Expense Form Field v1.1

The configured fields for the specified expense form.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 



Get a List of Form Fields

Retrieves the details of the configured form fields for the specified form.

NOTE: When sending in requests using these fields, be sure to include the required fields from the form and any additional required fields specified in the request documentation.


Request Parameters

Parameter Required/Optional Description
{FormId}/Fields required The unique identifier for the desired form and the Fields keyword.

Example: https://www.concursolutions.com/api/expense/expensereport/v1.1/report/Form/{FormId}/Fields

URI Source: The FormId is returned in the FormId element by the Get Form Data function.


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Authorization Header

Authorization header with OAuth token for valid SAP Concur user. Required.

Accept Header



Response Schema

This request will return a FormFieldsList parent element with a FormField parent element for each configured form field.

FormField Elements

Element Description
Id The form field ID.
Label The form field label.
ControlType The type of field.
DataType The type of data accepted by the field.
MaxLength The maximum length of the field value.
Required Whether the field is required.
Cols The number of columns the field contains.
Access The access level the specified user has to the field.
Width The width of the field.
Custom Whether the field is custom.
Sequence The field order on the form.

XML Example Request

GET https://www.concursolutions.com/api/expense/expensereport/v1.1/report/Form/nAaT8$puKKO2$pEVlsXfSruLpDfZL0wVM$s7/Fields HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {access token}

XML Example of Successful Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

<FormFieldsList xmlns="https://www.concursolutions.com/api/expense/expensereport/2011/03" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
        <Cols />
        <Width />
        <MaxLength />
        <Cols />
        <Width />
        <Cols />
        <Width />
        <MaxLength />
        <Cols />
        <Width />

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