Cards v4 Schemas

Account Schemas

Create Account List

Name Type Format Description
accounts array Create Account An array of Accounts to be created. (Maximum number of accounts per call: 1000)

Create Account

Name Type Format Description
accountType enum - Required Type of the credit card account. Supported values: I - Individual, M - Managing (the master account of virtual cards), V - Virtual card
billedCurrency string 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code Billed currency of the card account.
billingAccount object Billing Account Reference Reference to the billing account, e.g. in case of virtual card this references the managing/master account.
cardBrand enum - Brand of the card. Supported values: AX - American Express, CA - MasterCard, CB - Carte Blanche, DC - Diners Club, DS - Discover, EC - EuroCard, ER - ENROUTE, JC - JCB International, OT - Other, TP - UATP Card, UP - China Union Pay, VI - VISA
cardProductDescription string - Required Branded name of the credit card; might be used for display purposes.
cardProductType enum - Required Card product type. Supported values: CORP - Corporate Card, BUSN - Business Card
cardholder object Cardholder Cardholder owning this card account.
externalId string - Required Unique identifier (token) for a card account as defined by an external system (outside SAP Concur). Must not contain primary account number (PAN).
lastSegment string - Required Last four digits of the credit card number.
liabilityType enum - Required Liability type (payment method). Supported values: IBIP - Individually Billed, Individually Paid, IBCP - Individually Billed, Company Paid, CBCP - Company Billed Company Paid
nameOnCard string - Required Embossed name on the card.
provider object Provider Required Credit card provider/issuer.
status enum - Lifecycle status (default: Active). Supported values: A - Active, C - Canceled
travelRequest object Travel Request Reference Reference to an SAP Concur Travel Request which is related to this card account.

Billing Account Reference

Name Type Format Description
externalId string - Required Unique identifier (token) of the referenced billing account as defined by an external system (outside the SAP Concur platform). Must not contain primary account number (PAN).


Name Type Format Description
email string - Email address of the card holder. This is an alternative way for identifying a user.
employeeId string - Concur specific employeeId. This is an alternative way for identifying a user. The employeeId is a client facing ID.
firstName string - First name of the card holder.
lastName string - Last name of the card holder.
userId string - The unique identifier of the user (refer to Identity v4 API). This is the preferred way for identifying a user. The userId is a technical non-client facing ID.


Name Type Format Description
countryCode string ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code Required Country where card is issued.

Travel Request Reference

Name Type Format Description
id string - Required Unique identifier for an SAP Concur travel request (refer to Travel Request v4 API).

Transaction Schemas

Create Transaction List

Name Type Format Description
transactions array Create Transaction Required An array of transactions to be created. (Maximum number of transactions per call: 1000)

Create Transaction

Name Type Format Description
account object Transaction Account Reference Required Reference to the card account this transaction belongs to.
acquirerReferenceNumber string - Acquirer reference number.
authorizationExternalId string - External ID of the referenced (pre-)authorization.
billedAmount object Amount Billed amount.
carRental object Car Rental Car rental addendum data.
customData array Custom Data Custom data.
customerVatNumber string - Customer VAT number.
description string - Description of the transaction.
description2 string - Description2 of the transaction.
description3 string - Description3 of the transaction.
description4 string - Description4 of the transaction.
description5 string - Description5 of the transaction.
externalId string - Required Unique identifier for a card transaction as defined by an external system (outside the SAP Concur platform).
fleet object Fleet Fleet addendum data.
lodging object Lodging Lodging addendum data.
merchant object Merchant Required Merchant details.
merchantReferenceNumber string - Merchant reference number.
postedAmount object Amount Required Posted amount.
postedDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Required Posted date.
processorReferenceNumber string - Processor reference number.
purchase object Purchase Purchase addendum data.
referenceNumber string - Transaction reference number for display purposes.
statement object Statement Statement this transactions belongs to.
taxes array Transaction Tax Taxes incurred for the transaction.
totalTaxAmount object Amount Total tax amount.
transactionAmount object Amount Required Transaction amount.
transactionDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Required Transaction date.
transactionDateTime timestamp RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnn Timestamp when the transaction happened.
travel object Travel Travel addendum data.
type enum - Required Type of the transaction. Supported values: ANF - Annual Fees, CAV - Cash Advance, CCF - Cash and Check Fees, RPE - Regular Transaction, FNC - Finance Charges, NSF - Insufficient Funds Check Fees, LAF - Late Fees, CHG - Other Bank Charges and Fees, PAY - Payment

Transaction Account Reference

Name Type Format Description
externalId string - Required Unique identifier (token) of the referenced billing account as defined by an external system (outside the SAP Concur platform). Must not contain primary account number (PAN).

Car Rental

Name Type Format Description
adjustmentAmount object Amount Adjustment amount.
charges array Car Rental Charge Car rental charges.
classificationCode string - Classification of the rented vehicle.
commodityCode string - Commodity code.
customData array Custom Data Custom data.
dailyRate object Amount Daily rental fee.
extraChargeAmount object Amount Total amount of extra charges applied.
extraChargeCode string - Code describing the cause of extra charges applied.
extraDistanceRate object Amount Additional rate per distance unit applied to the vehicle.
maximumFreeDistance object Distance Maximum travel distance allowed to the customer before additional charges apply.
mileageRate object Amount Rate applied per unit of distance traveled in vehicle.
numberOfVehicles integer - Number of vehicles rented.
pickupAddress object Address Address where the vehicle was rented.
pickupDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Date on which the vehicle was rented.
pickupPropertyId string - Property ID where the vehicle was rented.
rentalAgreementNumber string - Number entered at the point of sale.
rentalDays integer - Number of days the vehicle was rented.
renterName string - Name of the individual that made the rental agreement.
renterNotShown boolean - Renter not shown flag.
returnAddress object Address True if renter did not pick up vehicle; no show charges may apply.
returnDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Date the customer returned the vehicle.
returnPropertyId string - Property ID where the vehicle was returned.
totalDistance object Distance Total distance traveled during the rental period.
weeklyRate object Amount Weekly rental fee.

Car Rental Charge

Name Type Format Description
amount object Amount Amount.
name enum - Name/type of the charge. Supported values: REGULAR - Regular charges, ONEWAY - One-way drop charges, LATE - Late charges, FUEL - Fuel charges, INSURANCE - Insurance charges, EXTRA - Extra charges, OTHER - Other charges


Name Type Format Description
discountAmount object Amount Discount Amount.
driverId string - Driver ID.
fuelType enum - Required Fuel type. Supported values: ALCOHOL - Alcohol-based Fuel, AUTOGAS - Autogas (LPG), AVIATION - Aviation/Jet Fuel, BIOBLEND - Biodiesel-blended Fuel, BIOFUEL - Biodiesel Fuel, CLNDIESEL - Clean Diesel, DIESEL - Diesel Fuel, GASOLINE - Gasoline, MARINE - Marine Fuel, NATURAL - Natural Gas, OTHER - Other Fuel, UNDEF - Undefined Fuel Type
items array Fleet Detail Fleet items.
odometer string - Odometer reading.
productType enum - Required Product type. Supported values: CARACC - Automotive Accessories, GLASS - Automotive Glass, AVIACC - Aviation Accessories, AVIFOOD - Aviation Food/Beverage, AVIMAINT - Aviation Maintenance, BATTERIES - Batteries, BEVERAGE - Beverage, BRAKE - Brakes and Brake Services, WASH - Car Wash, SMOKE - Cigarettes/Tobacco, FEE - Fees, FOOD - Food, AVIATION - General Aviation, HEALTH - Health/Beauty, LABOR - Labor, MISC - Miscellaneous Product, OIL - Motor Oil, PARTS - Parts, REPAIR - Repair, SERVICE - Services, TIRES - Tires, TBA - Tires Batteries Accessories, TOW - Towing, UNDEF - Undefined Product Type
quantity object Fleet Quantity Quantity.
serviceType enum - Required Service type. Supported values: FULL - Full-service, NFUEL - Only non-fuel products purchased, SELF - Self-service, UNDEF - Undefined Service Type
totalAmount object Amount Total amount.
unitAmount object Amount Price per unit of measure.
vehicleNumber string - Vehicle Number.

Fleet Detail

Name Type Format Description
commodityCode string - Standard coding structure for the description of goods and services.
description string - Description.
discountAmount object Amount Discount amount.
discountApplied boolean - Indicating whether a discount is granted.
extendedAmount object Amount Extended amount.
quantity object Fleet Quantity Quantity.
sequenceNumber integer - Sequence Number.
totalAmount object Amount Total amount.
unitAmount object Amount Price per unit of measure.

Fleet Quantity

Name Type Format Description
unit string - Fuel unit of measure. Preferred values: LTR - liter, GLI - gallon (UK), GLL - gallon (US), KGM - kilogram, LBR - pound, KWH - kilowatt hour
value number - Required Quantity value.


Name Type Format Description
adjustmentAmount object Amount Adjustment amount.
charges array Lodging Charge Charges incurred for the lodging transaction aggregated per charge type. Note that each charge type can only be listed once.
chargesDescription string - Charges description.
checkInDate date - Date the customer checked in to the lodging location.
checkOutDate date - Date the customer checked out of the lodging location.
commodityCode string - Standard coding structure for the description of goods and services.
customData array Custom Data Custom data.
dailyRoomRate object Amount Daily room rate.
dailyRoomTax object Amount Daily room tax amount.
folioLineItems array Lodging Detail Folio line items.
folioNumber string - Folio number.
guestName string - Name of registered guest.
lodgingAddress object Address Lodging address.
merchantOrderNumber string - Merchant order number.
numberInParty integer - Number of guests staying in the room.
numberOfRoomNights integer - Total number of rooms times number of nights.
numberOfRooms integer - Number of rooms reserved.
otherServicesCode string - A code to explain other miscellaneous charges.
prepaidAmount object Amount Prepaid amount.
programCode string - Code used to identify special circumstances.
propertyId string - Property Id.
propertyPhoneNumber string - Phone number of the property.
roomType string - Room Type.
taxes array Lodging Tax Taxes incurred for the lodging transaction.
totalLodgingAmount object Amount Total lodging amount.
totalNonRoomChargeAmount object Amount Total non-room charge amount.
totalTaxAmount object Amount Total tax amount.

Lodging Charge

Name Type Format Description
amount object Amount Amount.
name enum - Name/type of the charge. Supported values: BZCNT - Business center charges (copies, faxes, etc.), CAADV - Cash advances charged against the folio, CONFR - Conference charges, FOODX - Food charges (excludes mini-bar), GIFTX - Gift shop charges, HELTH - Health club, pool, court, golf charges, INTNT - Internet charges, online fees, LNDRY - Laundry charges, MNBAR - In room mini-bar charges, MOVIE - Movie/in room entertainment, OTHER - Other miscellaneous charges, PRKNG - Parking/Valet charges, TIPSX - Charges for Gratuities and Tips, TLPHN - Telephone charges

Lodging Detail

Name Type Format Description
description string - Line item description.
folioLineItemType enum - Required Name/type of the line item. Supported values: BZCNT - Business center charges (copies, faxes, etc.), CAADV - Cash advances charged against the , CONFR - Conference charges, CTTAX - County Room Tax, FDTAX - Federal Room Tax, FOODX - Food charges (excludes mini-bar), GIFTX - Gift shop charges, GNTAX - General Taxes, HELTH - Health club, pool, court, golf charges, INTNT - Internet charges, online fees, LNDRY - Laundry charges, MNBAR - In room mini-bar charges, MNTAX - Municipal Room Tax, MOVIE - Movie/in room entertainment, OTHER - Other miscellaneous charges, PRKNG - Parking/Valet charges, PSTAX - Provincial Room Tax, PYMNT - Payments/Discounts received, RMRAT - Room Rate, RMTAX - Room Tax, TIPSX - Charges for Gratuities and Tips, TLPHN - Telephone charges
sequenceNumber integer - Sequence number.
transactionAmount object Amount Line item amount.
transactionDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Transaction date of the line item.

Lodging Tax

Name Type Format Description
amount object Amount Tax amount.
type enum - Tax type. Supported values: ROOMTAX - Room tax


Name Type Format Description
address object Address Merchant address.
categoryCode string - Merchant category code (VISA merchant category classification).
doingBusinessAs string - Name of the business the merchant is doing (preferred for display purposes over merchant name).
id string - Merchant identifier.
name string - Required Merchant name.
vatNumber string - Merchant’s VAT number.


Name Type Format Description
commodityCode string - Commodity code.
customData array Custom Data Custom data.
description string - Purchase description.
discountAmount object Amount Discount amount.
dutyAmount object Amount Duty amount.
invoiceNumber string - Invoice Number.
items array Purchase Detail Purchase items.
merchantOrderNumber string - Order number assigned by the merchant.
numberOfLineItems integer - Number of line items that belong to the purchase.
orderDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Date the order was placed.
purchaseDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Effective/transaction date of the order.
shipFromAddress object Address Ship from address.
shipToAddress object Address Ship to address.
shippingAmount object Amount Shipping amount.
supplierAddress object Address Supplier address.
taxes array Purchase Tax Taxes incurred for the purchase.

Purchase Detail

Name Type Format Description
commodityCode string - Commodity code.
customData array Custom Data Custom data.
description string - Purchase item description.
discountAmount object Amount Discount amount.
discountApplied boolean   Indicating whether a discount is granted.
extendedAmount object Amount Extended amount.
itemId string - Identifier of the item.
quantity object Purchase Quantity Quantity.
sequenceNumber integer - Sequence Number.
taxIncluded boolean - Indicating whether tax is included in the amount.
totalAmount object Amount Total amount.
unitAmount object Amount Price per unit of measure.

Purchase Tax

Name Type Format Description
amount object Amount Tax amount.
type enum - Tax type. Supported values: SHIPPINGVAT - Shipping Value-added Tax (VAT)

Purchase Quantity

Name Type Format Description
unit string - Unit of measure (preferably use codes from, for example EA - each, KGM - kilogram, LTR - liter).
value number - Quantity value.


Name Type Format Description
billingDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Billing (end) date of the statement.
referenceNumber string - Reference number of the statement.

Transaction Tax

Name Type Format Description
amount object Amount Tax amount.
type enum - Tax type. Supported values: LOCAL - Local tax, VAT_OR_GST - Value-added Tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST), SALES - Sales Tax, PST_OR_QST - Provincial Sales Tax (PST) or Quebec Sales Tax (QST), OTHER - Other taxes


Name Type Format Description
baseFare object Amount Amount of the ticket, excluding fees and taxes.
commodityCode string - National standard coding Structure for the description of goods and services.
conjunctionId string - ID for a ticket that contains an itinerary that is more than four segments.
customData array Custom Data Custom data.
customerData string - Customer defined data entered at the point of sale.
departureDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Date of departure for the first leg of travel.
domestic boolean - Indicates whether the the travel is domestic.
electronicTicket boolean - Indicates whether the ticket is an e-ticket.
endorsements string - Describes the fare issued by the airline.
exchangedTicketAmount object Amount Total amount of the ticket for which the original was exchanged.
exchangedTicketNumber string - Number of the new ticket which replaces the original ticket.
issueDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Date when the ticket was issued to the ticket holder.
issuingCarrier string - Airline or railway carrier.
numberOfLegs integer - Number of city pairs included on the ticket
passengerName string - Name of the person to whom the ticked was issued.
refundTicketNumber string - Refund ticket number.
restrictionsApply boolean - Identifier noting ticket purchased has some restriction associated with its use.
segments array Travel Detail Travel segments.
ticketNumber string - Ticket Number.
totalFare object Amount Total amount of the ticket.
totalFee object Amount Total amount of fees associated with the ticket.
totalTaxAmount object Amount Total amount of taxes associated with the ticket.
travelAgencyCode string - Code assigned to the travel agency that booked the ticket.
travelAgencyInvoiceNumber string - Invoice number assigned by the travel agency that booked the ticket.
travelAgencyName string - Name of the travel agency that booked the ticket.

Travel Detail

Name Type Format Description
arrivalCountry string - Arrival Country.
arrivalDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Date of arrival.
arrivalLocation string - Arrival location/code.
carrierCode string - Air or Rail carrier name abbreviation.
conjunctionTicketNumber string - ID for a ticket that contains an itinerary that is more than four segments.
customData array Custom Data Custom data.
departureCountry string - Departure Country.
departureDate date ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD Date of departure.
departureLocation string - Departure location/code.
endorsements string - Describes the fare issued by the airline.
exchangeTicketNumber string - Exchange ticket number.
fare object Amount Amount of the ticket for this leg of travel.
fee object Amount Amount of fees associated with this leg of travel.
flightNumber string - Flight number assigned by the airline carrier.
foreignArrival boolean - Indicates if the travel is from a foreign country.
foreignDeparture boolean - Indicates if the travel is to a foreign country.
isDestination boolean - Indicates if this is the final leg of travel on the ticket.
isOrigin boolean - Indicates if this is the first leg of travel on the ticket.
serviceClass string - Class of Service Code. Preferred values: A = First Discount, B = Coach Discount, C = Business Class, D = Bus Discounted, E = Shuttle, F = First Class, H = Coach Discount, J = Bus Premium, K = Thrift, L = Thrift Discount, M = Coach Discount, P = First Premium, Q = Coach Discount, R = Supersonic, S = Standard Class, T = Coach Discount, U = Shuttle, V = Thrift Discount, W = Coach Premium, Y = Coach
travelLegNumber integer - Order in which the leg is to be traveled.

Bulk Request Schemas

Bulk Request

Name Type Format Description
completedAt timestamp RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ Timestamp when processing of the bulk request was completed.
receivedAt timestamp RFC 3339 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.nnnZ Required Timestamp when the bulk request was received.
requestId string - Required Unique identifier of the API request.
status enum - Required The processing status. Supported values: IN_PROGRESS - In progress, COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY - Completed successfully, COMPLETED_WITH_WARNINGS - Completed with warnings, COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS - Completed with errors, PROCESSED_PARTIALLY_PENDING_RETRY - Processed partially, pending retry
totalElements integer - Required Number of elements in this bulk request.
type string - Required Type of the API request. Supported values: POST_ACCOUNT - Account creation, POST_TRANSACTION - Transaction creation, PATCH_ACCOUNT - Account update, PATCH_TRANSACTION - Transaction update

Common Schemas

Bulk API Response

Name Type Format Description
requestId string - Required Unique identifier of the bulk API request.
links array Link An array of links.
Name Type Format Description
href string - Required Hyperlink to the resource.
rel string - Required Relation type as defined by the server.

Error Response

Name Type Format Description
errorCode string - Required Machine readable code associated with the error which is static and never localized. Possible error codes: invalidRequest - The request contains errors (usually contains a detailed error list), invalidJson - The request body is not a valid JSON
errorMessage string - Required Message associated with the error.
dataPath string - Relative data path.
errors array Error An array of detailed/nested errors.


Name Type Format Description
errorCode string - Required Machine readable code associated with the error which is static and never localized. Possible error codes see Detailed Error Codes
errorMessage string - Required Message associated with the error.
dataPath string - Relative data path.


Name Type Format Description
city string - City.
countryCode string ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code Country code.
state string - State / province / region.
streetAddress string - Street address lines.
zip string - Zip / postal code.


Name Type Format Description
currencyCode string 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code Required Currency of the amount.
value number - Required Amount value.

Custom Data

Name Type Format Description
id string - Required Id of the custom field.
value string - Value of the custom field.


Name Type Format Description
unit enum - Distance unit. Supported values: KM - Kilometer, MILE - Mile
value integer - Required Distance value (without decimal places).

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK The request succeeded.
202 Accepted The request has been accepted and will be processed asynchronously.
400 Bad Request The request was rejected due to client-side errors. Possible error codes: invalidRequest, invalidJson. In case of invalidRequest the error response usually contains a detailed error list, refer to Detailed Error Codes.
401 Unauthorized The request is not authenticated. Missing or invalid authorization header.
403 Forbidden The request is not authorized to access this resource.
404 Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected error on server side.
503 Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unavailable.

Detailed Error Codes

Error Code Description
tooManyItems The collection contains more than the allowed number of items.
missingRequiredField Missing required field.
illegalCardNumberValue The value contains a credit card number which is not allowed due to PCI.
invalidFieldSize Size must be between {min} and {max}.
invalidEnum Value is not one of the allowed values.
invalidCountryCode Value is not a valid ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code.
invalidCurrencyCode Value is not a valid 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
invalidUUID Value is not a valid UUID.
invalidEmailAddress Value is not a valid email address.
invalidCharsExternalId Only alphanumeric characters, hyphen -, and underscores _ are allowed.
invalidAppId The appId of the access token is unknown to the system.
duplicateExternalId The externalId in this request must be unique.
duplicateTaxType The tax type must be unique within each taxes list.
duplicateChargeName The charge name must be unique within each charges list.
duplicateCustomDataID The custom data id must be unique within each customData list.
ambiguousAddendumType The transaction contains data for multiple addendum types at the same time.
currencyInconsistency The transaction contains inconsistencies between the transaction currency and other currency fields.
illegalBillingAccount Billing account reference must not be present for the given account type.
missingBillingAccount Billing account reference must be present for the given account type.

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