proposals you are submitting in the POST.

     <DisplayTitle />

Code example showing proposal batch size and proposal sequence index

Now, you can submit the proposal and see the response on the successful submission of a proposal.

You now have the ItinLocator, TripId, and TripLinkLocator generated.

Trip Status

You can track our proposals submitted by using Request ID. Log the Trip ID that is returned in the response and associate those Trip IDs with the Request IDs. Proposals are submitted as itineraries. The itineraries are identified by the value in the TripStatus element.

A trip status of “7” indicates to our system this is a proposal.

Code example showing the itinerary, trip ID, and trip link locator, and trip status

Reviewing a Proposal

Traveler reviews and selects one of the three proposals.

Postman example showing proposal submission

Once you submit the proposal successfully, you can see the Agency Proposal option by logging into your Concur Travel account.

You can see the proposal comparison for each category.

Air Proposal

Comparison screen showing flight options

Car Rental Proposal

Comparison screen showing car rental options

Hotel Proposal

Comparison screen showing hotel options

Note: Each travel proposal submitted, is associated with its Travel_Request_Id and Trip_Id. The traveler can select the proposals that best meets their needs.

Agencies Receive Notification of Proposal Selected by Traveler

Once the traveler selects one of the proposals, the agencies receives notification. It is then sent to ticketing, by setting TripStatus to “0 or 1.”

Code example showing trip status

Convert Proposal to Actual PNR

Each travel proposal is submitted, based on its Travel_Request_Id and Trip_Id.

Code example showing PNR

Traveler Notified of Confirmed Booking and Receives Itinerary

Itinerary appears in traveler’s trip library.

SAP Concur UI showing trip details in the trip library

Traveler’s Itinerary

SAP Concur UI showing itinerary details

Cancel Itinerary

You can always cancel the itinerary if the traveler’s needs change.

On this page