Receipts v4 - Supported Receipt Types

Receipts can be any of the following types

See the schema documentation below for the specifications of each type, plus the various schemas that are shared components of each receipt schema. Property names mentioned in bold italics are required fields.


Property Name Type Format Description
streetAddress string N/A  
addressLocality string N/A City
addressRegion string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}$ 1 to 3 character country subdivision code as defined in ISO 3166-2:2013
addressCountry string country-code 2 or 3 character country code as defined in ISO 3166-1:2013
postalCode string N/A  

Air Receipt

Schema for airline receipts.

Property Name Type Format Description
itineraryLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Unique ID of an itinerary (also know as a trip) in Concur’s Itinerary Service. An itinerary can contain one or more bookings from various sources.
tickets array tickets Air tickets issued.
lineItems array lineItems Ancillary airline fees.


Property Name Type Format Description
number string N/A Ticket number issued by the airline when the payment is made. Ticket numbers are globally unique for all IATA carriers. The first 3 digits identify the airline. The three digit code for each airline can be found here. For example the ticket number for American Airlines where 001 is the airline: 0012375432602.
recordLocator string N/A Confirmation identifier for the ticket created by the airline. For most airlines this is a 6 character alphanumeric code that is unique for a short period of time and could be reused in the future.
issueDateTime string date-time Date and time the ticket was issued.
pseudoCityCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{3}$ IATA city code the ticket was issued from. For example, SEA for Seattle.
IATAAgencyNumber string ^[0-9]{8}$ Identifying number assigned by the IATA to the agency issuing the ticket.
agencyName string N/A Name of the agency issuing the ticket.
passengerName string N/A Name of the passenger associated with the ticket.
coupons array coupons Flights issued within this transaction.


Property Name Type Format Description
originationAirportIATACode string ^[a-zA-Z]{3}$ IATA airport code of the flight’s origin.
originationDateTime string date-time Date and time of origin.
destinationAirportIATACode string ^[a-zA-Z]{3}$ IATA airport code of the flight’s destination.
destinationDateTime string date-time Date and time of destination.
flightNumber string N/A Flight identifier.
couponNumber string ^(?!\s*$).+ Identifier associated with the given coupon.
operatingAirlineCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$ IATA code of the airline operating the flight.
marketingCarrier string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,8}$ Flight designator booking the flight.
operatingCarrier string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,8}$ Flight designator operating the flight.
classOfServiceCode string ^[a-zA-Z]$ Class of service per the airline’s class of service codes. Most airlines use the same codes but some airlines have custom codes.
fareBasisCode string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,8}$ Rate code the airline used to calculate the fare for this flight.
ticketDesignatorCode string ^[a-zA-Z0-9*?]{1,10}$ A valid ticket designator code to indicate what type of discount is applied, such as for a child or infant, or airline employee. This is a 1 to 10 alphanumeric code and can optionally include a single asterisk. Ticket designators are free-form text codes which help identify ticket types. Airlines determine which ticket designators they will use as no standards currently exist.
fare string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ Fare charged for the flight.
taxes array Taxes Schema for objects that make up an array of taxes. Used in most receipt types.
lineItems array lineItems Line Items/fees specific to a leg of the trip. Eg. Baggage fees, class of service fees, priority boarding, meals.


Property Name Type Format Description
IATAAirportCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{3}$ 3-letter IATA code for an airport.
IATAAirlineCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$ 2-letter code for an airline.
IATACityCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{3}$ 3-letter IATA city code. For example, SEA for Seattle.
IATAAgencyNumber string ^[0-9]{8}$ 8-character ID number assigned by the IATA to an agency.
flightDesignator string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,8}$  
classOfServiceCode string ^[a-zA-Z]$  
fareBasisCode string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,8}$  
ticketDesignatorCode string ^[a-zA-Z0-9*?]{1,10}$  

Car Rental Receipt

Schema for car rentals. This does not include ride services or taxis.

Property Name Type Format Description
itineraryLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Unique ID of an itinerary (also know as a trip) in Concur’s Itinerary Service. An itinerary can contain one or more bookings from various sources.
segmentLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Unique ID of a single travel event in Concur’s Itinerary Service. An itinerary can contain one or more bookings and each booking can contain one or more segments. The segmentLocator uniquely identifies an event like a car rental with a specific start and end date or a single air segment/sector.
startDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
endDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
pickupLocation object Location Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.
dropoffLocation object Location Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.
rentalDays integer N/A Total number of days for which the car was rented.
rentalAgreementNumber string N/A Agreement identifier.
confirmationNumber string N/A Booking confirmation identifier.
vehicle object vehicle  
driverName string N/A Name of the driver/renter of the vehicle.
distance object distance Distance traveled.
odometerReadingOut number N/A Odometer reading at the start of the rental period. A number with up to one decimal place is expected.
odometerReadingIn number N/A Odometer reading at the end of the rental period. A number with up to one decimal place is expected.
additionalDriver boolean N/A Additional approved driver (true) or not (false).
lineItems array lineItems Break down of all car rental charges. This could include daily rate, fees, insurance, GPS rental and other add-ons.


Property Name Type Format Description
registrationNumber string N/A Registration or license plate identifier.
description string N/A Vehicle description, including year, make and model.
classReservedCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{4}$ Four-letter Association of Car Rental Industry Systems Standard (ACRISS) car code.
classRentedCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{4}$ Actual vehicle rented ACRISS identifier.
classChargedCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{4}$ Car class code actually charged to the user.
engineSize string ^[0-9]{1,4}$ Engine displacement in cubic centimeters.


Property Name Type Format Description
acrissCarCode string ^[a-zA-Z]{4}$ Four-letter Association of Car Rental Industry Systems Standard (ACRISS) car code.
engineSize string ^[0-9]{1,4}$ Engine displacement in cubic centimeters.

Common Definitions

Shared definitions that are utilized in multiple receipt types.


Property Name Type Format Description
dateTime string date-time The dateTime validation validates for a subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; This is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
duration string ^(-)?P(?:(-?[0-9,.])Y)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])W)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])D)?(?:T(?:(-?[0-9,.])H)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$ Duration of a time interval as defined in ISO 8601
nonEmptyString string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
addressRegion string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}$ 1 to 3 character country subdivision code as defined in ISO 3166-2:2013
addressCountry string country-code 2 or 3 character country code as defined in ISO 3166-1:2013
currency string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.
currencyCode string currency-code 3-letter currency code as defined in ISO 4217
latitude number N/A Numeric latitude value between -90 and 90
longitude number N/A Numeric longitude value between -180 and 180
positiveInteger integer N/A Positive integer value of at least 1
positiveNumber number N/A Positive number value of at least 0
negativeCurrency string ^[-]\d*.?\d+$ String representing a negative amount of money, normally used for a discount. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.


Property Name Type Format Description
totalDistance number N/A  
unit N/A N/A Can be any of the following values: mi, km


Schema for discounts, such as coupons or discount codes, that could be part of a transaction.

Property Name Type Format Description
discountName string N/A The name of the discount.
discountCode string N/A The code for the discount.
discountRate string N/A The percentage of discount provided.
discountAmount string ^[-]\d*.?\d+$ String representing a negative amount of money, normally used for a discount. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.

General Receipt

General receipt type for transactions that do not fall under one of the more specific receipt types. This might include retail stores or restaurants.

Property Name Type Format Description
lineItems array lineItems Line items specified for general receipts.

Ground Transport Receipt

Schema for ground transportation receipts. This includes essentially all forms of non-aerial transportation, except those that run on railed tracks.

Property Name Type Format Description
itineraryLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
segmentLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
classOfService string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
startDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
endDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
travelDuration string ^(-)?P(?:(-?[0-9,.])Y)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])W)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])D)?(?:T(?:(-?[0-9,.])H)?(?:(-?[0-9,.])M)?(?:(-?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$ Duration of a time interval as defined in ISO 8601
mapUrl string Google Maps URI Pattern Link to an image of the traveled route.
pickupLocation object Location Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.
dropoffLocation object Location Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.
distance object distance Object representing a distance.
driverNumber string N/A Unique identifier assigned by the ride company to a driver.
lineItems array lineItems Descriptive breakdown of the fare charged. For example: base fare, distance travelled, discount and other add-ons.

Google Maps URI Pattern: ^https://(www|maps).(googleapis|google).[a-z]+/maps/

Hotel Receipt

Schema for hotel receipts.

Property Name Type Format Description
itineraryLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Unique ID of an itinerary (also know as a trip) in Concur’s Itinerary Service. An itinerary can contain one or more bookings from various sources.
segmentLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Unique ID of a single travel event in Concur’s Itinerary Service. An itinerary can contain one or more bookings and each booking can contain one or more segments. The segmentLocator uniquely identifies an event like a car rental with a specific start and end date or a single air segment/sector.
property object Location Physical property location information for the hotel property. This is often different than the merchant location information.
confirmationNumber string N/A Booking identifier.
checkInDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
checkOutDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
guests array guests Guest information.
numberInParty integer N/A Number of individuals for the stay.
room object room  
nightsStayed integer N/A Positive integer value of at least 1
lineItems array lineItems  


Property Name Type Format Description
guestNameRecord string N/A The loyalty or membership number of the hotel guest.
firstName string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
lastName string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
address object Address Address of the guest. It is highly recommended that the business address of the guest is provided if the hotel is provided with one. Doing so will help VAT reclamation partners who work with companies, to have compliant receipts accepted by the tax authority when filing tax reclaims.


Property Name Type Format Description
name string N/A The name for the location.
number string N/A The identifier the company assigned to this location.
latitude number N/A Numeric latitude value between -90 and 90
longitude number N/A Numeric longitude value between -180 and 180
internetAddress string N/A  
emailAddress string N/A  
telephoneNumber string N/A  
faxNumber string N/A  
address object Address Common address object used by all receipt types except for the JPT IC Card receipt, which uses Address-Original.


Property Name Type Format Description
roomNumber string N/A Room number where the guest stayed.
roomType string N/A Type of room where the guest stayed. For example, Standard, Deluxe, etc.
ratePlanType string N/A Name of the rate plan according to which the guest was charged.
averageDailyRoomRate string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ Average of the daily room rates for the duration of the guests stay. Room rates usually differ from day to day.


Property Name Type Format Description
sequenceNumber integer N/A Unique transaction identifier for every trip taken using the IC card.
dateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
fromStationCode string N/A Departure station code of the route. This code is specified to the IC Card vendor. Concur Expense has a transcoding table to Expense location codes.
fromStationName string N/A Departure station label of the route.
toStationCode string N/A Arrival station code of the route. This code is specified to the IC Card vendor. Concur Expense has a transcoding table to Expense location codes.
toStationName string N/A Arrival station label of the route.
fromIsCommuterPass boolean N/A Whether or not the departure route is included in the commuter pass subscription of the employee.
toIsCommuterPass boolean N/A Whether or not the arrival route is included in the commuter pass subscription of the employee.
distance number N/A Positive number value of at least value as 0


Property Name Type Format Description
sequenceNumber integer N/A Unique transaction identifier for every trip taken using the IC card.
dateTime string date-time Transaction date and time.
fromStationCode string N/A Departure station code of the route. This code is specified to the IC Card vendor. Concur Expense has a transcoding table to Expense location codes.
fromStationName string N/A Departure station label of the route.
toStationCode string N/A Arrival station code of the route. This code is specified to the IC Card vendor. Concur Expense has a transcoding table to Expense location codes.
toStationName string N/A Arrival station label of the route.
fromIsCommuterPass boolean N/A Whether or not the departure route is included in the commuter pass subscription of the employee.
toIsCommuterPass boolean N/A Whether or not the arrival route is included in the commuter pass subscription of the employee.
distance number N/A Positive number value of at least value as 0

Line Item

Generic line item. These objects are included in arrays in most receipt types.

Property Name Type Format Description
sequenceNumber integer N/A The order in which the item appears in the sequence of line items when the receipt is rendered by Concur.
dateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
reference string N/A The item SKU, identifier or some other attribute the merchant uses to reference the item.
description string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
additionalDescription string N/A  
semanticsCode string ^(?!\s*$).+ The Concur semantics code for the line item.
unitCost string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ Amount per unit.
quantity integer N/A  
total string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.
subtotal string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.
taxesTotal string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.
taxes array Taxes Schema for objects that make up an array of taxes. Used in most receipt types.
vatApplicable boolean N/A If the line item was subject to a value added tax then true, if not then false.
amountIncludesVat boolean N/A  
discounts array discounts The discounts offered for this line item.


Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.

Property Name Type Format Description
name string N/A The name for the location.
number string N/A The identifier the company assigned to this location.
latitude number N/A Numeric latitude value between -90 and 90
longitude number N/A Numeric longitude value between -180 and 180
internetAddress string N/A  
emailAddress string N/A  
telephoneNumber string N/A  
faxNumber string N/A  
address object Address Common address object used by all receipt types except for the JPT IC Card receipt, which uses Address-Original.


Schema for an object representing a merchant. The broker and seller properties in all receipts use this schema.

Property Name Type Format Description
name string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
description string N/A Description of the service provided by the merchant.
taxId string N/A The tax identification number assigned to the merchant by the national tax authority. If the partner is providing a tax invoice, then providing a tax identification number is recommended.
location object Location Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.


The payments array allows for one or more payment methods used in the transaction to be defined. All payment methods defined within the array result in the value for total in the base object of the receipt. The JSON keyword ‘anyOf’ indicates at least one of the following is required and multiple can be present: cash, creditCard, companyPaid, digitalWallet and / or unusedTicket.


Property Name Type Format Description
amount string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.

Credit Card

Property Name Type Format Description
amount string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.
cardDetail object cardDetail Credit card information.

Card Detail

Property Name Type Format Description
cardType N/A N/A Can be any of the following values: American Express, Diners Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Carte Blanche, Enroute, Universal Air Travel, JCB, EuroCard
creditCardId string ^[0-9]{4}$ Last four digits of the credit card number to meet FACTA and PCI requirements
authorizationCode string N/A Authorization code for transaction.

Company Paid

Property Name Type Format Description
source N/A N/A Can be any of the following values: GhostCard, LodgeCard, DirectPay, Invoice
amount string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.
cardDetail object cardDetail Credit card information.

Card Detail

Property Name Type Format Description
cardType N/A N/A Can be any of the following values: American Express, Diners Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Carte Blanche, Enroute, Universal Air Travel, JCB, EuroCard
creditCardId string ^[0-9]{4}$ Last four digits of the credit card number to meet FACTA and PCI requirements
authorizationCode string N/A Authorization code for transaction.

Digital Wallet

Property Name Type Format Description
source N/A N/A Can be any of the following values: ApplePay, AndroidPay, SamsungPay, PayPal, OlaMoney
amount string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.

Unused Ticket

Property Name Type Format Description
ticketNumber string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
amount string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.

Card Detail

Property Name Type Format Description
cardType N/A N/A Can be any of the following values: American Express, Diners Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Carte Blanche, Enroute, Universal Air Travel, JCB, EuroCard
creditCardId string ^[0-9]{4}$ Last four digits of the credit card number to meet FACTA and PCI requirements
authorizationCode string N/A Authorization code for transaction.

Rail Receipt

Schema for rail or train receipts.

Property Name Type Format Description
itineraryLocator string ^(?!\s*$).+ Unique ID of an itinerary (also know as a trip) in Concur’s Itinerary Service. An itinerary can contain one or more bookings from various sources.
lineItems array lineItems Break down of all charges which could include insurance purchased for all train tickets, paid wi-fi etc.
railTickets array railTickets  

Rail Tickets

Property Name Type Format Description
ticketNumber string N/A  
recordLocator string N/A Confirmation identifier for the ticket. This code is usually unique for a short period of time and could be reused by the rail company in the future.
issueDateTime string date-time Date and time the ticket was issued.
passengerName string N/A Name of the person associated withthe ticket.
fare string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ Fare charged for a train ticket. This will be the total of all segments in this train ticket.
segments array segments Segments for this train ticket.


Property Name Type Format Description
departureStation string N/A Name of the station from which the train is departing.
departureDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
arrivalStation string N/A Name of the station where the train is arriving.
arrivalDateTime string date-time A subset of ISO 8601 date-times. The first restriction is that the dateTime requires a date, a time (at least the hour portion), and a UTC offset. The second restriction is that the dateTime does not allow a time to be formatted in UTC time (2015-11-02T14:30Z - notice the Z) without an offset; this is because it would be impossible for us to know the original offset so we could not generate a receipt with the correct local time.
trainNumber string N/A Train identifier
trainType string N/A Type of train. For example TGV or TER in France.
classOfServiceCode string ^(?!\s*$).+ The class of travel.
fare string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ Fare charged for this segment of the train ride.
taxes array Taxes Taxes paid for this segment.
lineItems array lineItems Line items specific to this segment. This could include meals, seat reservations, insurance etc.

Receipt Core Definitions

Core values for all receipt types. All major receipt schemas include these core objects.

Property Name Type Format Description
dateTime string date-time Date and time of the transaction.
total string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ The total amount of the transaction including all lineitems and taxes.
subtotal string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ The amount in the transaction excluding taxes.
taxesTotal string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ The amount of tax paid in the transaction.
discountsTotal string ^[-]\d*.?\d+$ String representing a negative amount of money, normally used for a discount. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.
currencyCode string currency-code Currency paid to the merchant.
broker object Merchant The entity that facilitates the transaction between the seller and end user.
seller object Merchant The entity providing service to the end user.
payments array Payments  
discounts array discounts The discounts offered on this transaction.
taxes array Taxes Taxes paid as part of transaction.
reference string N/A The unique receipt provider or merchant identifier for this receipt or invoice. This value can also be referred to as transaction number, check number, order ID or similar.
collectionReference string N/A Use this key to group related receipts into a collection for credits, tips or other adjustments to the original transaction and looking at groups of receipts for analysis purposes. The reference and collectionReference keys typically have separate and unique values but could be the same for the first receipt in a collection.
taxInvoice boolean N/A A tax invoice (true) or otherwise (false).


Property Name Type Format Description
name string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
description string N/A Description of the service provided by the merchant.
taxId string N/A The tax identification number assigned to the merchant by the national tax authority. If the partner is providing a tax invoice, then providing a tax identification number is recommended.
location object Location Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.


Property Name Type Format Description
name string ^(?!\s*$).+ Non-empty string. Length must be at least 1 character.
description string N/A Description of the service provided by the merchant.
taxId string N/A The tax identification number assigned to the merchant by the national tax authority. If the partner is providing a tax invoice, then providing a tax identification number is recommended.
location object Location Schema representing a location, including geographical information and a postal address. Used in multiple receipt types.


Schema for objects that make up an array of taxes. Used in most receipt types.

Property Name Type Format Description
authority object authority The country or subdivision that charged the tax as per ISO 3166-2:2013.
name string N/A  
rate number N/A  
rateType string N/A The rate type for the tax charged. For value added tax this could be Zero, Standard, Reduced, etc.
amount string ^[-]?\d*.?\d+$ String representing an amount of money. Should not include a currency code or symbol, as this information is included in the currencyCode field of the receipt.


Property Name Type Format Description
addressCountry string country-code 2 or 3 character country code as defined in ISO 3166-1:2013
addressRegion string ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}$ 1 to 3 character country subdivision code as defined in ISO 3166-2:2013