Spend Form Fields v4.1

Retrieve the List of Required Fields for Creating a User

Retrieves a list of configured fields on the Global employee form in SAP Concur.


spend.user.general.read - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.


GET https://{datacenterURI}/profile/spend/v4.1/FormFields 


Name Type Format Description
userId UUID userId=beac1763-ac43-4935-8b3b-19c1cee25a07 The unique identifier of a Spend User.



GET https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/profile/spend/v4.1/FormFields


    "schemas": [
    "totalResults": 33,
    "Resources": [
            "schemas": [
            "id": "53CE287D-FF17-4058-AB53-905AB1B1749F",
            "label": "Employee ID",
            "controlType": "EDIT",
            "dataType": "String",
            "maxLength": 128,
            "isRequired": false,
            "access": "HD",
            "isCustom": false,
            "sequence": 5
            "schemas": [
            "id": "DC9C117E-5B53-EF4E-83C5-ED0410A8ED63",
            "label": "Custom 01",
            "controlType": "EDIT",
            "dataType": "ConnectedList",
            "maxLength": 48,
            "isRequired": false,
            "access": "RW",
            "isCustom": true,
            "sequence": 11,
            "hierLevel": 1,
            "isCopyDownSourceForOtherForms": true,
            "list": {
                "syncGuid": "577127AE-49C7-B14B-8FD9-A351EEE88DB6",
                "href": "https://us2.api.concursolutions.com/list/v4/lists/577127ae-49c7-b14b-8fd9-a351eee88db6"
            "schemas": [
            "id": "F8D94BE2-D9D9-4611-8DDF-5128E8FC968F",
            "label": "Cash Advance Account Code",
            "controlType": "EDIT",
            "dataType": "String",
            "maxLength": 20,
            "isRequired": false,
            "access": "RW",
            "isCustom": false,
            "sequence": 16
            "schemas": [
            "id": "D6FA8B5D-6103-42BA-8D40-1403B324D797",
            "label": "Org Unit 2",
            "controlType": "EDIT",
            "dataType": "String",
            "maxLength": 48,
            "isRequired": false,
            "access": "RW",
            "isCustom": true,
            "sequence": 20,
            "isCopyDownSourceForOtherForms": true


Name Type Format Description
Id string - The unique field identifier.
Label string - The displayed field label.
ControlType string - The type of field.
DataType string - The type of data the field collects.
MaxLength integer - The maximum length of data in the field.
isRequired boolean - Whether the field is required.
Access string - The end-user access to the field.
isCustom boolean - Whether the field is custom.
Sequence integer - The sequence of the field on the form.

These elements are returned for Custom fields only:

Name Type Format Description
ParentFieldId string - The identifier for the field one level higher in the list hierarchy.
IsCopyDownSourceForOtherForms boolean - Whether the field is used as a copy down source by other forms.
ListName string - The name of the list associated with the field.
HierLevel integer - The list level of the field. If it is the second level field in a two-level list, the value would be 2.