Travel Request v4 - Endpoints - Schemas


Name Type Format Description
approvalLimitDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' The date by which the Request must be approved. This element appears only when integrated with Concur Travel.
approvalStatus object Approval Status The approval status of the Request.
approved boolean - Indicates whether this Request is approved.
approver object Employee The approver to whom the Request was sent.
allocationFormId string - The unique identifier of the allocation form.
authorizedDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' For approved Request, the date at which the approval process was completed.
businessPurpose string - The business purpose of the Request.
canceledPostApproval boolean - Indicates whether this Request was canceledPostApproval.
cashAdvances object ResourceLink The list of cash advances for this Request.
closed boolean - Indicates whether this Request is closed.
comment string - The last comment attached to this Request.
comments object ResourceLink The list of comments for this Request.
creationDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' The date the Request was created.
custom1 to custom20 object CustomField The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration.
endDate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd The end date of the Request.
endTime time HH:mm The end time of the Request.
everSentBack boolean - Indicates whether the Request has ever been sent back to the employee.
exceptions object ResourceLink The list of exceptions that have been raised to this Request.
expenses array ResourceLink Expected expenses attached to this Request.
extensionOf object ExtensionOf The Request for which this Request is an extension of, or addendum to.
eventRequest object ResourceLink The parent Event Request to which this child Request is related.
highestExceptionLevel string - The highest level of exception contained in this Request. Supported values: WARNING, ERROR, and NONE
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource for this Request.
id string - The unique identifier of the Request.
lastModified timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' The date the Request was last modified.
mainDestination object Location The main destination of the Request.
name string - The name of the Request.
owner object Employee The employee who owns the Request.
pendingApproval boolean - Indicates whether this Request is pending approval.
pnr string - The value of the pnr provided within the agency proposals by the travel agency.
policy object ResourceLink The policy that applies to the Request.
requestId string 4 to 6 alphanumeric characters The public key of the Request (unique per customer).
startDate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd The start date of the Request.
startTime time HH:mm The start time of the Request.
submitDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' The date the Request was submitted (last submit date in case of recall).
totalApprovedAmount object Amount The total amount of approved expected expenses in the Request, expressed in the reimbursement currency of the employee at the time they created the Request.
totalPostedAmount object Amount The total amount of the Request, expressed in the reimbursement currency of the employee at the time they created the Request.
totalRemainingAmount object Amount The total amount not included in an Expense report, expressed in the reimbursement currency of the employee at the time they created the Request.
travelAgency object ResourceLink The travel agency office that is managing the trip associated to this Request.
operations array Link Links to operations available for the Request, depends on the current workflow status.
type object RequestType The type of the Request, inherited from the Request Policy Type.


Name Type Format Description
value number - Required The amount in the defined currency.
currency string [ISO 4217:2015] Required The 3-letter ISO 4217 code for the currency in which the amount is expressed. Max length 3 characters.

Approval Status

Name Type Format Description
code string - The code for the approval status of the Request. Supported values: NOT_SUBMITTED, SUBMITTED, APPROVED, CANCELED, or SENTBACK
name string - The approval status of the Request in the current user’s language.

Cash Advance

Name Type Format Description
amountRequested object Amount The amount of the cash advance in the Request, expressed in the currency of the requested cash advance.
For the Cash Advance detail endpoint only, the Amount schema will contain an additional amount field for feature parity purpose with the new planned Cash Advance API part of the cash advance service. The value field will be soon deprecated, it is highly recommended to rely on the amount field in that case.
approvalStatus object Cash Advance Approval Status The approval status of the cash advance.
cashAdvanceId string - The unique identifier of the cash advance.
comment string - The last comment related to this cash advance.
exchangeRate object Exchange Rate The exchange rate that applies to the cash advance.
issueDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS The date the cash advance was issued.
requestDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS The date the cash advance was submitted (last submit date in case of recall).

Cash Advance Approval Status

Name Type Format Description
code string - The code for the approval status of the cash advance. Supported values: C_PEND, C_APPR, C_COMP, C_FILE, C_ISSU, C_NISU, C_NOTF, C_PECA, or C_REJE
name string - The approval status of the cash advance in the current user’s language.


Name Type Format Description
author object Employee The employee who has created the comment in the expected expense.
creationDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS Creation date of the comment.
isLatest boolean - If true, the comment has been edited since the last workflow transition.
value string - The value of the comment.


Name Type Format Description
code string - The short code for the list item. For non-list fields, this value will be blank.
value string - The value of the non-list item. For list fields, this is the unique id of the list item.
href string - The link to get this list item on the list service. Empty for non-list items.


Name Type Format Description
firstName string - The first name of the employee.
id string [RFC 4122] Unique identifier of the related object.
lastName string - The last name of the employee.
middleInitial string - The middle initial of the employee.


Name Type Format Description
code string - The system exception code defined for the exception. Example: BADCODE
isBlocking boolean - Defines whether the exception will prevent the Request from being submitted.
level integer - The numeric level associated with the exception. Example: 99
message string - The user facing message defined for the exception.
source array Exception source The source that has raised the exception.
parameters map missingFields: array of missing field labels
missingFieldsIds: array of missing field ids
For missing fields exceptions, additional values giving more label and ids of the missing fields. Example : parameters : { "missingFields" : ["Request Name", "Purpose"], "missingFieldsIds" : [ "Name", "Purpose" ] }

Exception Source

Name Type Format Description
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource.
id string [RFC 4122] Unique identifier of the source.
type string - Defines the type of the source. Supported values: ALLOCATION, CASH_ADVANCE, EXPENSE, and HEADER

Extension Of

Name Type Format Description
requestId string 4 to 6 alphanumeric characters The public key of the Request (unique per customer).
id string - Unique identifier of the Request.
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource.
template string - Hyperlink template to the resource.
Name Type Format Description
rel string [RFC 5988] Relation type as defined by the server. There are registered relation types listed in RFC 5988 6.2.2. Initial Registry Contents including pagination relation types of next, prev, first and last.
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource.

List of Request

Name Type Format Description
data array Request List of Requests in the page requested.
operations array Link Links to next, prev, first and last pages.

List of Request Policies

Name Type Format Description
- array Request Policy List of active Requests policies for a given user.


Name Type Format Description
city string - Required for all city location type (not airport, or rail station - except for STD location type) The city name of the location.
Note: STD location type for rail is considered as a city location type, city and countryCode fields are required in that case.
countryCode string [ISO 3166-1] Required if city or name is used The ISO 3166-1 country code. Max length 2 characters.
countrySubDivisionCode string [ISO 3166-2] The ISO 3166-2 country sub code.
iataCode string - Required if air is used The IATA code of an airport location.
id string - The id of the location.
latitude number - The latitude of the location.
locationCode string - Required if rail is used with RAIL_xx locationType The code of the location. Optional for segments based on city locations, will be required in case of duplicate locations within database. If provided (with city and countryCode still required), it will be considered first, and if not found then city and countryCode will be considered.
locationType string - Required if rail is used The type of the location.
longitude number - The longitude of the location.
name string - The name of the location. Always provide the countryCode value in addition to the name.

Below are the different node expected in the POST endpoints by location type (City, Rail station, or Airport) - example for endLocation field:


"endLocation": {
       "iataCode": "SOV"


"endLocation": {
       "city": "Oslo",
       "countryCode": "NO",
       "locationCode": "NOOSL"

Rail station (locationCode exists, locationType depends of rail provider)

"endLocation": {
       "locationCode": "FRMSC",
       "locationType": "RAIL_2C"

Location types for Rail :

Location Type Railway company
RAIL_0Z Swiss Federal Railways
RAIL_2A Deutsche Bahn AG
RAIL_2H Thalys International
RAIL_2R VIA Rail Canada Inc.
RAIL_2V Amtrak
RAIL_9F Eurostar International Limited
RAIL_XH China Railway
STD Standard locations


Name Type Format Description
code string - The payment code of the defined expense.
name string - The payment name of the defined expense.
id string - Required The payment key of the defined expense.
Name Type Format Description
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource.
id string [RFC 4122] Unique identifier of the related object.
template string - Hyperlink template to the resource.

Request Policy

Name Type Format Description
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource for this Request policy.
id string - The Request policy unique identifier.
name string - The name of the Request policy.

Request Type

Name Type Format Description
code string - The code of the type inherited from the Request Policy type. Possible values: Authorization, Cash Advance, Travel.
label string - The label of the type inherited from the Request Policy Type.

Expected Expense

Name Type Format Description
allocations object Allocation The details of the allocations for this expected expense.
approvedAmount object Amount The approved amount of the expected expense entry, in the transaction currency of the Request.
budgetAccrualDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' The date to determine which budgets are affected.
businessPurpose string - The business purpose of the Request entry.
comments object ResourceLink The list of comments for this expected expense.
custom1 to custom40 object CustomField The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration.
exchangeRate object Exchange Rate The exchange rate that applies to the entry.
expenseType object Expense Type The expense type of the entry. Required for expected expenses, automatically set for segments depending on the SegmentType code.
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource for this Request entry.
id string - The unique identifier of the expected expense entry.
isPaymentCardRelated boolean - Indicates if the expected expense entry has the Is Payment Card Related field enabled. Value is true when the end user has selected this field for this expected expense entry.
lastComment string - The last comment (most recent) of the expected expense entry.
lastModifiedDate timestamp [RFC 3339] The date when this expected expense was last modified.
location object Location The location of the expected expense entry.
orgUnit1 to orgUnit6 object Amount The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration.
postedAmount object Amount The posted amount of the expected expense entry, in the transaction currency of the Request.
parentRequest object ResourceLink The parent Request of the expected expense.
paymentType object PaymentType Represents the payment type applied to the expected expense.
remainingAmount object Amount The remaining amount of the expected expense entry, in the transaction currency of the Request.
source enum - The source that created the expected expense. Supported values: CASH_ADVANCE or TRAVEL_ALLOWANCE. This field will be empty in any other case
transactionAmount object Amount Required The amount of the expected expense entry, in the transaction currency paid to the vendor.
transactionDate timestamp [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' Required The date of the transaction.
travelAllowance object Travel Allowance The Travel allowance.
tripData object Trip Data The description of the trip.
vendor object Vendor The vendor of the expected expense entry.


Name Type Format Description
allocationAmount object Amount The amount of the allocation calculated with the percentage value multiplied by the transaction amount on the expected expense. This amount is given in the transaction’s currency and rounded to eight digits after the decimal point.
approvedAmount object Amount The amount of the allocation calculated with the percentage value multiplied by the approved amount on the expected expense. This amount is given in the user’s currency and rounded to eight digits after the decimal point.
allocationId string - The unique allocation identifier.
custom1 to custom20 object CustomField The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration.
expenseId string - The unique identifier of the expected expense associated with the allocation.
percentEdited boolean - Whether the allocation percent has been edited.
percentage number - The percentage of the total expected expense that this allocation represents.
postedAmount object Amount The amount of the allocation calculated with the percentage value multiplied by the posted amount on the expected expense. This amount is given in the user’s currency and rounded to eight digits after the decimal point.
systemAllocation boolean - Whether the allocation is a system allocation, usually hidden from the user. If displayed to the user, should be read-only.

Exchange Rate

Name Type Format Description
operation string - Exchange rate operation. Supported values: MULTIPLY, DIVIDE
value number - Exchange rate value.

Expense Type

Name Type Format Description
id string - Required Unique identifier of the expense type.
name string - Name of the expense type.

List Item Field

Name Type Format Description
code string - The short code of the list item.
value string - Unique identifier of the list item.
href string [RFC 3986] Hyperlink to the resource for the list item.

Segment Leg

Name Type Format Description
cardProgram string - The value of the card program provided in the segment leg.
cardValidity string - The value of the card validity provided in the segment leg.
class list List Item Field The booking class of the segment leg.
classOfService string - The class of service of the segment leg. For example, in the case of an air segment, this field would contain the one-letter booking code: Y for economy class, or F for first class.
comment string - Contains the last comment saved in this segment leg.
custom1 to custom40 object CustomField The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration.
endDate date [ISO 8601] YYYY-MM-DD The date of the end of this segment leg. It represents the arrival date of AIRFR and TRAIN segments, check out date for HOTEL, or drop off for CARRT.
endLocation object ResourceLink The location where this segment leg arrives. For example, the arrival location for an air segment.
endLocationDetail string - Details about the end location. This would contain details about the name of a hotel, or some details about a car rental agency for example.
endTime time HH:mm The time for the end of this segment leg.
id string - The unique identifier of the segment leg.
flightNumber string - The value of the flight number provided in the Air segment leg.
returnLeg boolean - Indicates whether this leg is the return leg of a round trip. In case of a ROUND_TRIP, if there is no return leg defined, the second segment leg will be considered as the return leg.
startDate date [ISO 8601] YYYY-MM-DD The date of the beginning of this segment leg.
startLocation object ResourceLink The start location of this segment leg. This would be the departure location for an air segment for example.
startLocationDetail string - Details about the start location. This would contain details about the name of a hotel, or some details about a car rental agency for example.
startTime time HH:mm The time for the beginning of this segment leg.
serviceName string - The value of the service name provided in the segment leg.
segmentLocator string - This is the identifier for Concur Travel segments (if applicable).
travelExceptionReasonCodes string - This is the Travel Exception Reason Code for Concur Travel segments (if applicable). If multiple Travel Exception Reason Code are assigned to a same Concur Travel segment, codes will be separated with a coma.
vendorName string - Contains the vendor description of the segment leg.

Segment Type

Name Type Format Description
category enum - Describes the category of this segment type. Supported values: REQ_SEG_AIRFR, REQ_SEG_CARRT, REQ_SEG_HOTEL, REQ_SEG_LIMOF, REQ_SEG_RAILF, REQ_SEG_TAXIF, REQ_SEG_MISC, REQ_SEG_PARKG, REQ_SEG_DININ, REQ_SEG_EVENT
code string - Required The code of the segment type. Supported values: AIRFR, CARRT, HOTEL, LIMOF, RAILF, TAXIF, MISC, PARKG, DININ, EVENT or custom codes

It can be REQ_SEG_AIRFR / AIRFR for a regular air segment, or REQ_SEG_AIRFR / 10325 for a custom air segment (10325 is a random example).


  "category": "REQ_SEG_AIRFR",
  "code": "AIRFR"

Travel Agency

Name Type Format Description
emailAddress string - The travel agency email address.
id string - The travel agency unique identifier.
name string - The travel agency office name.
proposalType string - The travel agency proposal type.
customerAccountCode string - The code of the customer account configured within the Travel Agency Office admin page. Available only if proposalType is AEBT or API.
customerAccountName string - The name of the customer account configured within the Travel Agency Office admin page. Available only if proposalType is AEBT or API.

Travel Allowance

Name Type Format Description
dailyTravelAllowanceId string - The fixed daily travel allowance id associated with the expected expense.

Trip Data

Name Type Format Description
agencyBooked boolean - If true, this travel is (or has to be) handled by a travel agency.
legs list Segment Leg The list of the legs of the travel.
tripType string - Indicates the type of this trip. Supported values: ONE_WAY, ROUND_TRIP, or MULTI_STOPS. If not provided, will be detected from the given legs.
segmentType object Segment Type Required The type of the segment.
selfBooked boolean - If true, this travel has been reserved by Concur Travel, or if Concur Travel has retrieved the trip information in the GDS.


Name Type Format Description
id string - The vendor identifier of the entry.
name string - The vendor description of the entry.

Agency proposals

Name Type Format Description
agencyProposalType string - The agency proposal type value. Supported value: API. If not provided, will be set by default to API.
importDate timestamp [RFC 3339] Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSS'Z Read only The date of the import.
proposalUuid string - Read only The unique identifier of one proposal for a Request.
providerMessageId string - Required Free text, max length 32 characters. The unique identifier of the client’s batch of proposal. All proposals of a given batch should have the same value. Posting a set of proposals with a different value will remove all proposals previously posted and start a new batch of proposals, replacing the previous batch.
proposalBatchSize integer - Required Size of the client’s batch of proposal.
Note: If this value is greater than 1, the Request will not be sent back to the traveler as long as the expected number of proposals (respective proposalOrder) are not integrated into the Request.
proposalOrder integer - Required Sequence order of the proposal for the request. Up to 3 proposals can be submitted with values 1, 2, 3.
booked boolean - Required true if this trip is pre-booked by a travel agency. It will pre-select this proposal within the agency proposal comparison screen.
approvalLimitDate [RFC 3339] yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' Limit approval date of the proposal. Past this date, the proposal will not be viable any more.
Note: Offset MUST be in form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.
status string - The agency proposal status value. Supported value: PROPOSAL. If not provided, will be set by default to PROPOSAL.
proposal boolean - Read only true by default corresponding to the PROPOSAL status.
comments string - Free text.
itineraryLocator string - The unique identifier for ConcurTravel itinerary. Not provided if this is not a Concur Travel itinerary. Max length 32 characters.
selected boolean - Read only Value becomes true when that proposal is selected by the user.
totalPostedAmount object Amount Required The total amount for that proposal. Sum of the Agency Proposal segments amounts, with currency conversion in case they have prices in different currencies.
policyCompliant boolean - Whether the Agency Proposal is policy compliant or not. true if proposal is in policy; false if proposal is out of policy.
agencyProposalEntries array Agency proposal entry Minimum required: 1.

Agency proposal entry

Name Type Format Description
proposalEntryUuid string - Read only The unique identifier of one entry in a proposal for a request.
comments string - Read only Concatenate the comments of underlying segments.
transactionDate timestamp [RFC 3339] Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSS'Z Read only The date of the transaction (local time).
transactionAmount object Amount The amount of this entry.
exchangeRate object Exchange Rate Read only The exchange rate that applies to this entry.
agencyProposalSegment array Agency proposal segment Minimum required: 1.

Agency proposal segment

Name Type Format Description
proposalSegmentUuid string - Read only The unique identifier of one segment in a proposal for a request.
pnr string - Required The personal number of reservation (e.g. OYY5T).
booked boolean - Required true if this trip is (or has to be) handled by a travel agency.
policyCompliant boolean - Whether the Agency Proposal segment is policy compliant or not. true if segment is policy compliant; false if segment is out of policy. If no value is provided, the policy compliancy information will not be displayed within the proposal comparison screen.
comments string - Free text.
startDate date yyyy-MM-dd Required The date of the beginning of this segment.
startTime time HH:mm The local time of the beginning of this segment.
Required if this field set as mandator for the corresponding segment.
endDate date yyyy-MM-dd Required The date of the ending of this segment.
endTime time HH:mm The local time of the ending of this segment.
Required if this field set as mandator for the corresponding segment.
vendorName string - Required The vendor name for this segment. Max length 64 characters.
confirmationNumber string - The record locator or confirmation number for the flight from the airline. Max length 32 characters.
proposalSegmentType string - Required Supported values: AIR, RAIL, CAR, HOTEL, MISC
segmentTypeCode object Segment Type Read only The type of the segment. Supported values: AIRFR, CARRT, HOTEL, RAILF, MISC

For a given segment along with the common fields above should be included the specific fields for the segment type considered. If proposalSegmentType is AIR then include fields of Agency proposal air segment If proposalSegmentType is RAIL then include fields of Agency proposal rail segment If proposalSegmentType is CAR then include fields of Agency proposal car segment If proposalSegmentType is HOTEL then include fields of Agency proposal hotel segment If proposalSegmentType is MISC then include fields of Agency proposal misc segment

Agency proposal air segment

Name Type Format Description
classOfService string - Required The class of the air segment (e.g. Business). Will be displayed as information within the proposal comparison screen. Max Length: 32 characters.
classListItem object ResourceLink The unique identifier of the class of service list item for the segment. It will populate the “Class” list field of the air segment form. If the “Class” List field of the air segment form is mandatory, then this field becomes Request within the proposal payload.
duration integer - Required The duration of the booked flight in minutes. Must be greater than 0 (e.g. 120 for a two hours flight).
flightNumber string - Required The flight number for the booking (e.g. AF029)
seatNumber string - The number of the seat (e.g. 24D)
aircraft string - The code of the aircraft type.
departureTerminal string - The departure terminal for the air segment leg (e.g. 2B)
arrivalTerminal string - The arrival terminal for the air segment leg.
startLocation object Location Required The start location of the air segment leg (Air location schema).
endLocation object Location Required The end location of the air segment leg (Air location schema).

Agency proposal rail segment

Name Type Format Description
classOfService string - Required The class of the segment leg (e.g. Economy). Will be displayed as information within the proposal comparison screen. Max Length: 32 characters.
classListItem object ResourceLink The unique identifier of the class of service list item for the air segment. It will populate the “Class” list field of the rail segment form. If the “Class” List field of the rail segment form is mandatory, then this field becomes Request within the proposal payload.
duration integer - Required The duration of the booked train in minutes. Must be greater than 0. Must be greater than 0 (e.g. 120 for a two hours ride).
trainNumber string - Required The train number for the booking (e.g. 1578)
wagonNumber string - The number of the wagon (e.g. 8).
seatNumber string - The number of the seat (e.g. 24D).
startRailStation string - The code for the departure station of the ride. See locationCode in Location.
startRailStationName string - The name of the departure station of the ride.
startLocation object Location Required The start location of the rail segment leg (Rail location schema).
endRailStation string - The code for the arrival station of the ride. See locationCode in Location.
endRailStationName string - The name of the arrival station of the ride.
endLocation object Location Required The end location of the rail segment leg (Rail location schema).

Agency proposal car segment

Name Type Format Description
airConditioning boolean - Indicates if car has an air conditioner.
carEquipment string - Any special equipment required by the renter (e.g. GPS).
classOfService string - The class of the segment leg (e.g. Eco/Compact). Will be displayed as information within the proposal comparison screen. Max Length: 32 characters.
classListItem object ResourceLink The unique identifier of the class of service of the car segment. It will populate the “Class” list field of the car segment form. If the “Class” List field of the car segment form is mandatory, then this field becomes Request within the proposal payload.
transmissionPreference string - The character code that indicates if the car has auto-transmission. Supported values A for Auto or M for Manual.
dropOffCollectionPhoneNumber string - The phone number for the drop-off address when the rental service offers drop-off.
endLocation object Location Required The end location of the car segment leg (city location schema).
pickupDeliveryPhoneNumber string - The phone number for the pickup address when the rental service offers pickup.
startLocation object Location Required The start location of the car segment leg (city location schema).
startLocationDetail string - Additional details about the start location.
endLocationDetail string - Additional details about the end location.

Agency proposal hotel segment

Name Type Format Description
name string - Required The hotel name for the booking.
roomDescription string - The room description for the booking. Max Length: 2000 characters.
providerPhone string - The phone number for the booking.
location object Location Required The location of the hotel segment leg (city location schema).
locationDetail string - Additional details about the location.
address string - The address of the booking.
postalCode string - The address postal code of the booking.

Agency proposal misc segment

Name Type Format Description
name string - Required The name for the booking (e.g. Ferry, Bus).

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