Financial Documents Schemas
Expense - Employee
Name | Type | Format | Description |
employeeCustom1Code through employeeCustom21Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeCustom1Value through employeeCustom21Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeFirstName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. First name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Employee ID often also serves as the employee’s Vendor ID for AP system integrations or payroll ID for payroll integrations. Maximum length 128 characters. |
employeeLastName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Last name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeMI |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Middle initial of employee. Maximum length 1 character. |
employeeOrgUnit1Code through employeeOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeReimbursementMethodCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Represents the employee reimbursement method configured on the employee form. A required field for Standard Edition customers. Optional field for Professional Edition customers. This may impact whether or not the field value is populated in the payload. Possible values are: ADPPAYR – ADP Payroll APCHECK – Company Check CNQRPAY – Expense Pay by Concur PMTSERV – Other Maximum length 7 characters. |
loginId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Login used by employee. Maximum length 128 characters. |
Expense - Report
Name | Type | Format | Description |
cashAdvanceReturnsAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of cash advance returned. |
employeeCurrencyAlphaCode |
String |
3-letter ISO 4217 alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Reimbursement currency. |
homeCountryCode |
String |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. | Alphanumeric. The report country. Example: United States is US. |
isTest |
String |
Y/N | Signifies if this report belongs to a test user in system. Y = test user, N = not a test user. |
ledgerCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. External accounting system ID. Maximum length 20 characters. |
payrollPayIndicator |
String |
Y/N | This field indicates whether the expense group the report user belongs to is configured to reimburse employees using Payroll. |
payrollPaymentClearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. SAP customers who reimburse their employees via Payroll need to capture a payroll clearing account code as part of the accounting entry during the financial posting process. Maximum length 128 characters. |
policyId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The unique identifier of the policy that applies to a report. Maximum length 32 characters. |
reportCreationDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Date the report was created. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportCustom1Code through reportCustom20Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
reportCustom1Value through reportCustom20Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
reportEndDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | End date from the report header. Can be imported from trip data or manually entered. |
reportId |
String |
Unique (across all SAP Concur clients) 32 character alphanumeric. | Alphanumeric. Often used as a voucher number when integrating across AP systems. |
reportKey |
Number |
- | A unique ID (within a single SAP Concur client’s company) generated by the system. An alternative to the reportId . Starts with 1 and increments with each expense report. Maximum length 11 characters. |
reportName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report name assigned by employee. Maximum length 40 characters. |
reportNumber |
String |
- | Alphanumeric - all uppercase. Unique 6 character code identifying the report. Maximum length 6 characters. |
reportOrgUnit1Code through reportOrgUnit20Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. The second segment in the fully qualified GL string should use Org Unit 2, except the natural account field. The natural account data is stored in column 167 of the SAE. Maximum length 48 characters. |
reportOrgUnit1Value through reportOrgUnit20Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
reportPaymentProcessingDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The date that the report completed all approvals and was ready to be extracted for payment. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportStartDate |
String |
- | Report start date. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportSubmitDate |
String |
- | Date/time the employee submitted the report for approval. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportUserDefinedDate |
String |
- | Custom date/time specified by user. Maximum length 24 characters. |
revisionNumber |
Number |
- | Report revision number. This will be used to track changes made to posted expenses. Default value is 1. Maximum length 32 characters. |
totalApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Total approved amount of the report. |
versionId |
Number |
- | The version of the FI Document, which is the same as the version of the API endpoint. Maximum length 32 characters. |
lastApproverId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. UUID of the last employee to approve the expense report. |
Expense - expenseEntry
Name | Type | Format | Description |
cardAccountID |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. ID for the card account. This can be used by the receiving system to condense transactions associated with this card. Maximum length 32 characters. |
cardBillingDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The card billing date pulled from the card vendor feed. Maximum length 24 characters. |
cardProgramTypeCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The code used to identify the card’s program type. Maximum length 5 characters. |
cardStatementPeriodEndDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The date of the end of the statement period. Maximum length 24 characters. |
cardStatementPeriodStartDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The date of the start of the statement period. Maximum length 24 characters. |
cardTransactionAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of the charge in the spend currency. |
cardTransactionCurrency |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency code for the spend currency. |
cardTransactionID |
String |
- | Reference number from the credit card vendor. Maximum length 32 characters. |
cardTransactionPostedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Amount of the charge in the billing currency of the card. |
cardTransactionPostedCurrency |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency code for the card billing currency. |
clearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Contains the expense type account code. - or - If a CBCP Personal expense, the company card clearing account code. - or - If charge is tied to a Statement Report, and accounting code is set for Company Billed card account, the card’s accounting code as specified in the Account Code field when creating or editing a CBS account. Maximum length 20 characters. |
entryApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount approved in the reimbursement currency. |
entryCountryCode |
String |
2-character country code. | Alphanumeric. Report entry country code. |
entryCountrySubCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry country sub code. Maximum length 6 characters. |
entryCurrAlphaCode |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency ISO alpha code for the spend currency if not an imported credit card or the invoice currency if this is a credit card. Maximum length 4 characters. |
entryCustom1Code through entryCustom40Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryCustom1Value through entryCustom40Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Date that this expense was incurred (when the money was spent or credit card receipt date). |
entryDescription |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Expense description as entered by the employee. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryElectronicReceiptId |
String |
- | GUUID. Electronic receipt ID. Maximum length 24 characters. |
entryExchangeRate |
Number |
- | Rate used to convert from the report entry (spend) currency to the report (reimbursement) currency. Maximum length 23 characters. |
entryExchangeRateDirection |
String |
M/D | Alphanumeric. The direction of the exchange rate conversion. Either: M = Multiply or D = Divide. |
entryId |
String |
- | Report entry sync GUUID unique key. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryIsBillable |
String |
Y/N | Yes or no is the expense billable. |
entryIsPersonal |
String |
Y/N | Yes or no is the expense personal. |
entryLocationCityName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry location city name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryLocationName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry location name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Value through entryOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Code through entryOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryReceiptId |
String |
- | GUUID. Non-electronic receipt image. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryReceiptType |
String |
T/R/N | Alphanumeric. One of these: T = Tax receipt, R = Regular receipt, or N = No receipt. |
entrySupplierTaxID |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry XML receipt supplier tax ID. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryUuid |
String |
- | Report Entry XML Receipt UUID. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryVendorCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Vendor name list short code. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryVendorDescription |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Vendor description. Maximum length 64 characters. |
expensePayAccountingIndicator |
String |
Y/N | Either: Y = The reimbursement method is Expense Pay or N = Expense Pay is not a reimbursement method (future use) |
expensePayIndicator |
String |
Y/N | Either: Y = Expense Pay demand was created or N = no Expense Pay demand created. |
expenseTypeCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Code for the expense type. Maximum length 5 characters. |
expenseTypeName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Expense type name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
legacyEntryId |
Number |
- | Legacy report entry key. Maximum length 11 characters. |
liabilityAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The liability account code assigned to the funding account paying this entry. Maximum length 48 characters. |
merchantTaxId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Merchant Tax ID is populated by the following (in order of precedence): EReceipt v4 with tax data, Company card transaction, and ExpenseIt OCR transaction. Maximum length 64 characters. |
offsetPayType |
String |
Y/N | Use Offsets. Y = Yes, N= No. |
reportEntryPatKey |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report Entry Payment Code. Maximum length 4 characters. |
reportEntryPaymentTypeCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Localized Report Entry Payment Code Name. Name labels that are managed by SAP Concur may change over time; it is strongly recommended that any programming use the Payment Type Code field and then refer to the FI equivalent which is “reportEntryPatKey”. Maximum length 80 characters. |
reportEntryPaymentTypeName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The payment type name for the entry. Maximum length 64 characters. |
reportEntryTransactionAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of transaction in the spend currency. |
requestEntryId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The travel request entry ID that the expense entry is associated with. Maximum length 32 characters. |
requestId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. An array of travel request IDs associated with the Expense Report. A single expense report can be associated with more than one travel request. Maximum length 20 characters. |
cardProcessorReferenceNumber |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Card Processor Reference Number. Support for feeds that utilize the credit card Processor Reference number provided to and used by the client for reconciliation. |
entryLocationFrom |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry “From Location” used to determine distance related to mileage entry. |
entryLocationTo |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry “To Location” used to determine distance related to mileage entry. |
mileage |
Object |
Mileage | A Collection of Mileage related information. |
Expense - Allocation
Name | Type | Format | Description |
allocationCustom1Code through allocationCustom20Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
allocationCustom1Value through allocationCustom20Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
allocationId |
String |
- | GUUID. System-generated unique key for this allocation record. Maximuml length 32 characters. |
allocationPercentage |
Number |
- | Percent of the report entry assigned to this allocation record. Maximum length 11 characters. |
Expense - Journal
Name | Type | Format (length) | Description |
accountingTransactionType |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. This is the Intuit QuickBooks specific transaction value. It will be null or a value (GJ, CC, or BILL) depending on if it’s a journalpayee or journalpayer . This determines if a transaction should be posted as Bill or Credit Card in QuickBooks. Maximum length 24 characters. |
amountGrossCard |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Amount due to the company card of either CBCP or IBCP type for this detail row. |
amountNetOfReclaim |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Gross Journal amount subtracting reclaimable tax. Or the Net Journal amount adding non-reclaimable tax. |
amountNetOfTax |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Allocated net of reclaim tax. You get this by starting from the net and adding the tax that is not reclaimable, or starting with the gross and subtracting reclaimable. |
amountTax |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. This is the Gross Journal amount subtracting the total Tax amount. |
cardTransactionReferenceNumber |
Number |
- | Reference number from the credit card vendor. Maximum length 64 characters. |
journalAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Contains the expense type account code. - or - If a CBCP Personal expense, the company card clearing account code. - or - If charge is tied to a Statement Report, and accounting code is set for Company Billed card account, the card’s accounting code as specified in the Account Code field when creating or editing a CBS account. Maximum length 48 characters. |
journalPayee |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Payment code name for the payee. Maximum length 4 characters. |
journalPayer |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Payment code name for the payer. Maximum length 4 characters. |
taxGuid |
String |
- | GUUID. Unique identifier associated with the report entry tax allocation. Maximum length 32 characters. |
Expense - cashAdvanceApplication
Name | Type | Format | Description |
cashAdvanceApplicationAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Cash advance utilized amount. |
cashAdvanceClearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The Account Code is the clearing account code which was configured for the employee in the profile. Maximum length 48 characters. |
cashAdvanceId |
String |
- | GUUID. Unique system ID assigned to the cash advance. Maximum length 32 characters. |
cashAdvanceTransactionType |
Number |
- | Type of transaction: 1 = Issue or return to administrator, 2 = Application, including cash advance return expense within a report, or 3 = System cash advance, from balance carry forward. |
Name | Type | Format | Description |
report |
Object |
Payroll - Report | Report Data. |
employee |
Object |
Payroll - Employee | Employee Data. |
cashAdvanceApplication |
Object |
Payroll - CashAdvanceUtilizationData | Currency. Cash advance utilized amount on a given expense report. |
expenseEntry |
Array |
Array of Payroll - ExpenseEntry | Expense Entry Data. |
travelAllowances |
Array |
Array of Payroll - ItineraryResultDetail | Detailed travel allowance calculation results of the itinerary. |
Payroll - Employee
Name | Type | Format | Description | ||||||||||||
employeeOrgUnit1Code through employeeOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters.employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters.employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters.employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters.employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. | ||||||||||||
employeeCustom1Code through employeeCustom22Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. | ||||||||||||
employeeCustom1Value through employeeCustom22Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. | ||||||||||||
employeeFirstName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. First name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. | ||||||||||||
employeeId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Employee ID often also serves as the employee’s Vendor ID for AP system integrations or payroll ID for payroll integrations. Maximum length 128 characters. | ||||||||||||
employeeLastName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Last name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. | ||||||||||||
employeeMI |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Middle initial of employee. Maximum length 1 character. |
Payroll - Report
Name | Type | Format | Description |
employeeCurrencyAlphaCode |
String |
3-letter ISO 4217 alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Reimbursement currency. |
homeCountryCode |
String |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. | Alphanumeric. The report country. Example: United States is US. |
isTest |
String |
Y/N | Signifies if this report belongs to a test user in system. Y = test user, N = not a test user. |
reportCustom1Code through reportCustom20Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
reportCustom1Value through reportCustom20Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
reportEndDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | End date from the report header. Can be imported from trip data or manually entered. |
reportId |
String |
Unique (across all SAP Concur clients) 32 character alphanumeric. | Alphanumeric. Often used as a voucher number when integrating across AP systems. |
reportName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report name assigned by employee. Maximum length 40 characters. |
reportNumber |
String |
- | Alphanumeric - all uppercase. Unique 6 character code identifying the report. Maximum length 6 characters. |
reportOrgUnit1Code through reportOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. The second segment in the fully qualified GL string should use Org Unit 2, except the natural account field. The natural account data is stored in column 167 of the SAE. Maximum length 48 characters. |
reportOrgUnit1Value through reportOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
reportPaymentProcessingDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The date that the report completed all approvals and was ready to be extracted for payment. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportStartDate |
String |
- | Report start date. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportSubmitDate |
String |
- | Date/time the employee submitted the report for approval. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportUserDefinedDate |
String |
- | Custom date/time specified by user. Maximum length 24 characters. |
revisionNumber |
Number |
- | Report revision number. This will be used to track changes made to posted expenses. Default value is 1. Maximum length 32 characters. |
totalApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Total approved amount of the report. |
versionId |
Number |
- | The version of the FI Document, which is the same as the version of the API endpoint. Maximum length 32 characters. |
benefitInKindWageType |
String |
- | Benifit In Kind Wage Type |
Payroll - ExpenseEntry
Name | Type | Format | Description |
entryApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount approved in the reimbursement currency. |
entryCountryCode |
String |
2-character country code. | Alphanumeric. Report entry country code. |
entryCustom1Code through entryCustom40Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryCustom1Value through entryCustom40Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Date that this expense was incurred (when the money was spent or credit card receipt date). |
entryDescription |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Expense description as entered by the employee. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryId |
String |
- | Report entry sync GUUID unique key. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryIsPersonal |
String |
Y/N | Yes or no is the expense personal. |
entryLocationName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry location name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Value through entryOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Code through entryOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
expenseTypeCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Code for the expense type. Maximum length 5 characters. |
payrollData |
Array |
Array of PayrollData | Represents payroll related data for an expense entry |
Payroll - ExpenseEntry - Payroll Data
Name | Type | Format | Description | |
taxableType |
String |
- | Determines if taxable or non-taxable. | |
taxationType |
String |
- | Determines what type of taxation (eg: flat rate, individual, Non taxable) for taxable entries | |
entryApprovedAmount |
Number |
- | Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount approved in the reimbursement currency. |
wageType |
String |
- | The wage type required by the payroll system for posting | |
payrollPayIndicator |
String |
- | Indicates whether the amounts due employee will be reimbursed through payroll or not. possible values Y or N. If N, then amounts transferred to payroll are for taxation record-keeping purposes only. If Y, then amounts transferred to payroll are for reimbursement AND taxation record-keeping purposes |
Payroll - CashAdvanceUtilizationData
Name | Type | Format | Description |
cashAdvanceApplicationAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Cash advance utilized amount. |
cashAdvanceClearingWageType |
String |
- | Cash Advance Clearing Wage Type |
payrollPayIndicator |
String |
Y/N | This field indicates whether the expense group the report user belongs to is configured to reimburse employees using Payroll. |
cashAdvanceReturnsAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of cash advance returned. |
Payroll - ItineraryResultDetail
Name | Type | Format | Description |
itineraryHeader |
Object |
Payroll - ItineraryHeader | Header with general information about the itinerary |
dailyAllowanceDetails |
Array |
Array of Payroll - DailyAllowanceDetail | List of summarized and detailed daily travel allowance calculation results of the itinerary. |
itineraryResultHeader |
Object |
Payroll - ItineraryResultHeader | General data of the itinerary |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - ItineraryHeader
Name | Type | Format | Description |
companyId |
String |
- | Identification of the company of the traveler. |
configurationCode |
String |
- | The configuration code used to calculate the settlement for the itinerary. |
description |
String |
- | Description of the itinerary. |
id |
Number |
- | Identification of the itinerary. |
tripTypeCode |
String |
- | Can be used to apply different calculation rules or allowance rates for different trip types. |
userId |
String |
- | Identification of the owner of the itinerary, i.e. the traveler. |
startDate |
String |
- | Start date of the reimbursement interval for which per diems are granted. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
startTime |
String |
- | Start time in UTC of the itinerary. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
endDate |
String |
- | End time in UTC of the itinerary. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
endTime |
String |
- | End date of the reimbursement interval. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
numberOfDays |
Number |
- | Represents number of calendar days in the trip. |
domestic |
Boolean |
true/false |
If a trip has only domestic destinations it is considered to be a domestic trip. When a trip has at least one foreign destination it is considered a foreign trip. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details
Name | Type | Format | Description |
date |
String |
- | Daily allowance date. |
paymentCurrency |
String |
- | Allowance amount in reimbursement currency. |
clientAmountInPaymentCurrency |
Number |
- | Amount of client allowance limit in reimbursement currency. |
governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency |
Number |
- | Amount of government allowance limit in reimbursement currency. |
benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency |
Number |
- | Amount of benefit in kind received by employee in reimbursement currency. A benefit to the employee, usually a meal supplied by the company, that may create a tax obligation for the user. |
locationCountry |
String |
- | Country location used for rate determination and whether foreign or domestic. |
dailyAllowanceRateTypeDetailList |
Array |
Array of Payroll - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail | List of Summarized and detailed travel allowance calculation results per rate type of a day of the itinerary. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail
Name | Type | Format | Description |
dailyAllowanceRateType |
Object |
Payroll - DailyAllowanceRateType | Summarized daily travel allowance calculation results. |
governmentCalculationDetail |
Object |
Payroll - CalculationDetail | Allowance calculations when statutory rates are relevant. |
clientCalculationDetail |
Object |
Payroll - CalculationDetail | Allowance calcuations when client rates are relevant. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail - CalculationDetail
Name | Type | Format | Description |
startDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-dd |
Start date of the reimbursement interval for which per diems are granted. |
startTime |
LocalTime |
hr:min:sec |
Start time in UTC of the itinerary. |
endDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-dd |
End date of the reimbursement interval. |
endTime |
LocalTime |
hr:min:sec |
End time in UTC of the itinerary. |
rateCurrency |
String |
- | Currency of the daily allowance rate. |
rateAmount |
Number |
- | Amount of the daily allowance rate. |
adjustmentFactors |
Array |
Array of Payroll - AdjustmentRule | Adjusted amount; this amount is the rate amount multiplied with all adjustment factors. |
adjustedAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
- | List of Adjustment rule to be adapted to base amounts. |
deductions |
Array |
Array of Payroll - Deduction | List of deduction to be adapted to amounts after application of adjustments. |
amountInRateCurrency |
Number |
- | Resulting amount; this amount is the adjustment amount after deduction of all deduction amounts. |
locationKey |
String |
- | UUID of the location for which the travel allowance calculation on the given day was done. |
location |
Object |
Payroll - Location | Location for which the travel allowance calculation on the given day was done. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail - CalculationDetail - AdjustmentRule
Name | Type | Format | Description |
adjustmentFactor |
Number |
- | Factor of the adjustment rule; the base amount is multiplied with this factor to get the adjusted amount. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail - CalculationDetail - Deduction
Name | Type | Format | Description |
categoryCode |
String |
- | Category of deduction; it can be used to distinguish between e.g. breakfast, lunch, Lunch & dinner, night. |
typeCode |
String |
- | Type of deduction; it can be used to distinguish e.g between full deduction or partial deduction for the given category. |
deductionCurrency |
String |
- | Currency of the deduction amount. |
deductionAmount |
Number |
- | Amount of deduction in deduction currency, this amount is deducted from the adjusted amount to get the reimbursement amount. |
conversionRate |
Number |
- | Conversion rate of the deduction amount. |
dateOfConversionRate |
String |
yyyy-mm-dd |
Date of conversion between deduction and rate currency for deduction amount. |
deductionAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
example: 5.26 |
Amount of deduction in rate currency, this amount is deducted from the adjusted amount to get the reimbursement amount. |
benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
example: 3.38 |
Amount of benefit-in-kind in rate currency; this amount is added to the traveler’s taxable amount if the adjusted amount is already zero. |
rateCurrency |
String |
example: EUR |
Currency of the deduction amount. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail - CalculationDetail - Location
Name | Type | Format | Description |
countryISOCode |
String |
example: DE |
ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 country code. |
subDivisionISOCode |
String |
example: DE-BW |
ISO 3166-2 subdivison code. |
getuNLocationCode |
String |
example: DEKAR |
UN location code. |
travelAllowanceRegionCode |
String |
- | Travel allowance region code. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail - DailyAllowanceRateType
Name | Type | Format | Description |
benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency |
Number |
- | Benefit in kind amount in payment currency. |
benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
- | Benefit in kind amount in government rate currency. |
clientAmountInPaymentCurrency |
Number |
- | Client specific travel allowance amount in payment currency. |
clientAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
- | Client specific travel allowance amount in client rate currency. |
conversionRate |
Number |
- | Conversion rate of the client travel allowance rate. |
dateOfConversionRate |
String |
- | Date of conversion between rate and payment currency for travel allowance rates. |
day |
String |
- | Date of the day of the allowance. |
expenseTypeCode |
String |
- | Expense type code assigned to the given travel allowance rate type; needed when transferring the travel allowance to an expense service. |
governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency |
Number |
- | Government specific travel allowance amount in payment currency. |
governmentAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
- | Government specific travel allowance amount in government rate currency. |
governmentConversionRate |
Number |
- | Conversion rate of the government travel allowance rate. |
governmentRateCurrency |
String |
- | ISO 4217 currency of the government travel allowance rate. |
location |
Object |
Payroll - Location | Location for which the travel allowance calculation on the given day was done. |
paymentCurrency |
String |
- | Payment currency of the travel allowance amounts. |
rateCategoryCode |
String |
One of [ OTHER, MEAL, LODGING, INCIDENTAL ] | Rate category of the expense type. It can be used to distinguish between different rates for meals, lodging, incidentals. |
rateCurrency |
String |
- | ISO 4217 currency of the client travel allowance rate. |
rateTypeCode |
String |
- | Travel allowance rate type; Code list can be defined by customer and can contain values like lunch, breakfast, dinner. |
expenseEntryID |
String |
- | Unique ID for the Expense Entry. |
deductions |
Object |
Payroll - Deduction | Deduction to be adapted to amounts after application of adjustments. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail - CalculationDetail - Location
Name | Type | Format | Description |
countryISOCode |
String |
example: DE |
ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 country code. |
subDivisionISOCode |
String |
example: DE-BW |
ISO 3166-2 subdivison code. |
getuNLocationCode |
String |
example: DEKAR |
UN location code. |
travelAllowanceRegionCode |
String |
- | Travel allowance region code. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances- Daily Allowance Details - DailyAllowanceRateTypeDetail - DailyAllowanceRateType - Deduction
Name | Type | Format | Description |
categoryCode |
String |
- | Category of deduction; it can be used to distinguish between e.g. breakfast, lunch, Lunch & dinner, night. |
typeCode |
String |
- | Type of deduction; it can be used to distinguish e.g between full deduction or partial deduction for the given category. |
deductionCurrency |
String |
- | Currency of the deduction amount. |
deductionAmount |
Number |
- | Amount of deduction in deduction currency, this amount is deducted from the adjusted amount to get the reimbursement amount. |
conversionRate |
Number |
- | Conversion rate of the deduction amount. |
dateOfConversionRate |
String |
yyyy-mm-dd |
Date of conversion between deduction and rate currency for deduction amount. |
deductionAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
example: 5.26 |
Amount of deduction in rate currency, this amount is deducted from the adjusted amount to get the reimbursement amount. |
benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency |
Number |
example: 3.38 |
Amount of benefit-in-kind in rate currency; this amount is added to the traveler’s taxable amount if the adjusted amount is already zero. |
rateCurrency |
String |
example: EUR |
Currency of the deduction amount. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - ItineraryResultHeader
Name | Type | Format | Description |
itineraryHeader |
Object |
Payroll - ItineraryHeader | Header with general information about the itinerary. |
itineraryDerivedData |
Object |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - ItineraryResultHeader - ItineraryDerivedData | Itinerary Derived Data. |
configurationCode |
String |
- | Configuration for the travel allowance calculation of the itinerary. |
clientRateBundleCode |
String |
- | Client created rate bundle for the travel allowance calculation of the itinerary. |
governmentRateBundleCode |
String |
- | Government delivered rate bundle for the travel allowance calculation of the itinerary. |
isLegalGovernmentRateBundleCode |
Boolean |
true/false |
Defines if GovernmentRateBundleCode is predefined by TA service. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - ItineraryResultHeader - ItineraryHeader
Name | Type | Format | Description |
companyId |
String |
- | Identification of the company of the traveler. |
configurationCode |
String |
- | The configuration code used to calculate the settlement for the itinerary. |
description |
String |
- | Description of the itinerary. |
id |
Number |
- | Identification of the itinerary. |
tripTypeCode |
String |
- | Can be used to apply different calculation rules or allowance rates for different trip types. |
userId |
String |
- | Identification of the owner of the itinerary, i.e. the traveler. |
startDate |
String |
- | Start date of the reimbursement interval for which per diems are granted. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
startTime |
String |
- | Start time in UTC of the itinerary. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
endDate |
String |
- | End time in UTC of the itinerary. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
endTime |
String |
- | End date of the reimbursement interval. Used to calculate allowances when time-based constraints are configured. |
numberOfDays |
Number |
- | Represents number of calendar days in the trip. |
domestic |
Boolean |
true/false |
If a trip has only domestic destinations it is considered to be a domestic trip. When a trip has at least one foreign destination it is considered a foreign trip. |
Payroll - TravelAllowances - ItineraryResultHeader - ItineraryDerivedData
Name | Type | Format | Description |
startDate |
String |
- | Start date of the itinerary. |
startTime |
String |
- | Start time of the itinerary. |
endDate |
String |
- | End date of the itinerary. |
endTime |
String |
- | End time of the itinerary. |
startDateUtc |
String |
- | Start date in UTC of the itinerary. |
startTimeUtc |
String |
- | End time in UTC of the itinerary. |
endDateUtc |
String |
- | End date in UTC of the itinerary. |
endTimeUtc |
String |
- | End time in UTC of the itinerary. |
numberOfDays |
Number |
- | Represents number of calendar days in the trip. |
userProfile |
Object |
Payroll - UserProfile | User Profile information |
domestic |
Boolean |
true/false |
If a trip has only domestic destinations it is considered to be a domestic trip. When a trip has at least one foreign destination it is considered a foreign trip. |
Payroll - UserProfile
Name | Type | Format | Description |
homeCountry |
String |
- | Home Country Code. |
homeCurrency |
String |
- | Home Currency Code. |
Invoice - requestHeader
Name | Type | Format | Description |
amountNetInvoice |
Number |
- | The invoice total amount minus the shipping and tax amounts. Maximum length 23 characters. |
amountShippingTotal |
Number |
- | The value for the shipping amount header field. Maximum length 23 characters. |
amountTax |
Number |
- | The total amount of tax on a given invoice. Maximum length 23 characters. |
amountVAT1 through amountVAT4 |
Number |
23 | The individual total VAT amounts for the invoice. Maximum length 23 characters. |
clearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Contains the expense type account code. - or - If a CBCP Personal expense, the company card clearing account code. - or - If charge is tied to a Statement Report, and accounting code is set for Company Billed card account, the card’s accounting code as specified in the Account Code field when creating or editing a CBS account. Maximum length 20 characters. |
currencyAlphaCode |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Currency ISO alpha code for the spend currency if not an imported credit card or the invoice currency if this is a credit card. |
deliverySlipNumber |
String |
- | Delivery slip number of the receipt which is associated to the invoice line item. Maximum length 256 characters. |
discountPercentage |
Number |
Percentage | Percent value that defines the amount of discount that would be applied. |
discountTermsDays |
Number |
- | Numeric value defining the discount term day amount. Maximum length 3 characters. |
externalPolicyId |
String |
- | The external policy ID of the Invoice. |
invoiceDate |
String |
YYYY-MM-DD | Date of the invoice. |
invoicePayIndicator |
String |
Y/N- | Signifies if this report belongs to a test user in system. |
invoiceReceivedDate |
String |
YYYY-MM-DD | The date on which the invoice was received. |
isTest |
String |
Y/N | Signifies if this report belongs to a test user in system. |
ledgerCode |
String |
- | External accounting system ID. Maximum length 20 characters. |
ledgerName |
String |
- | The general ledger tied to the invoice. Maximum length 100 characters. |
multiplePurchaseOrder |
String |
Y/N | Defines whether or not multiple purchase orders are tied to the invoice. |
netPaymentTermDays |
Number |
- | Numeric value defining the payment term day amount. Maximum length 3 characters. |
paymentDueDate |
String |
YYYY-MM-DD | The date the payment is due for a given invoice. |
payMethodType |
String |
Drop Down Selector. Valid format options include: ACH, client paid, check, PAYPVD, wire, card, or VCHER. | The method used to pay the invoice, as of the point in time the extract is run. NOTE: It is possible for the method to be changed or updated post-extract through either the Payment Confirmation import (if the client controls payments), or through Invoice Pay (using Payment Manager). |
policyName |
String |
- | The name of the policy that applies to this Invoice. |
postingDate |
String |
YYYY-MM-DD | The date the invoice will be posted to the ERP system. |
processCompleteDate |
String |
YYYY-MM-DD | The date the invoice was processed. |
reqKey |
Number |
Integer | An integer that uniquely defines this invoice in SAP Concur. This is the value that the Invoice Confirmation Import uses to match to this particular invoice. |
requestCreationDate |
String |
YYYY-MM-DD | The date the invoice was originally saved. |
requestCustom1Code through requestCustom24Code |
CustomField |
The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. | |
requestCustom1Value through requestCustom24Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
requestDescription |
String |
- | The invoice’s description. Maximum length 250 characters. |
requestId |
String |
- | The unique identification assigned to the invoice. Maximum length 20 characters. |
requestOrgUnit1Code through requestOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
requestOrgUnit1Value through requestOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
requestTitle |
String |
- | The invoice name. Maximum length 100 characters. |
requestTotal |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | The sum of all Line Item Amounts plus Shipping Amount and Tax Amount for the invoice. |
revisionNumber |
Number |
- | Invoice revision number. Default value is 1. Maximum length 32 characters. |
submitDate |
String |
YYYY-MM-DD | Date/time the employee submitted the invoice for approval. |
vendorInvoiceNumber |
String |
- | The invoice number assigned by the vendor. Maximum length 50 characters. |
vendorTaxId |
String |
- | The Vendor Tax ID. |
versionId |
String |
- | The version of the FI Document, which is the same as the version of the API endpoint. Maximum length 32 characters. |
Invoice - ownerEmployee
Name | Type | Format | Description |
employeeCustom1Code through employeeCustom21Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeCustom1Value through employleeCustom21Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeFirstName |
String |
- | First name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeId |
String |
- | Employee ID often also serves as the employee’s Vendor ID for AP system integrations or Payroll ID for Payroll integrations. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeLastName |
String |
- | Last name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeMI |
String |
- | Middle initial of employee. Maximum length 1 character. |
employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
Invoice - Vendor
Name | Type | Format | Description |
vendorCode |
String |
- | The financial system’s code for this vendor. Maximum length 23 characters. |
vendorContactFirstName |
String |
- | Buyer contact for the vendor record’s first name. Maximum length 255 characters. |
vendorContactLastName |
String |
- | Buyer contact for the vendor record’s last name. Maximum length 255 characters. |
vendorName |
String |
- | The financial system’s name for this vendor. Maximum length 255 characters. |
vendorRemitToAddressCode |
String |
Less than or equal to 64. | The financial system’s code for this address. |
Invoice - lineItem
Name | Type | Format | Description |
allocationAccountCode |
String |
- | The Account Code for the Allocation related to this Journal Entry. Maximum length 20 characters. |
allocationCustom1Code through allocationCustom20Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
allocationCustom1Value through allocationCustom20Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
allocationKey |
Number |
- | System-generated unique key for this allocation record. Maximum length 13 characters. |
allocationPercentage |
Number |
- | Percent of the report entry assigned to this allocation record. Maximum length 64 characters. |
journal |
String |
- | Container for journal entries tied to the allocation. Maximum length 48 characters. |
accountCode |
Number |
- | The financial system accounting code value tied to the invoice line. Maximum length 20 characters. |
amountGross |
Number |
- | The gross amount (total amount) of the invoice line item. Maximum length 23 characters. |
amountNet |
Number |
- | The net amount of the invoice line item not including shipping and tax. Maximum length 23 characters. |
amountShipping |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | The value for the Shipping Amount header field. Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. |
expenseTypeCode |
String |
- | Code for the expense type so a value that isn’t language dependent is returned. Maximum length is 7 characters. |
expenseTypeName |
String |
- | Expense type name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
externalLineItemId |
String |
- | The PO Line item associated with to the Invoice. Maximum length 100 characters. |
lineItemCode |
String |
- | The Primary Key value for the expense type. Maximum length 7 characters. |
lineItemCustom1Code through lineItemCustom20Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
lineItemCustom1Value through lineItemCustom20Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
lineItemDeliverySlipNumber |
String |
- | Delivery Slip Number of the receipt which is associated to the invoice line item. Maximum length 256 characters. |
lineItemDescription |
String |
- | The description of the goods or services being purchased on the individual invoice line. Maximum length 255 characters. |
lineItemPurchaseOrderNumber |
String |
- | The purchase order number associated with the invoice line item (for a multiple purchase order-based invoice), or the purchase order number associated with the header (for a single purchase order-based invoice). Maximum length 10 characters. |
lineItemQuantity |
String |
- | The quantity of the line item. Maximum length 23 characters. |
lineItemSequenceOrder |
Number |
Integer | Line item number for the line item related to this Journal Entry. Value is dynamically generated by the system based on the number of lines. |
lineItemUnitPrice |
Number |
- | The quantity unit price for the item being purchased. Maximum length 23 characters. |
poLineNumber |
Number |
- | The PO line item number associated to the payment request. Maximum length 48 characters. |
receiptNumber |
Number |
- | The Goods Receipt number. Maximum length 256 characters. |
receiptQuantity |
Number |
- | The Goods Received quantity. Maximum length 23 characters. |
receiptItemID |
Number |
- | The ID of the Goods Receipt tied to the Invoice and PO Line. Maximum length 48 characters. |
Invoice - Tax
Name | Type | Format | Description |
amountTax |
Number |
- | The taxation amount that exists on the invoice line. Maximum length 23 characters. |
taxCode |
String |
- | Tax code assigned to this tax authority for the expense type entered on the expense entry. Maximum length 20 characters. |
taxField |
String |
- | Defines which database field the tax resides in. Maximum length 20 characters. |
Cash Advance
Cash Advance - employeeData
Name | Type | Format | Description |
employeeCustom1Code through employeeCustom21Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeCustom1Value through employeeCustom21Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeFirstName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. First name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Employee ID often also serves as the employee’s Vendor ID for AP system integrations or Payroll ID for Payroll integrations. Maximum length 128 characters. |
employeeLastName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Last name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeMI |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Middle initial of employee. Maximum length 1 character. |
employeeOrgUnit1Code through employeeOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 64 characters. |
Cash Advance - cashAdvanceData
Name | Type | Format | Description |
cardAccountID |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. ID will be used initially by the receiving system to “condense” transactions associated with this card. It will also be used to retrieve the card number in a separate API call. Maximum length 32 bytes. |
cardTransactionAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of the charge in the spend currency. |
cardTransactionCurrency |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency code for the spend currency. |
cardTransactionID |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Calculated value assigned to this card entry during the import process. Maximum length 32 characters. |
cardTransactionPostedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of the charge in the billing currency of the card. |
cardTransactionPostedCurrency |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency code for the card billing currency. |
cashAdvanceId |
String |
- | GUUID. Unique system ID assigned to the cash advance. Maximum length 32 characters. |
clearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Contains the expense type account code. - or - If a CBCP Personal expense, the company card clearing account code. - or - If charge is tied to a Statement Report, and accounting code is set for Company Billed card account, the card’s accounting code as specified in the Account Code field when creating or editing a CBS account. Maximum length 20 characters. |
countryCode |
String |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. | Alphanumeric. The report country. Example: United States is US. |
countrySubCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry country sub code. Maximum length 6 characters. |
currencyAlphaCode |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency ISO alpha code for the spend currency if not an imported credit card or the invoice currency if this is a credit card. |
currencyNumCode |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency code for the transaction currency using ISO number code. |
employeeCurrencyAlphaCode |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Reimbursement currency. |
exchangeRate |
Number |
- | Rate used to convert from the report entry (spend) currency to the report (reimbursement) currency. Maximum length 23 characters. |
expensePayIndicator |
String |
Y/N | Indicates whether Expense Pay reimbursed this journal entry. Either: Y = Expense Pay or N = not Expense Pay. |
issuedDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Date of issue. |
isTest |
String |
Y/N | Signifies if this report belongs to a test user in system. |
entrylocationName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The report entry location name (for example, city name). Maximum length 64 characters. |
name |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Cash advance request name. Maximum length 40 characters. |
paymentMethod |
String |
0 = Non-Expense Pay method used for disbursement or 1 = Expense Pay method used for disbursement. | Alphanumeric. The method used, either Expense Pay or Other, used for disbursement of the cash advance. |
purpose |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Describes the purpose of cash advance issued. Maximum length 2,000 characters. |
requestAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. For issue journal record, the total amount of the cash advance in the cash advance transaction currency. |
requestDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Date of cash advance request from the detailed cash advance record. |
requestedDisbursementDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Cash advance disbursement date. |
transactionType |
String |
1 = Issue or Return to Administrator, 2 = Application, including Cash Advance Return expense within a report, or 3 = System Cash advance, from balance carry forward. | Alphanumeric. Type of transaction. |
travelEndDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The last day of the trip on the assigned travel request itinerary. |
travelStartDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The first day of the trip on the assigned travel request itinerary. |
Cash Advance - journalData
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Contains the expense type account code. - or - If a CBCP Personal expense, the company card clearing account code. - or - If charge is tied to a Statement Report, and accounting code is set for Company Billed card account, the card’s accounting code as specified in the Account Code field when creating or editing a CBS account. Maximum length 48 characters. |
amount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Value, as credit or debit, of the amount to be exchanged between the payer and payee for this expense account code (not an absolute value) EXAMPLES: Value of zero, credit, or debit, as the following: 0 (Zero) “0,” + (Plus / Debit) “+50.00,” or - (Minus / Credit) “-50.00.” |
debitOrCredit |
String |
DR/CR | Alphanumeric. Either: DR = Debit or CR = credit. |
payee |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Either a company or an employee depending on the payment type. Maximum length 64 characters. |
payer |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Either a company or an employee depending on the payment type. Maximum length 64 characters. |
paymentCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The payment code for either a payee or payer. Maximum length 80 characters. |
Obligation/Funds Reservation
Request Obligation
Request Obligation Schema
Name | Type | Format | Description |
instruction |
Object |
Instruction | The instruction to the financial system on expected handling of the obligation. |
employee |
Object |
Request Employee | Employee details for the travel request. |
requestHeader |
Object |
Request Header | Travel Request header information. |
requestEntry |
Array |
Array of Request Expense Entry | Request Entries associated with the Travel Request. |
previousRevisionRequestHeader |
Object |
Request Header | Request Header of the previous committed version of the travel request obligation. Usually seen in UPDATE, and RELEASE of obligation. |
previousRevisionRequestEntry |
Array |
Array of Request Expense Entry | Request Entries of the previous committed version of the travel request obligation. Usually seen in UPDATE, and RELEASE of obligation. |
Name | Type | Format | Description |
instruction |
String |
- | Instruction to the financial system on expected handling obligation, create or revise a commitment for the enclosed contents respond with the result fundsCheck, attempt to create a commitment for the enclosed contents but do not commit respond with the result release, release all commitments related to this Request. |
Request Employee
Name | Type | Format | Description |
loginId |
String |
- | The user’s login ID. |
employeeCustom1Code through employeeCustom21Code |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeCustom1Value through employeeCustom21Value |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Employee ID often also serves as the employee’s Vendor ID for AP system integrations or payroll ID for payroll integrations. Maximum length 128 characters. |
employeeFirstName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. First name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeLastName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Last name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeMI |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Middle initial of employee. Maximum length 1 character. |
employeeOrgUnit1Code through employeeOrgUnit6Code |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeLedgerCode |
String |
- | The user’s assigned account code ledger. |
employeeReimbursementCurrency |
String |
3-letter ISO 4217 alpha code. | Valid three digit or letter currency code in the list of system reimbursement currencies. Length: 3 characters. |
employeeCountryCode |
String |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. | Alphanumeric. The travel request country code. Example: United States is US. |
Request Header
Name | Type | Format | Description |
requestApprovalStatusCode |
String |
- | The code for the approval status of the Request. Supported values: NOT_SUBMITTED , SUBMITTED , APPROVED , CANCELED , or SENTBACK |
requestApproverId |
String |
- | The approver UUID to whom the Request was sent. |
requestLastApproverId |
String |
- | The last approver UUID who approved the Request. |
requestAuthorizedDate |
Timestamp |
[RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
For approved Request, the date at which the approval process was completed. |
requestCreationDate |
Timestamp |
[RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
The date the Request was created. |
requestCustom1Code through requestCustom20Code |
Custom Field |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
requestCustom1Value through requestCustom20value |
Custom Field |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
requestEndDate |
Timestamp |
[RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
The end date of the Request. |
requestId |
String |
UUID | The UUID of the Request. |
requestPolicyId |
String |
UUID | The policy Id that applies to the Request. |
requestName |
String |
- | The name of the Request. |
requestKey |
String |
4 to 6 alphanumeric characters | The public key of the Request (unique per customer). |
requestStartDate |
Timestamp |
[RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
The start date of the Request. |
requestSubmitDate |
Timestamp |
[RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
The date the Request was submitted (last submit date in case of recall). |
totalApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | The total amount of approved expected expenses in the Request, expressed in the reimbursement currency of the employee at the time they created the Request. |
requestTypeCode |
String |
- | The code of the type inherited from the Request Policy type. Possible values: Authorization , Cash Advance , Travel . |
revisionNumber |
Number |
- | Report revision number. This will be used to track changes made to posted expenses. Default value is 1. Maximum length 32 characters. |
versionId |
Number |
- | The version of the FI Document (Value :4). Maximum length 32 characters. |
commitmentReference |
Array of Posting Document Details |
- | Optional Unique Commitment identifier sent by the financial system as part of the posting document details collection from the confirmation status event payload. To be used during updates only. |
fgiRefId |
String |
- | Unique identifier sent by FGI to identify the obligation transaction. |
isTest |
String |
Y/N | Signifies if this report belongs to a test user in system. Y = test user, N = not a test user. |
Request Expense Entry
Name | Type | Format | Description |
allocation |
Array |
Array of Request Allocation |
The details of the allocations for this expected expense. |
entryAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Contains the expense type account code.Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | The approved amount of the expected expense entry, in the transaction currency of the Request. |
entryCustom1Code through entryCustom40Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryCustom1Value through entryCustom40Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
expenseTypeCode |
String |
- | The expense type code of the entry. Required for expected expenses, automatically set for segments depending on the SegmentType code. |
expenseTypeName |
String |
- | The expense type name of the entry. Required for expected expenses, automatically set for segments depending on the SegmentType code. |
entryId |
String |
- | The unique identifier of the expected expense entry. |
entryCommitmentReference |
Array of Posting Document Details |
- | OptionalCommitment Identifier published by the financial system corresponding to the entry as part of the posting document details collection from the confirmation status event payload. To be used during updates only. |
entryLastModifiedDate |
Timestamp |
[RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
The date when this expected expense was last modified. |
entryLocationCityName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry location city name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryLocationName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry location name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Code through entryOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Value through entryOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entrySource |
Enum |
- | The source that created the expected expense. Supported values: CASH_ADVANCE or TRAVEL_ALLOWANCE . This field will be empty in any other case |
entryTransactionDate |
Timestamp |
[RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
Required The date of the transaction. |
paymentTypeCode |
String |
- | Represents the payment type code applied to the Request. |
vendorId |
String |
- | The vendor identifier of the expected expense entry. |
Request Allocation
Name | Type | Format | Description |
allocationId |
String |
- | The unique allocation identifier. |
allocationCommitmentReference |
Array of Posting Document Details |
- | Optional Allocation commitment identifier supplied by the financial system as part of the posting document details collection from the confirmation status event payload. To be used during updates only. |
allocationCustom1Code through allocationCustom20Code |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
allocationCustom1Value through allocationCustom20Value |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
allocationPercentage |
Number |
- | The percentage of the total expected expense that this allocation represents. Maximum length 11 characters. |
allocationAmount |
Number |
- | The amount of the allocation calculated with the percentage value multiplied by the transaction amount on the expected expense. This amount is given in the transaction’s currency and rounded to eight digits after the decimal point. |
allocationAccountResolverKey |
String |
- | Calculated request allocation account resolver key. |
Posting Documents Details
This data comes during confirmation posting document Details Event Data Schema - Confirmation
Name | Type | Format | Description |
companyId |
string |
- | External system organizational unit ID. Maximum 32 characters. |
documentNumber |
string |
- | External system document identifier. Maximum 80 characters. |
fiscalYear |
int32 |
- | External system fiscal year. |
paymentRelevantLineItems |
array |
Array of Commitment Sources | Optional Payment relevant line items. |
postingDate |
string |
External system posting date. |
Commitment Sources
Name | Type | Format | Description |
type |
enum |
- | Type of source DOCUMENT - Commitment corresponding to the document , ENTRY - Commitment relating to expense entry, ALLOCATION - Commitment created for the allocation The unique identifier as per the type of source. |
id |
string |
- | Id Of Document Optional Parent identifier for the id field. |
parentId |
string |
- | Parent Id Of Document |
Id Of Document
source type | Request Identifiers | Report Identifiers |
requestId |
reportId |
entryId |
entryId |
allocationAccountResolverKey |
allocationAccountResolverKey |
Parent Id Of Document
source type | Request Identifiers | Report Identifiers |
null |
null |
requestId |
reportId |
entryId |
entryId |
Event Data Schema - Confirmation
Name | Type | Format | Description |
systemId |
string |
- | The external system ID that acknowledged the documents. Maximum 50 characters. |
docId |
string |
- | Required The financial document ID to confirm. Maximum 32 characters. |
overallPostingStatusCode |
string |
- | Required Posting status. VALUES: error or success. |
postingDocs |
array |
Posting Document Details | Posting documents details, if any. |
systemMessages |
array |
System Messages | Required Messages to post to the SAP Concur platform, if any. |
System Messages
Name | Type | Format | Description |
concurTransactionLineItemId |
string |
- | Report relevant line item id. |
messageId |
string |
- | External System message identifier. |
messageLanguage |
string |
- | Message Language code, example EN, FR. |
messageLongText |
array |
- | Message text, will be posted on the audit trail in the SAP Concur platform. Maximum 1300 characters. |
messageShortText |
string |
- | Message text, will be posted on the audit trail in the SAP Concur platform. Maximum 1300 characters. |
Report Obligation
Name | Type | Format | Description |
instruction |
Object |
Instruction | The instruction to the financial system on expected handling of the obligation. |
employee |
Object |
Report Employee | Employee details for the expense report. |
report |
Object |
Report Header | Expense report header information. |
expenseEntry |
Array |
Array of Report Entry | Expense Entries associated with the expense report. |
previousRevisionReportHeader |
Object |
Report Header | Report Header of the previous committed version of the expense report obligation. Usually seen in UPDATE, and RELEASE of obligation. |
previousRevisionReportEntry |
Array |
Array of Report Entry | Report Entries of the previous committed version of the expense report obligation. Usually seen in UPDATE, and RELEASE of obligation. |
linkedRequestHeader |
Array |
Array of Request Header | Array of Request headers of the linked requests. |
linkedRequestEntry |
Array |
Array of Request Entry | Array of the request expense entries linked with the report expense entries. |
cashAdvanceApplication |
Array | Array of Cash Advance Application Entry | Array of the cash advance application entries related with the expense report. |
Report Employee
Name | Type | Format | Description |
employeeCustom1Code through employeeCustom21Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeCustom1Value through employeeCustom21Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeFirstName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. First name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Employee ID often also serves as the employee’s Vendor ID for AP system integrations or payroll ID for payroll integrations. Maximum length 128 characters. |
employeeLastName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Last name of employee. Maximum length 32 characters. |
employeeMI |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Middle initial of employee. Maximum length 1 character. |
employeeOrgUnit1Code through employeeOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
employeeOrgUnit1Value through employeeOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
employeeReimbursementMethodCode |
String |
- | Employee Reimbursement method code. |
Report Header
Name | Type | Format | Description |
cashAdvanceReturnsAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of cash advance returned. |
employeeCurrencyAlphaCode |
String |
3-letter ISO 4217 alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Reimbursement currency. |
homeCountryCode |
String |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. | Alphanumeric. The report country. Example: United States is US. |
isTest |
String |
Y/N | Signifies if this report belongs to a test user in system. Y = test user, N = not a test user. |
ledgerCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. External accounting system ID. Maximum length 20 characters. |
payrollPayIndicator |
String |
Y/N | This field indicates whether the expense group the report user belongs to is configured to reimburse employees using Payroll. |
payrollPaymentClearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. SAP customers who reimburse their employees via Payroll need to capture a payroll clearing account code as part of the accounting entry during the financial posting process. Maximum length 128 characters. |
reportLastApproverId |
String |
- | The last approver UUID who approved the Expense Report. |
reportCreationDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Date the report was created. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportCustom1Code through reportCustom20Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
reportCustom1Value through reportCustom20Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
reportEndDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | End date from the report header. Can be imported from trip data or manually entered. |
reportId |
String |
Unique (across all SAP Concur clients) 32 character alphanumeric. | Alphanumeric. Often used as a voucher number when integrating across AP systems. |
reportKey |
Number |
- | A unique ID (within a single SAP Concur client’s company) generated by the system. An alternative to the reportId . Starts with 1 and increments with each expense report. Maximum length 11 characters. |
reportName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report name assigned by employee. Maximum length 40 characters. |
reportNumber |
String |
Alphanumeric - all uppercase. Unique 6 character code identifying the report. Maximum length 6 characters. | |
reportOrgUnit1Code through reportOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. The second segment in the fully qualified GL string should use Org Unit 2, except the natural account field. The natural account data is stored in column 167 of the SAE. Maximum length 48 characters. |
reportOrgUnit1Value through reportOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
reportPaymentProcessingDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The date that the report completed all approvals and was ready to be extracted for payment. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportStartDate |
String |
- | Report start date. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportSubmitDate |
String |
- | Date/time the employee submitted the report for approval. Maximum length 24 characters. |
reportUserDefinedDate |
String |
- | Custom date/time specified by user. Maximum length 24 characters. |
revisionNumber |
Number |
- | Report revision number. This will be used to track changes made to posted expenses. Default value is 1. Maximum length 32 characters. |
totalApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Total approved amount of the report. |
policyId |
String |
UUID | The policy Id that applies to the Expense Report. |
versionId |
Number |
- | The version of the FI Document, which is the same as the version of the API endpoint. Maximum length 32 characters. |
commitmentReference |
Array of Posting Document Details |
- | OptionalUnique Commitment identifier sent by the financial system as part of the posting document details collection from the confirmation status event payload. To be used during updates only. |
fgiRefId |
String |
- | Unique identifier sent by FGI to identify the obligation transaction. |
requestId |
Array |
- | Array of linked request identifiers. |
Report Entry
Name | Type | Format | Description |
allocation |
Array |
Array of Report Allocation |
The details of the allocations for this expense. |
cardAccountID |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. ID for the card account. This can be used by the receiving system to condense transactions associated with this card. Maximum length 32 characters. |
cardProgramTypeCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The code used to identify the card’s program type. Maximum length 5 characters. |
cardStatementPeriodEndDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The date of the end of the statement period. Maximum length 24 characters. |
cardStatementPeriodStartDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | The date of the start of the statement period. Maximum length 24 characters. |
cardTransactionAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount of the charge in the spend currency. |
cardTransactionCurrency |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency code for the spend currency. |
cardTransactionID |
String |
- | Reference number from the credit card vendor. Maximum length 32 characters. |
cardTransactionPostedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Amount of the charge in the billing currency of the card. |
cardTransactionPostedCurrency |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency code for the card billing currency. |
clearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Contains the expense type account code. - or - If a CBCP Personal expense, the company card clearing account code. - or - If charge is tied to a Statement Report, and accounting code is set for Company Billed card account, the card’s accounting code as specified in the Account Code field when creating or editing a CBS account. Maximum length 20 characters. |
entryApprovedAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Amount approved in the reimbursement currency. |
entryCountryCode |
String |
2-character country code. | Alphanumeric. Report entry country code. |
entryCountrySubCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry country sub code. Maximum length 6 characters. |
entryCurrAlphaCode |
String |
ISO 4217 3-letter alpha code. | Alphanumeric. Currency ISO alpha code for the spend currency if not an imported credit card or the invoice currency if this is a credit card. Maximum length 4 characters. |
entryCustom1Code through entryCustom40Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryCustom1Value through entryCustom40Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryDate |
String |
yyyy-mm-ddThr:min:sec.msZ | Date that this expense was incurred (when the money was spent or credit card receipt date). |
entryDescription |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Expense description as entered by the employee. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryElectronicReceiptId |
String |
- | GUUID. Electronic receipt ID. Maximum length 24 characters. |
entryExchangeRate |
Number |
- | Rate used to convert from the report entry (spend) currency to the report (reimbursement) currency. Maximum length 23 characters. |
entryExchangeRateDirection |
String |
M/D | Alphanumeric. The direction of the exchange rate conversion. Either: M = Multiply or D = Divide. |
entryId |
String |
- | Report entry sync GUUID unique key. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryCommitmentReference |
Array of Posting Document Details |
- | Optional Commitment Identifier published by the financial system corresponding to the entry as part of the posting document details collection from the confirmation status event payload. To be used during updates only. |
entryIsBillable |
String |
Y/N | Yes or no is the expense billable. |
entryIsPersonal |
String |
Y/N | Yes or no is the expense personal. |
entryLocationCityName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry location city name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryLocationName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry location name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Value through entryOrgUnit6Value |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryOrgUnit1Code through entryOrgUnit6Code |
CustomField |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
entryReceiptId |
String |
- | GUUID. Non-electronic receipt image. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryReceiptType |
String |
T/R/N | Alphanumeric. One of these: T = Tax receipt, R = Regular receipt, or N = No receipt. | ||
entrySupplierTaxID |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report entry XML receipt supplier tax ID. Maximum length 64 characters. |
entryUuid |
String |
- | Report Entry XML Receipt UUID. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryVendorCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Vendor name list short code. Maximum length 32 characters. |
entryVendorDescription |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Vendor description. Maximum length 64 characters. |
expensePayIndicator |
String |
Either: 1 = Expense Pay or blank = not Expense Pay. | Indicates whether Expense Pay reimbursed this journal entry. |
expenseTypeCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Code for the expense type. Maximum length 5 characters. |
expenseTypeName |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Expense type name. Maximum length 64 characters. |
legacyEntryId |
Number |
- | Legacy report entry key. Maximum length 11 characters. |
liabilityAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The liability account code assigned to the funding account paying this entry. Maximum length 48 characters. |
offsetPayType |
String |
Y/N | Use Offsets. Y = Yes, N= No. |
reportEntryPatKey |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Report Entry Payment Code. Maximum length 4 characters. |
linkedRequestId |
String |
- | Travel request identifier linked to this report expense entry. |
linkedRequestEntryId |
String |
- | Travel request expense entry identifier linked to this report expense entry. |
Report Allocation
Name | Type | Format | Description |
allocationCustom1Code through allocationCustom20Code |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. Maximum length 48 characters. |
allocationCustom1Value through allocationCustom20Value |
String |
- | The details from the custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If configured as a list, this field contains the name of the list item. Maximum length 64 characters. |
allocationId |
String |
- | GUUID. System-generated unique key for this allocation record. Maximum length 32 characters. | |
allocationCommitmentReference |
Array of Posting Document Details |
- | Optional Allocation commitment identifier supplied by the financial system as part of the posting document details collection from the confirmation status event payload. To be used during updates only. |
allocationPercentage |
Number |
- | Percent of the report entry assigned to this allocation record. Maximum length 11 characters. |
allocationAccountResolverKey |
String |
UUIDv5 | Calculated request allocation account resolver key in UUIDv5 format. Refer to the algorithm to calculate the key. Max length 36 characters. |
journal |
Array |
Allocation Journal | List of journal entries for the allocation. |
tax |
Array |
Allocation Tax | List of tax entries for the allocation. |
Report Allocation Journal
Name | Type | Format | Description |
accountingTransactionType |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. This is the Intuit QuickBooks specific transaction value. It will be null or a value (GJ, CC, or BILL) depending on if it’s a journalpayee or journalpayer . This determines if a transaction should be posted as Bill or Credit Card in QuickBooks. Maximum length 24 characters. |
amountGross |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Gross Amount for this detail row. |
amountGrossCard |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Amount due to the company card of either CBCP or IBCP type for this detail row. |
amountNetOfReclaim |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Gross Journal amount subtracting reclaimable tax. Or the Net Journal amount adding non-reclaimable tax. |
amountNetOfTax |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Allocated net of reclaim tax. You get this by starting from the net and adding the tax that is not reclaimable, or starting with the gross and subtracting reclaimable. |
cardTransactionReferenceNumber |
Number |
- | Reference number from the credit card vendor. Maximum length 64 characters. |
journalAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Contains the expense type account code. - or - If a CBCP Personal expense, the company card clearing account code. - or - If charge is tied to a Statement Report, and accounting code is set for Company Billed card account, the card’s accounting code as specified in the Account Codefield when creating or editing a CBS account. Maximum length 48 characters. |
journalPayee |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Payment code name for the payee. Maximum length 4 characters. |
journalPayer |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Payment code name for the payer. Maximum length 4 characters. |
taxGuid |
Array |
- | Array of tax GUID. List of unique tax identifiers associated with the report entry allocation. Maximum length 32 characters. |
Report Allocation Tax
Name | Type | Format | Description |
taxReclaimCode |
String |
- | The tax reclaim code. Maximum length: 20 characters. |
amountTax |
Number |
double |
The tax transaction amount. |
taxSource |
String |
- | The source for the tax. |
taxAuthorityLabel |
String |
- | The name of the tax authority. |
amountReclaim |
Number |
double |
The tax reclaim transaction amount. |
locationCountryCode |
String |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code | The tax location country code. |
locationCountrySubCode |
String |
- | The tax location country sub code. Maximum length 6 characters. |
taxCode |
String |
- | The tax code. Maximum length: 20 characters. |
nonDomesticCode |
String |
- | The non domestic tax code. |
taxGuid |
String |
- | Unique tax identifier associated with this tax entry. |
Report Cash Advance Application
Name | Type | Format | Description |
cashAdvanceApplicationAmount |
Number |
Maximum 23 digits to the left of the decimal; maximum 8 digits to the right of the decimal; with a maximum of 23 digits for the entire field. | Currency. Cash advance utilized amount. |
cashAdvanceClearingAccountCode |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. The Account Code is the clearing account code which was configured for the employee in the profile. Maximum length 48 characters. |
cashAdvanceId |
String |
- | GUUID. Unique system ID assigned to the cash advance. Maximum length 32 characters. |
cashAdvanceTransactionType |
Number |
- | Type of transaction: 1 = Issue or return to administrator, 2 = Application, including cash advance return expense within a report, or 3 = System cash advance, from balance carry forward. |
Posting Documents Details
Name | Type | Format | Description |
companyId |
string |
- | External system organizational unit ID. Maximum 32 characters. |
documentNumber |
string |
- | External system document identifier. Maximum 80 characters. |
fiscalYear |
int32 |
- | External system fiscal year. |
postingDate |
string |
External system posting date. |
Name | Type | Format | Description |
odometerStart |
Number |
- | Represents odometer reading at start of trip. |
odometerEnd |
Number |
- | Represents odometer reading at end of trip. |
passengerCount |
Number |
- | Represents count of passengers not including the driver. |
personalDistance |
Number |
- | Represents portion of total miles which is not business related. |
routeId |
String |
- | Alphanumeric. Route ID. |
totalDistance |
Number |
- | Represents total miles driven for the trip. |
hasMobileCanteenOrHeavyLoadAttached |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates whether a mobile canteen or heavy load is attached. |
hasCaravanAttached |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates whether a caravan is attached. |
hasDogIncluded |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates whether a dog is included. |
hasForestOrConstructionSiteRoadInRoute |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates whether there are forest or construction site roads on the route. |
hasForestRoadInRoute |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates whether there is a forest road in the route. |
isMarkedAsHigherRate |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates that the mileage amount is set as the higher rate. |
hasMachinery |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates whether machinery is included. |
hasTrailerAttached |
Boolean |
true/false |
Indicates whether a trailer is attached. |