Itemizations v3

1.1 documentation is available here


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Retrieve all expense itemizations owned by the user

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/itemizations


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
reportID string query The report ID of the itemizations to be retrieved. Use the GET /expense/reportdigests function to find the report ID. Format: An alpha-numeric string
entryID string query The entry ID for the itemizations to be retrieved. Use the GET /expense/entries endpoint to learn the valid entry ID.
expenseTypeCode string query The expense type code for the itemizations to be retrieved.
offset string query The starting point of the next set of results, after the limit specified in the limit field has been reached.
limit Int32 query The number of records to return. Default value: 25
user string query The login ID of the user who owns the itemizations. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

  "Items": [
      "EntryID": "gWidFO7ikXSy55WZOaAXv8JRfFkruCwrP4g",
      "ReportID": "F4F027007E814C1CA70E",
      "ReportOwnerID": "",
      "ExpenseTypeCode": "LODTX",
      "ExpenseTypeName": "Hotel Tax",
      "SpendCategoryCode": "LODGA",
      "SpendCategoryName": "Lodging - Track Room Rate Spending",
      "TransactionDate": "2013-08-07T00:00:00",
      "TransactionAmount": 20,
      "PostedAmount": 20,
      "ApprovedAmount": 20,
      "LocationID": "gWqWg2EhaUtcIW$s2pMbTGM8W81u2qcfX94w",
      "LocationName": "Montreal, Quebec",
      "LocationSubdivision": "Quebec",
      "LocationCountry": "CA",
      "Description": "test",
      "IsPersonal": false,
      "IsBillable": false,
      "IsImageRequired": false,
      "AllocationType": "N",
      "HasComments": false,
      "HasExceptions": false,
      "LastModified": "2013-09-02T19:40:48.877",
      "OrgUnit1": null,
      "OrgUnit2": null,
      "OrgUnit3": null,
      "OrgUnit4": null,
      "OrgUnit5": null,
      "OrgUnit6": null,
      "Custom1": null,
      "Custom2": null,
      "Custom3": null,
      "Custom4": null,
      "Custom5": null,
      "Custom6": null,
      "Custom7": null,
      "Custom8": null,
      "Custom9": null,
      "Custom10": null,
      "Custom11": null,
      "Custom12": null,
      "Custom13": null,
      "Custom14": null,
      "Custom15": null,
      "Custom16": null,
      "Custom17": null,
      "Custom18": null,
      "Custom19": null,
      "Custom20": null,
      "Custom21": null,
      "Custom22": null,
      "Custom23": null,
      "Custom24": null,
      "Custom25": null,
      "Custom26": null,
      "Custom27": null,
      "Custom28": null,
      "Custom29": null,
      "Custom30": null,
      "Custom31": null,
      "Custom32": null,
      "Custom33": null,
      "Custom34": null,
      "Custom35": null,
      "Custom36": null,
      "Custom37": null,
      "Custom38": null,
      "Custom39": null,
      "Custom40": null,
      "ID": "gWidFO7ikXSy$seMkLiQismjUIYkxYzCsf4g",
      "URI": "$seMkLiQismjUIYkxYzCsf4g"

Retrieve an expense itemization by ID

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/itemizations/{id}


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The ID of the expense itemization.
user string query The login ID of the user who owns the itemizations. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

  "EntryID": "gWidFO7ikXV6$sQxTtWGQsIhawC4KoyssTCg",
  "ReportID": "39BD9F7C5C3F4986A6A5",
  "ReportOwnerID": "",
  "ExpenseTypeCode": "LODTX",
  "ExpenseTypeName": "Hotel Tax",
  "SpendCategoryCode": "LODGA",
  "SpendCategoryName": "Lodging - Track Room Rate Spending",
  "TransactionDate": "2016-04-21T00:00:00",
  "TransactionAmount": 20,
  "PostedAmount": 20,
  "ApprovedAmount": 20,
  "LocationID": "gWqWg2EhcUKB$sottpx8eODvjn1$pWvWfG15A",
  "LocationName": "Bellevue, Washington",
  "LocationSubdivision": "Washington",
  "LocationCountry": "US",
  "Description": null,
  "IsPersonal": false,
  "IsBillable": false,
  "IsImageRequired": false,
  "AllocationType": "N",
  "HasComments": false,
  "HasExceptions": false,
  "LastModified": "2016-04-22T22:19:55.213",
  "OrgUnit1": null,
  "OrgUnit2": null,
  "OrgUnit3": null,
  "OrgUnit4": null,
  "OrgUnit5": null,
  "OrgUnit6": null,
  "Custom1": null,
  "Custom2": null,
  "Custom3": null,
  "Custom4": null,
  "Custom5": null,
  "Custom6": null,
  "Custom7": null,
  "Custom8": null,
  "Custom9": null,
  "Custom10": null,
  "Custom11": null,
  "Custom12": null,
  "Custom13": null,
  "Custom14": null,
  "Custom15": null,
  "Custom16": null,
  "Custom17": null,
  "Custom18": null,
  "Custom19": null,
  "Custom20": null,
  "Custom21": null,
  "Custom22": null,
  "Custom23": null,
  "Custom24": null,
  "Custom25": null,
  "Custom26": null,
  "Custom27": null,
  "Custom28": null,
  "Custom29": null,
  "Custom30": null,
  "Custom31": null,
  "Custom32": null,
  "Custom33": null,
  "Custom34": null,
  "Custom35": null,
  "Custom36": null,
  "Custom37": null,
  "Custom38": null,
  "Custom39": null,
  "Custom40": null,
  "ID": "gWidFO7ikXV6$pcZsso2aBN0Aad4P5i8bjCg",
  "URI": "$pcZsso2aBN0Aad4P5i8bjCg"

Create a new expense itemization

POST  /api/v3.0/expense/itemizations


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
content - body Required The expense itemization object to create.

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

  "ID": "gWidFO7ikXV69FISvVWPbHe1Oj4FbCd0DCg",
  "URI": ""

Update an expense itemization

DEPRECATED: 05/19/2016

PUT  /api/v3.0/expense/itemizations/{id}


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The ID of the expense itemization
content - body Required The partial or complete expense itemization object to update.

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

no content

Delete an expense itemization

DEPRECATED: 05/19/2016

DELETE  /api/v3.0/expense/itemizations/{id}


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The ID of the expense itemization to delete.
user string query Required The login ID of the user who owns the itemizations. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

no content



Name Type Format Description
Items array Itemization The result collection.
NextPage string - The URI of the next page of results, if any.


Name Type Format Description
AllocationType string - The type of allocation for the itemization. Possible values: P - partial allocation, F - full allocation, N - no allocation. Use the GET /expense/allocations function to get information about this entry’s allocations.
ApprovedAmount Decimal - The approved amount of the expense itemization, in the report currency.
Custom1 through Custom40 CustomField - The details from the Custom fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If the form field is configured as a List data type, the value will be the item code for this list. Use the GET /common/listitems operation to learn the item name. Maximum length: 64 characters
Description string - The description of the expense. Maximum length: 64 characters
EntryID string - Required The ID of the expense entry that is the parent for the itemization. Use the GET /expense/entries endpoint to learn the entry ID for the expense itemizations.
ExpenseTypeCode string - Required The code for the expense type. Use the GET /expense/expensegroupconfigurations endpoint to learn the expense type code for expense types that are active for this report’s policy.
ExpenseTypeName string - Required The name of the expense type, localized to the user’s language.
HasComments Boolean - Indicates whether the expense has comments. Use the GET ExpenseEntryComments endpoint to get information about this entry’s comments. Format: true or false
HasExceptions Boolean - Indicates whether the expense has exceptions. Format: true or false
ID string - The unique identifier of the resource.
IsBillable Boolean - Indicates whether the itemization is billable. Format: true or false
IsImageRequired Boolean - Indicates whether a receipt image is required for the entry. Format: true or false
IsPersonal Boolean - Indicates whether the itemization is personal (that is, non-reimbursable). Format: true or false
LastModified DateTime - The UTC date when the itemization was last modified.
LocationCountry string - The country where the expense was incurred. Format: 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code
LocationID string - The unique identifier for the location where the expense was incurred. Use the GET /common/locations function to get information for this location.
LocationName string - The location where the expense was incurred, usually the city name.
LocationSubdivision string - The state, province, or other country subdivision where the expense was incurred. Format: ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision
OrgUnit1 through OrgUnit6 CustomField - The details from the Org Unit fields. These fields may not have data, depending on the configuration. If the form field is configured as a List data type, the value will be the item code for this list. Use the GET /common/listitems operation to learn the item name. Maximum length: 64 characters
PostedAmount Decimal - The amount of the expense itemization, in the report currency.
ReportID string - Required The ID of the report that is the parent for the itemization. Use the GET /expense/reportdigests endpoint to learn the report ID for the itemizations.
ReportOwnerID string - Required The login ID for the report owner. Use the GET User Information endpoint to learn details about this user.
SpendCategoryCode string - Required The code for the spending category that is specified for this itemization.
SpendCategoryName string - Required The name of the spending category that is specified for this itemization, localized to the user’s language.
TransactionAmount Decimal - The amount of the expense itemization, in the transaction currency of the parent expense entry.
TransactionDate DateTime - Required The date when the good or service associated with this itemization was provided. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
URI string - The URI to the resource.

Custom Field

Name Type Format Description
Code string - For list fields, this is the list item code.
ListItemID string - For list fields, this is the list item ID.
Type string - The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text
Value string - The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

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