Cards v4 - Credit Card Account

Create Card Accounts (Bulk)

Endpoint to create credit card accounts as bulk operation. Assuming that the request is properly authorized and the schema validation passes, the API immediately returns 202 (Request Accepted) and performs the actual processing asynchronously.


cards.account.writeonly - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.


POST https://{datacenterURI}/cards/v4/companies/{companyId}/accounts/bulk


Name Type Format Description
companyId string - Required The unique identifier of the SAP Concur company.



  • This API can only be used for creating new accounts. If the same externalId is sent a second time, it will be ignored with an error during processing.
  • The externalId is a unique identifier (token) for a card account as defined by an external system (outside the SAP Concur platform). It must not contain the primary account number (PAN).
  • Accounts with accountType V must reference a billingAccount via externalId (which has to be of type M or I). The billingAccount may be part of the same bulk request or sent before.
  • The owner of the account is identified via cardholder attributes based on the following order of priority: userId, employeeId, email (first match is considered).
  • Test users are not supported and cannot be assigned to accounts sent via this API.


HTTP Status Codes

In case of success, HTTP status code 202 (Request Accepted) is returned. In case of a bad request, HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request) is returned along with an error code describing the cause. Possible error codes are: invalidRequest, invalidJson. For invalidRequest the error response usually contains a detailed error list.

To learn more about response HTTP status codes for this API see HTTP Status Codes.


Valid Request

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 99239c14-678a-41ef-80ab-462454cde49f
  "accounts": [
      "accountType": "I",
      "billedCurrency": "USD",
      "cardBrand": "AX",
      "cardProductDescription": "Platinum Rewards",
      "cardProductType": "CORP",
      "cardholder": {
        "email": "",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "userId": "e48fda91-15c8-4670-afe5-6c76501813c9"
      "externalId": "59edf00e-6e0a-46c4-bf59-c233000c5b98",
      "lastSegment": "1853",
      "liabilityType": "IBIP",
      "nameOnCard": "JOHN DOE",
      "provider": {
        "countryCode": "US"
      "status": "A"

Success Response

202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
  "links": [
      "href": "",
      "rel": "self"
  "requestId": "f328a518-be22-4207-aa53-87ac147eb416"

Invalid Request

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 99239c14-678a-41ef-80ab-462454cde49f
  "accounts": [
      "accountType": "X",
      "cardProductDescription": "Platinum Rewards",
      "cardProductType": "CORP",
      "lastSegment": "1853",
      "liabilityType": "IBIP",
      "nameOnCard": "JOHN DOE",
      "provider": {
        "countryCode": "XX"

Error Response

400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
    "errorCode": "invalidRequest",
    "errorMessage": "The request contains errors",
    "dataPath": "/v4/companies/1700f4bc-4166-4516-bffe-91d7ae423189/accounts/bulk",
    "errors": [
        "errorCode": "invalidCountryCode",
        "errorMessage": "Value is not a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code",
        "dataPath": "accounts[0].provider.countryCode"
        "errorCode": "invalidEnum",
        "errorMessage": "Value is not one of the allowed values",
        "dataPath": "accounts[0].accountType"
        "errorCode": "missingRequiredField",
        "errorMessage": "Missing required field",
        "dataPath": "accounts[0].externalId"