Create an Exception to a Report

Posts an exception to the report, and associates it with one of the following data levels: Report Header, Entry, Itemization, Allocation. This endpoint requires familiarity with the company’s exception code configuration.


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Request Parameters


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.

Path Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description
{reportKey}/Exceptions required The identifier for the desired report and the exceptions keyword.


URI Source: The reportKey value is returned in the RptKey element by the Get Report Details response.


Authorization Header

Authorization header with OAuth token for valid SAP Concur user. Required.

Content-Type Header


Request Schema

This request should contain an Exceptions parent element with an Exception parent element for each exception included in the report. The Exception element contains the following child elements:

Exception Elements

Element Required (must contain value)? Description
Index Y The exception’s location in a batch of exceptions. Should start at 1 and increment sequentially. This value is used to identify the record if there is an error.
ObjectType Y The type of object to assign the exception. Format: Report, Entry, or Allocation. When sending a Report level exception, the ObjectType and ObjectId can be null, as the report key is supplied in the URI.
ObjectId Y The unique identifier for the object to associate with the exception. Returned by the Get Report Details function. Must be the value from one of the following fields:
   Entry or Itemization: Use the RpeKey.
   Allocation: Use AllocationKey.
   Report Header: Null value. When sending a Report level exception, the ObjectType and ObjectId can be null, as the report key is supplied in the URI.
ExceptionCode Y The Exception Code for the exception to assign to the object. Must be a configured exception code in Expense. Example: NODATE


Content Types


Response Schema

This request will return an exception-result parent element.

Exception-Result Elements

Element Description
exceptions-succeeded The number of exceptions processed that were successfully assigned.
exceptions-failed The number of exceptions processed that were not successfully added.
errors This will contain an error parent element for each record failure. The error element will contain the following child elements:
   Index: The exception’s location in the batch.
   message: The error message.
ExceptionDetails This parent element will contain an ExceptionInfo parent element for all exceptions that did not cause an error, and will contain the following child elements:
   Index: The exception’s location in the batch.
   Status: The status of the request.


XML Example Request

Authorization: OAuth {access token}
Content-Type: application/xml

<Exceptions xmlns="" xmlns:i="">

XML Example of Response With Success and Failure

<exception-result xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
            <message>Invalid Exception Code</message>

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