Calculation Results (Retrieve)

This endpoint returns the detailed calculation results for all itineraries assigned to the given expense report or travel request. These calculation results are divided in client and government amounts which are based on rates defined in the travel allowance configuration. The rates are determined by government and company policies and may differ depending on location and length of travel as well as partial days of travel, seasonal travel, and so on.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.




Name Type Format Description
itineraryId string - Identification of the itinerary.
userId string uuid Required The unique identifier of the SAP Concur user who is the owner of the expense report or travel request for which calculation results should be retrieved for.
context string - Required The type of context object for which calculation results should be retrieved for. Supported values: EXPENSE_REPORT, TRAVEL_REQUEST
contextId string - Required The unique identifier of the expense report or travel request for which calculation results should be retrieved for.


  • Request: None
  • Response: Schema



Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Concur-CorrelationId: 5f79e774-de18-4478-957f-403c91cb9acc


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
  "context": "EXPENSE_REPORT",
  "contextId": "04AA576432134F869B40B225DE5ED30C",
  "itineraryResultDetails": [
      "links": [
          "href": "",
          "rel": "related"
      "itineraryDerivedData": {
        "startDate": "2016-05-21",
        "startTime": "08:00:00",
        "startDateUtc": "2016-05-21",
        "startTimeUtc": "08:00:00",
        "endDate": "2016-05-21",
        "endTime": "19:00:00",
        "endDateUtc": "2016-05-21",
        "endTimeUtc": "19:00:00",
        "numberOfDays": 1,
        "domestic": false,
        "homeCountry": "DE",
        "paymentCurrency": "EUR",
        "hasActualsConfigured": true
      "itineraryRateCategoryTotals": [
          "rateCategoryCode": "MEAL",
          "paymentCurrency": "EUR",
          "governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency": 35,
          "clientAmountInPaymentCurrency": 35,
          "benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency": 0
      "dailyResultDetails": [
          "date": "2016-05-21",
          "paymentCurrency": "EUR",
          "governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency": 35,
          "clientAmountInPaymentCurrency": 0,
          "benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency": 0,
          "dailyRateCategoryTotals": [
              "rateCategoryCode": "MEAL",
              "paymentCurrency": "EUR",
              "governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency": 35,
              "clientAmountInPaymentCurrency": 35,
              "benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency": 0
          "dailyRateTypeDetails": [
              "calculationDetailsSummary": {
                "rateTypeCode": "MEAL",
                "rateCategoryCode": "MEAL",
                "expenseTypeCode": "FXMLS",
                "location": {
                  "locationNameId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
                  "uNLocationCode": "USSEA",
                  "administrativeRegionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
                  "subDivisionCode": "US-WA",
                  "countryCode": "US"
                "governmentRateCurrency": "USD",
                "governmentConversionRate": 0.5,
                "dateOfGovernmentConversionRate": "2016-05-21",
                "clientRateCurrency": "USD",
                "clientConversionRate": 0.5,
                "dateOfClientConversionRate": "2016-05-21",
                "paymentCurrency": "EUR",
                "governmentAmountInRateCurrency": 70,
                "clientAmountInRateCurrency": 70,
                "benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency": 0,
                "governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency": 35,
                "clientAmountInPaymentCurrency": 35,
                "benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency": 0
              "governmentCalculationDetails": [
                  "rates": [
                      "rateAmountInRateCurrency": 75,
                      "rateCurrency": "USD"
                  "rateCurrency": "USD",
                  "rateAmountInRateCurrency": 75,
                  "adjustmentFactors": [
                      "adjustmentFactor": 1
                  "adjustedAmountInRateCurrency": 75,
                  "deductions": [
                      "deductionCategoryCode": "LUNCH",
                      "deductionTypeCode": "PROVIDED",
                      "deductionCurrency": "USD",
                      "rateCurrency": "USD",
                      "conversionRate": 1,
                      "dateOfConversionRate": "2016-05-21",
                      "deductionAmountInDeductionCurrency": 5,
                      "deductionAmountInRateCurrency": 5,
                      "benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency": 0
                  "resultingAmountInRateCurrency": 70,
                  "location": {
                    "locationNameId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
                    "uNLocationCode": "USSEA",
                    "administrativeRegionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
                    "subDivisionCode": "US-WA",
                    "countryCode": "US"
                  "specialRulesApplied": [
              "clientCalculationDetails": [
                  "rates": [
                      "rateAmountInRateCurrency": 75,
                      "rateCurrency": "USD"
                  "rateCurrency": "USD",
                  "rateAmountInRateCurrency": 75,
                  "adjustmentFactors": [
                      "adjustmentFactor": 1
                  "adjustedAmountInRateCurrency": 75,
                  "deductions": [
                      "deductionCategoryCode": "LUNCH",
                      "deductionTypeCode": "PROVIDED",
                      "deductionCurrency": "USD",
                      "rateCurrency": "USD",
                      "conversionRate": 1,
                      "dateOfConversionRate": "2016-05-21",
                      "deductionAmountInDeductionCurrency": 5,
                      "deductionAmountInRateCurrency": 5,
                      "benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency": 0
                  "resultingAmountInRateCurrency": 70,
                  "location": {
                    "locationNameId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
                    "uNLocationCode": "USSEA",
                    "administrativeRegionId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
                    "subDivisionCode": "US-WA",
                    "countryCode": "US"
                  "specialRulesApplied": [
  "userId": "48f1ab71-2e7b-4b18-b745-adbea34cb73f",
  "links": [
      "href": "",
      "rel": "self"


Context Object Result Detail

Name Type Format Description
context enum - Context of the itineraries, an itinerary may belong to one or several travel requests or expense reports. Supported values: TRAVEL_REQUEST, EXPENSE_REPORT.
contextId string - Identification of the context; i.e. ID of the travel request or the expense report.
itineraryResultDetails array ItineraryResultDetails List of detailed travel allowance calculation results for itineraries within the context.
links array Link Links available for the whole calculation results.
userId string uuid The unique identification of the traveler.

Itinerary Result Details

Name Type Format Description
dailyResultDetails array DailyResultDetail List of summarized and detailed daily travel allowance calculation results of the itinerary.
itineraryDerivedData object ItineraryDerivedData Detailed calculated information about the itinerary.
itineraryRateCategoryTotals object HeaderRateCategoryTotals Total amounts per Rate Category for this itinerary; only one entry per Rate Category.
links array Link Links available for the itinerary.

Daily Result Detail

Name Type Format Description
benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Benefit in kind amount in payment currency; this amount can have up to the number of currency decimal places.
clientAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Client specific travel allowance amount in payment currency; this amount can have up to the number of currency decimal places.
dailyRateCategoryTotals array RateCategoryTotals Total amounts per Rate Category.
dailyRateTypeDetails array DailyRateTypeDetail Summarized and detailed travel allowance calculation results per rate type of a day of the itinerary.
date date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of the day of the allowance.
governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Government specific travel allowance amount in payment currency; this amount can have up to the number of currency decimal places.
paymentCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Payment currency of the travel allowance amounts, taken over from the assigned expense report / travel request.

Rate Category Totals

Name Type Format Description
benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Benefit in kind amount in payment currency.
clientAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Client specific travel allowance amount in payment currency.
governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Government specific travel allowance amount in payment currency.
paymentCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Payment currency of the travel allowance amounts, taken over from the assigned expense report / travel request.
rateCategoryCode enum - Rate category of the expense type. Supported values: MEAL, LODGING, INCIDENTAL.

Daily Rate Type Detail

Name Type Format Description
clientCalculationDetails array CalculationDetail Detailed client daily travel allowance calculation results.
calculationDetailsSummary object CalculationDetailSummary Summarized daily travel allowance calculation results per rate type of a day of the itinerary.
governmentCalculationDetails array CalculationDetail Detailed government daily travel allowance calculation results.

Calculation Detail

Name Type Format Description
adjustedAmountInRateCurrency number - Adjusted amount; this amount is the rate amount multiplied with all adjustment factors; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
adjustmentFactors array AdjustmentRule List of adjustment factors.
resultingAmountInRateCurrency number - Resulting amount; this amount is the adjustment amount after deduction of all deduction amounts; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
deductions array Deduction List of deduction amounts.
specialRulesApplied array - A list of possible special rules applied to the calculation detail according to the configuration. This provides additional explanation of the calculation result detail which could be relevant e.g. when this data is presented to a user. Possible values are:
THREE_MONTH_RULE - An adjustment factor was applied because of the German Three Month Rule, a German regulatory term.
AUSTRIA_5_5_15_DAY_RULE - An adjustment factor was applied because of the Austrian 5-5-15-Day Rule, an Austrian regulatory term.
AUSTRIA_12_DAY_RULE - An adjustment factor was applied because of the Austrian 12-Day Rule, an Austrian regulatory term.
AUSTRIA_183_DAY_RULE - An adjustment factor was applied because of the Austrian 183-Day Rule, an Austrian regulatory term.
TRUCKER_RULE - Two days of an itinerary were combined into one calculation detail. If there is a two days trip without any lodging then this trip is handled as a one day trip where the number of hours of both days are combined and according to this number of hours the per diem rate is determined.
ITINERARIES_MERGED - Travel times of other itineraries of the same day were combined into this calculation result detail.
MERGED_INTO_ITINERARY - Allowances for this itinerary are included in another itinerary of the same day.
DAY_HANDLED_IN_OTHER_EXPENSE_REPORT - There is already an itinerary on the same day in another expense report. Therefore this itinerary is not applicable to get allowances.
NOT_HIGHEST_RATE_OF_DAY - There is another itinerary on the same day with a higher rate. Therefore this itinerary is not applicable to get allowances.
HIGHEST_RATE_OF_DAY - This days’s highest rate. Other itineraries are not applicable to get allowances for the same date.
LONGEST_TRIP_OF_DAY - This day’s longest itinerary. Other itineraries are not applicable to get allowances for the same date.
NOT_LONGEST_TRIP_OF_DAY - There is a longer itinerary on the same day. Therefore this itinerary is not applicable to get allowances.
UP_TO_LIMIT - Reimbursable allowances is configured. Amount is only a limit.
OVER_LIMIT_TRACKING - Reimbursable allowances is configured. Amount is used for over limit tracking.
location object Location The location for which the travel allowance calculation on the given day was done.
rateAmountInRateCurrency number - Amount of the daily allowance rate; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
rateCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Currency of the daily allowance rate.
rates array RateDetail Applied rate configurations.

Adjustment Rule

Name Type Format Description
adjustmentFactor number - Factor of the adjustment rule; this factor and can have up to 8 decimal places; the base amount is multiplied with this factor to get the adjusted amount.


Name Type Format Description
benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency number - Amount of benefit-in-kind in rate currency; this amount is added to the traveler’s taxable amount if the adjusted amount is already zero; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
deductionCategoryCode string - Category of deduction; it can be used to distinguish between e.g. breakfast, lunch, Lunch & dinner, night.
conversionRate number - Conversion rate of the deduction amount.
dateOfConversionRate string [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of conversion between deduction and rate currency for deduction amount.
deductionAmountInDeductionCurrency number - Amount of deduction in deduction currency, this amount is deducted from the adjusted amount to get the reimbursement amount; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
deductionAmountInRateCurrency number - Amount of deduction in rate currency, this amount is deducted from the adjusted amount to get the reimbursement amount; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
deductionCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Currency of the deduction amount.
rateCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Currency of the rate amount.
deductionTypeCode string - Type of deduction; it can be used to distinguish e.g between full deduction or partial deduction for the given category.


Name Type Format Description
administrativeRegionId string uuid Administrative Region ID.
countryCode string [ISO 3166-1], length 2 Country code of location.
subDivisionISOCode string [ISO 3166-2], length 2 Subdivison code of location.
uNLocationCode string - UN Location code, a combination of a 2-character country code [ISO 3166-1] and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). Total length can be up to 11 characters for custom locations.
locationNameId string uuid UUID of the location for which the travel allowance calculation on the given day was done.

Rate Detail

Name Type Format Description
rateAmountInRateCurrency number - Amount of the daily allowance rate; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
rateCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Currency of the daily allowance rate.

Calculation Detail Summary

Name Type Format Description
benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Amount of benefit-in-kind in payment currency; this amount is added to the traveler’s taxable amount if he marks a meal provided but receives no per diem for that day; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
benefitInKindAmountInRateCurrency number - Amount of benefit-in-kind in rate currency; this amount is added to the traveler’s taxable amount if he marks a meal provided but receives no per diem for that day; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
clientAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Client specific travel allowance amount (usually the reimbursement amount) in payment currency; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
clientAmountInRateCurrency number - Client specific travel allowance amount (usually the tax-free amount) in client rate currency; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
clientConversionRate number - Conversion rate of the client travel allowance rate.
dateOfClientConversionRate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of conversion between rate and payment currency for client travel allowance rates.
expenseTypeCode string - Expense type code assigned to the given travel allowance rate type; needed when transferring the travel allowance to an expense service.
governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Government specific travel allowance amount in payment currency; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
governmentAmountInRateCurrency number - Government specific travel allowance amount in government rate currency; this amount can have up to 8 decimal places.
governmentConversionRate number - Conversion rate of the government travel allowance rate.
dateOfGovernmentConversionRate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Date of conversion between rate and payment currency for government travel allowance rates.
governmentRateCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Currency of the government travel allowance rate.
location object Location The location for which the travel allowance calculation on the given day was done.
paymentCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Payment currency of the travel allowance amounts, taken over from the assigned expense report / travel request.
rateCategoryCode string - Rate category of the expense type. It can be used to distinguish between different rates for meals, lodging, incidentals.
clientRateCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Currency of the client travel allowance rate.
rateTypeCode string - Travel allowance rate type; Code list can be defined by customer and can contain values like lunch, breakfast, dinner.

Itinerary Derived Data

Name Type Format Description
domestic boolean true / false True if all the locations in the itinerary are in the itinerary owner’s home country.
endDate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd End date of the itinerary.
endDateUtc date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd End date in UTC of the itinerary.
endTime time HH:mm:ss End time of the itinerary.
endTimeUtc time HH:mm:ss End time in UTC of the itinerary.
hasActualsConfigured boolean true / false Itinerary is using Actuals versus Limits.
numberOfDays integer - Number of days in the itinerary.
startDate date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Start date of the itinerary.
startDateUtc date [ISO 8601] yyyy-MM-dd Start date in UTC of the itinerary.
startTime time HH:mm:ss Start time of the itinerary.
startTimeUtc time HH:mm:ss Start time in UTC of the itinerary.
homeCountry string [ISO 3166-1] , length 2 Country from UserProfile.
paymentCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Payment currency of the travel allowance amounts, taken over from the assigned expense report / travel request.

Rate Category Totals Header

Name Type Format Description
benefitInKindAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Amount of benefit-in-kind in payment currency; this amount is added to the traveler’s taxable amount if he marks a meal provided but receives no per diem for that day; this amount can have up to the number of currency decimal places.
clientAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Client specific travel allowance amount (usually the reimbursement amount) in payment currency; this amount can have up to the number of currency decimal places.
governmentAmountInPaymentCurrency number - Government specific travel allowance amount (usually the tax-free amount) in payment currency; this amount can have up to the number of currency decimal places.
paymentCurrency string [ISO 4217:2015] Payment currency of the travel allowance amounts, taken over from the assigned expense report / travel request.
rateCategoryCode enum - Rate category of the expense type. Supported values: MEAL,LODGING, INCIDENTAL.
Name Type Format Description
href string - The URL of the link.
rel string - The relationship type of the link.

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