Financial Integration Service v4 - Getting Started

The Financial Integration API allows an external system to interact with financial documents generated from SAP Concur, for financial posting into an ERP.

This API provides an automated solution to request available data objects such as approved expense reports, cash advances, and invoices to import to the client internal system, with an opportunity to send posting confirmation back into SAP Concur before the object is locked down and cannot be altered in SAP Concur.

Below are some benefits for using the Financial Integration service:

  • Using a modern method, no more handling of flat files.
  • Close to real time experience vs. SAP Concur overnight processing.
  • 1 to 1 SAP Concur to ERP reconciliation vs. extract batch processing.
  • Opportunity to modify and retry before the object is locked in SAP Concur.
  • Ensures data sync between systems.


Standard customers should reach out to their SAP Concur representative to receive more information on implementation. Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. The API is available in North America, EMEA, and China Production and Implementation environments.

Products and Editions

  • Concur Expense Professional Edition
  • Concur Expense Standard Edition
  • Concur Invoice Professional Edition
  • Concur Invoice Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Name Description Endpoint
FISVC Read financial transactions and write financial transaction acknowledgements and confirmations. GET, POST

Access Token Usage

This API only supports company-level access tokens.

Get Financial Transactions

The request returns a list of financial documents that are ready to be processed. The request can include parameters to limit the results.


FISVC - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



Name Type Format Description
docType string path Required The financial document type to return. Only one type of transaction can be retrieved at a time. Supported values are: expense, invoice, cashadvance, payroll, requestobligation, reportobligation.
page int32 query Starting page number.
limit int32 query Number of records to return per page. Default: 25.
docId string query The transaction unique identifier, it could be expense report ID, payment request ID or cash advance ID. If specified, a single document that matches docId is returned.
ignoreDocumentStatus string query Ignores the financial documents status. If yes, a document is returned regardless of status. If no, only documents that have not been acknowledged/confirmed are returned. Supported values: yes, no. (See note below) Only when the docId is specified in the query parameter the ignoreDocumentStatus value is taken into consideration. Otherwise ignoreDocumentStatus, even if set to yes, is set to the default value of no and will only return documents that have not been acknowledged/confirmed in READY status.
systemId string query The external system ID that processed the document. Maximum 50 characters.

Note The ignoreDocumentStatus parameter is useful for Universal (Standard Edition) customers who are using a Test ERP with a production SAP Concur expense report (Universal customers don’t have SAP Concur test sites or Test User functionality, so real reports are used for testing). Once the test is confirmed, the partner can call the report again so they can post into the production ERP.


  • DocumentFormatAs: Value can be text or JSON. This determines the document format that’s returned from the API.
  • RFC 7235 Authorization - Bearer token that identifies the caller. This is the Company access token.




Status Codes



Financial Documents



Authorization: Bearer {token}


200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: {date-requested}
Content-Length: 491
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "first",
    "href" : "https://fiserviceurlhere/fi/v4/companies/transactiontypes/expense/transactions?limit=3&page=0&size=3",
    "hreflang" : null,
    "media" : null,
    "title" : null,
    "type" : null,
    "deprecation" : null
  }, {
    "rel" : "self",
    "href" : "https://fiserviceurlhere/fi/v4/companies/transactiontypes/expense/transactions?limit=3&page=0&size=3",
    "hreflang" : null,
    "media" : null,
    "title" : null,
    "type" : null,
    "deprecation" : null
  }, {
    "rel" : "next",
    "href" : "https://fiserviceurlhere/fi/v4/companies/transactiontypes/expense/transactions?limit=3&page=1&size=3",
    "hreflang" : null,
    "media" : null,
    "title" : null,
    "type" : null,
    "deprecation" : null
  }, {
    "rel" : "last",
    "href" : "https://fiserviceurlhere/fi/v4/companies/transactiontypes/expense/transactions?limit=3&page=2&size=3",
    "hreflang" : null,
    "media" : null,
    "title" : null,
    "type" : null,
    "deprecation" : null
  } ],
  "content" : [ {
    "id" : "e7f810cabc8348cdb051dd9431c8cfbb",
    "docType" : "expense",
    "companyId" : "COMPANY_ID_HERE",
    "entityId" : "ENTITY_ID_HERE",
    "companyUuid" : "COMPANY_UUID_HERE",
    "erpSystemId" : "",
    "document" : "{THE_FINANCIAL_DOCUMENT}",
    "docStatus" : "READY",
    "links" : [ ]
  }, {
    "id" : "e1500222f16748718fdd2d493ee4c9dd",
    "docType" : "expense",
    "companyId" : "COMPANY_ID_HERE",
    "entityId" : "ENTITY_ID_HERE",
    "companyUuid" : "COMPANY_UUID_HERE",
    "erpSystemId" : null,
    "document" : "{THE_FINANCIAL_DOCUMENT}",
    "docStatus" : "READY",
    "links" : [ ]
  }, {
    "id" : "e2135678f16748718fdd2d493ee4c9dd",
    "docType" : "expense",
    "companyId" : "COMPANY_ID_HERE",
    "entityId" : "ENTITY_ID_HERE",
    "companyUuid" : "COMPANY_UUID_HERE",
    "erpSystemId" : null,
    "document" : "{THE_FINANCIAL_DOCUMENT}",
    "docStatus" : "READY",
    "links" : [ ]
  "page" : {
    "size" : 3,
    "totalElements" : 8,
    "totalPages" : 3,
    "number" : 0

Post Financial Transaction Acknowledgements

Allows an external system to acknowledge that it has successfully retrieved one or more financial transactions from SAP Concur and will begin processing those transactions. The transactions in the POST request are then taken out of the ready queue.

An app should execute the POST request immediately after the GET request. Eliminating any time between the requests will avoid a variance between the ERP and SAP Concur. For example, if there is a time lag, the customer administrator could use the SAP Concur Processor tool to recall or send a report (or invoice) back to the report owner where he or she can change it or even delete it. This would create a discrepancy between SAP Concur and the ERP.


FISVC - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



Name Type Format Description
docType string path Required The financial document type. Only one type of transaction can be acknowledged at a time. Supported values: expense, invoice, cashadvance, payroll, requestobligation.





Status Codes






Authorization: Bearer {token}
Content-Type: application/json
  "ids": [ "5ab9224e02e840148e7cd7d9e8e72968", "2ac9224e02e840148e7cd7d9e8e12345" ]


This response shows both success and failure service code examples.

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: {date-requested}
Content-Length: 372
    "code": 0,
    "docId": "5ab9224e02e840148e7cd7d9e8e72968",
    "systemId": null,
    "acknowledgeResult": "SUCCESS",
    "errorMessage": ""
    "code": 101,
    "docId": "2ac9224e02e840148e7cd7d9e8e12345",
    "systemId": null,
    "acknowledgeResult": "FAILURE",
    "errorMessage": "This document was previously acknowledged by SystemId: null."

Post Financial Transactions Confirmations

Allows financial posting results to be sent to SAP Concur.


FISVC - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



Name Type Format Description
docType string path Required The financial document type to return. Only one type of transaction can be retrieved at a time. Supported values: expense, invoice, cashadvance, payroll, requestobligation
confirmationRequest - body Required The JSON request to be posted.



Confirmation Request


Status Codes



Posting Confirmation Response



Authorization: Bearer {token}
Content-Type: application/json
          "messageShortText":"Expense Report {ReportKey} of system CONCUR could not be posted."
          "messageShortText":"Profit centre /company code assignment is not correct. Check the entry."


This response shows both success and failure service code examples.

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: {date-requested}
Content-Length: 405
    "code": 0,
    "docId": "0c06ab044834454d91f83cbd7b6431d2",
    "systemId": null,
    "postingConfirmationResult": "SUCCESS",
    "errorMessage": "",
    "detailMessage": ""
    "code": 116,
    "docId": "3331dbeb8e2240ffad7ab5b69492722a",
    "systemId": "",
    "postingConfirmationResult": "FAILURE",
    "errorMessage": "This document does not exist.",
    "detailMessage": ""

Post Financial Payment Confirmations

Allows financial payment results to be sent to SAP Concur.


FISVC - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.



Name Type Format Description
docType string path Required The financial document type to return. Only one type of transaction can be retrieved at a time. Currently supported: expense, supported in a future release: invoice, cashadvance, payroll, requestobligation
confirmationRequest   body Required The JSON request to be posted.



Payment Confirmation Request


Status Codes



Payment Confirmation Response



Authorization: Bearer {token}
Content-Type: application/json
      "additionalMessage":"This report was sent to wrong system",
      "additionalMessage":"Not required anymore",


This response shows both success and failure service code examples.

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: {date-requested}
Content-Length: 405
  "code" : 0,
  "docId" : "0c06ab044834454d91f83cbd7b6431d2",
  "systemId" : "",
  "paymentConfirmationResult" : "SUCCESS",
  "errorMessage" : null,
  "paymentRef" : "US01/667799/2019/2",
  "detailMessage" : ""
  "code" : 116,
  "docId" : "454d91f83cbd7b6431d20c06ab044834",
  "systemId" : "",
  "paymentConfirmationResult" : "FAILURE",
  "errorMessage" : "This document does not exist.",
  "paymentRef" : "US01/996675/2019/2",
  "detailMessage" : ""
  "code" : 298,
  "docId" : "1d20c06ab0445d7b64348344d91f83cb",
  "systemId" : "",
  "paymentConfirmationResult" : "NOOP",
  "errorMessage" : "Payment confirmation already exist US01/95432/2019/2.",
  "paymentRef" : "US01/95432/2019/2",
  "detailMessage" : ""
  "code" : 0,
  "docId" : "d2454d91fcb44834830c06ab0d7b6431",
  "systemId" : "",
  "paymentConfirmationResult" : "SUCCESS",
  "errorMessage" : null,
  "paymentRef" : "US01/5498/2019/2",
  "detailMessage" : ""
  "code" : 0,
  "docId" : "b6431d2454dcbd791f44834830c06ab0",
  "systemId" : "",
  "paymentConfirmationResult" : "SUCCESS",
  "errorMessage" : null,
  "paymentRef" : "US01/32478/2019/2",
  "detailMessage" : ""

Service Codes

The Financial Integration Service will return service codes based on the success and failure of individual records for acknowledging and posting confirmation of documents.

Code Description Category
0 Successfully processed Any
99 System ID in request does not match system ID in FI database. Any
101 This document was previously acknowledged. Acknowledge
102 This document has been recalled. Acknowledge
103 This document is not ready. Acknowledge
104 This document does not exist in the FI database. Acknowledge
105 This document is not of type (expense, invoice, cashadvance). Acknowledge
111 This document has not been acknowledged. Posting
112 This document has been recalled. Posting
113 Confirmation has been posted for this document. Posting
114 Document is not in a known state. Posting
115 This document is not of type (expense, invoice, cashadvance). Posting
116 This document does not exist in the FI database. Posting
198 Invalid request - this same request will not work if tried again. Posting
199 Unknown error, please try again later. Any
213 Payment confirmation has been posted for this document. Posting
298 Invalid payment request - this same request will not work if tried again. Posting


Financial Documents

Name Type Format Description
content Array FIDocument The result collection.
page string PageMetadata Pagination details.
links Array Link Pagination links.


Name Type Format Description
id string - The unique identifier for the document.
docType string - Transaction type. Supported values: expense, invoice, cashadvance, payroll, requestobligation.
companyId string - Unique identifier for the company in SAP Concur. Maximum 32 characters.
entityId string - Unique identifier for the entity in SAP Concur. Maximum 32 characters.
companyUuid string UUID UUID for the company in SAP Concur. Maximum 36 characters.
erpSystemId string - The external System ID that processed the document. Maximum 50 characters.
document Array - The JSON financial document. Review the FI sample documents below.
docStatus string - The financial document status. Supported values: READY, ACKNOWLEDGED, POSTING_CONFIRMED_SUCCESS, POSTING_CONFIRMED_FAILURE.


Name Type Format Description
size int32 - The number of transactions returned on the page.
totalElements int32 - The count of elements returned.
totalPages int32 - Total number of pages that are available.
number int32 - Page location for which the result is returned, for example: first page starts with 0, second page starts with 1.
Name Type Format Description
rel string - Relation of link, for example: first, self, next, last.
href string - Complete URL for the paginated link.
hreflang string - Link language, if any.
media string - Media type, if any.
title string - Link title, if any.
type string - Link type, if any.
deprecation string - Deprecated indication, if any.


Name Type Format Description
ids Array string The unique identifiers list for the financial documents.
systemId string - The external system ID that acknowledged the documents.


Name Type Format Description
AcknowledgeResponse array AcknowledgeResponseItem The JSON response.


Name Type Format Description
acknowledgeResult string - Acknowledge processing result. Supported values are: SUCCESS or FAILURE.
code Int32 Service Codes The Financial Integration Service Code. This is a particular code based on the success and failure of individual records for Acknowledging documents.
docId string - The financial document unique identifier. Maximum 32 characters.
errorMessage string - The error message, if any.
systemId string - The external system ID that acknowledged the documents. Maximum 50 characters.

Confirmation Request

Name Type Format Description
systemId string - Required The external system ID that acknowledged the documents, it can be an empty string. Maximum 50 characters.
postingConfirmations Array Posting Confirmation request item Posting confirmations JSON request.

Posting Confirmation Request Item

Name Type Format Description
docId string - Required The financial document ID to confirm. Maximum 32 characters.
overallPostingStatusCode string - Required Posting status. VALUES: error or success.
postingDocs array Posting Documents Details Posting documents details, if any.
systemMessages array System Messages Required Messages to post to SAP Concur, if any.

Posting Documents Details

Name Type Format Description
companyId string - Required External system organizational unit ID. Maximum 32 characters.
documentNumber string - External system document identifier. Maximum 80 characters.
fiscalYear int32 - External system fiscal year.
paymentRelevantLineItems array - Payment relevant line items. This array is usually empty.
postingDate string YYYY-MM-DD External system posting date.

System Messages

Name Type Format Description
concurTransactionLineItemId string - Report relevant line item id.
messageId string - External System message identifier.
messageLanguage string - Message Language code, example EN, FR.
messageLongText array - Message text, will be posted on the audit trail in SAP Concur. Maximum 1300 characters.
messageShortText string - Message text, will be posted on the audit trail in SAP Concur. Maximum 1300 characters.

Posting Confirmation Response

Name Type Format Description
PostingConfirmationResponse array Posting Confirmation Response Item The JSON response body.


Name Type Format Description
postingConfirmationResult string - Posting confirmation result. Supported values: SUCCESS, SYSTEM_ERROR_OCCURRED, NOT_YET_ACKNOWLEDGED, DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND, FAILURE, WAS_RECALLED
detailMessage string - Posting confirmation message.
code Int32 - The Financial Service return code.
docId string - The document ID. Maximum 32 characters.
errorMessage string - The error message, if any.
systemId string - The external system ID that acknowledged the document. Maximum 50 characters.

Payment Confirmation Request

Name Type Format Description
systemId string - Required The external system ID that acknowledged the documents, it can be an empty string. Maximum 50 characters.
processingConfirmation Array Payment Confirmation Request Item Payment confirmations JSON request.

Payment Confirmation Request Item

Name Type Format Description
docId string - The financial document ID to confirm. Maximum 32 characters.
processingStatusCode string - Payment status. Supported values: CP, PP, RE, OB (Completely Paid, Partially paid, Reversal, Obsolete). Maximum 3 characters.
additionalMessage string - Reversal message or obsolete message, if any.
clearingDetails array Payment Documents Details Payment documents details, if any.

Payment Documents Details

Name Type Format Description
clearingDate string - Date the payment cleared.
clearingAmount double - Amount cleared.
clearingCurrency string - Currency value.
receiver array Receiver Details Receiver details.
clearingReference array Clearing Reference Details Clearing reference details.

Receiver Details

Name Type Format Description
receiverId string - Receiver ID.
receiverName double - Name of receiver.
receiverType string - Type of receiver.

Clearing Reference Details

Name Type Format Description
companyCode string - Company code.
financialDocumentId string - Document ID in ERP.
fiscalYear string - Fiscal year.
paymentRef string - Payment reference ID. Must be unique for each confirmation.
paymentMethod string - Payment method Where E = Electronic Fund Transfer or C = Check.

Payment Confirmation Response

Name Type Format Description
PaymentConfirmationResponse array Payment Confirmation Response Item The JSON response body


Name Type Format Description
paymentConfirmationResult string - Payment confirmation result. Supported values: SUCCESS, SYSTEM_ERROR_OCCURRED, NOT_POSTING_CONFIRMED, DOCUMENT_NOT_FOUND, FAILURE, NOOP
paymentRef string - Any message corresponding to payment reference being processed.
detailMessage string - Payment confirmation message.
code Int32 - The financial service return code.
docId string - The document ID. Maximum 32 characters.
errorMessage string - The error message, if any.
systemId string - The external system ID that acknowledged the document. Maximum 50 characters.

Example Financial Documents


   "employee": {
      "employeeFirstName": "FirstName",
      "employeeLastName": "LastName",
      "employeeId": "12345AB",
      "employeeMI": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit4Value": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit5Value": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit6Value": null,
      "employeeCustom1Code": null,
      "employeeCustom2Code": null,
      "employeeCustom3Code": null,
      "employeeCustom4Code": "001",
      "employeeCustom5Code": "USPUG",
      "employeeCustom6Code": "1234",
      "employeeCustom7Code": null,
      "employeeCustom8Code": null,
      "employeeCustom9Code": null,
      "employeeCustom10Code": null,
      "employeeCustom11Code": null,
      "employeeCustom12Code": null,
      "employeeCustom13Code": null,
      "employeeCustom14Code": null,
      "employeeCustom15Code": null,
      "employeeCustom16Code": "N",
      "employeeCustom17Code": null,
      "employeeCustom18Code": null,
      "employeeCustom19Code": null,
      "employeeCustom20Code": null,
      "employeeCustom21Code": "US Group",
      "employeeCustom1Value": null,
      "employeeCustom2Value": null,
      "employeeCustom3Value": null,
      "employeeCustom4Value": "US Inc.",
      "employeeCustom5Value": "US Publishing",
      "employeeCustom6Value": "Operations",
      "employeeCustom7Value": null,
      "employeeCustom8Value": null,
      "employeeCustom9Value": null,
      "employeeCustom10Value": null,
      "employeeCustom11Value": null,
      "employeeCustom12Value": null,
      "employeeCustom13Value": null,
      "employeeCustom14Value": null,
      "employeeCustom15Value": null,
      "employeeCustom16Value": null,
      "employeeCustom17Value": null,
      "employeeCustom18Value": null,
      "employeeCustom19Value": null,
      "employeeCustom20Value": null,
      "employeeCustom21Value": "US Group",
      "employeeOrgUnit1Code": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit2Code": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit3Code": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit4Code": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit5Code": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit6Code": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit1Value": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit2Value": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit3Value": null
   "report": {
      "reportKey": 345,
      "ledgerCode": "DEFAULT",
      "reportId": "D0719B539ED64FE612AB",
      "totalApprovedAmount": 200,
      "reportName": "Trip to Minneapolis",
      "isTest": "N",
      "reportStartDate": null,
      "reportEndDate": null,
      "employeeCurrencyAlphaCode": "USD",
      "payrollPayIndicator": "N",
      "payrollPaymentClearingAccountCode": null,
      "cashAdvanceReturnsAmount": 0E-8,
      "revisionNumber": "1",
      "versionId": "4",
      "homeCountryCode": "US",
      "reportCustom20Code": null,
      "reportCustom1Value": null,
      "reportCustom2Value": null,
      "reportCustom3Value": null,
      "reportCustom4Value": null,
      "reportCustom5Value": null,
      "reportCustom6Value": null,
      "reportCustom7Value": null,
      "reportCustom8Value": null,
      "reportCustom9Value": null,
      "reportCustom10Value": null,
      "reportCustom11Value": null,
      "reportCustom12Value": null,
      "reportCustom13Value": null,
      "reportCustom14Value": null,
      "reportCustom15Value": "US Group",
      "reportCustom16Value": null,
      "reportCustom17Value": null,
      "reportCustom18Value": null,
      "reportCustom19Value": null,
      "reportCustom20Value": null,
      "reportOrgUnit1Code": null,
      "reportOrgUnit2Code": null,
      "reportOrgUnit3Code": null,
      "reportOrgUnit4Code": null,
      "reportOrgUnit5Code": null,
      "reportOrgUnit6Code": null,
      "reportOrgUnit1Value": null,
      "reportOrgUnit2Value": null,
      "reportCustom5Code": null,
      "reportCustom6Code": null,
      "reportCustom7Code": null,
      "reportCustom8Code": null,
      "reportCustom9Code": null,
      "reportCustom10Code": null,
      "reportCustom11Code": null,
      "reportCustom12Code": null,
      "reportCustom13Code": null,
      "reportCustom14Code": null,
      "reportCustom15Code": "US Group",
      "reportCustom16Code": "12345AB",
      "reportCustom17Code": null,
      "reportCustom18Code": null,
      "reportCustom19Code": null,
      "reportSubmitDate": "2018-03-02T18:12:03.050Z",
      "reportUserDefinedDate": "2018-03-02T00:00:00.000Z",
      "reportPaymentProcessingDate": "2018-03-02T18:34:30.260Z",
      "reportCreationDate": "2018-03-02T18:08:37.887Z",
      "reportCustom1Code": "12345AB",
      "reportCustom2Code": null,
      "reportCustom3Code": null,
      "reportCustom4Code": null,
      "reportOrgUnit3Value": null,
      "reportOrgUnit4Value": null,
      "reportOrgUnit5Value": null,
      "reportOrgUnit6Value": null
   "expenseEntry": [
         "cardProgramTypeCode": null,
         "entryCustom20Code": null,
         "entryCustom21Code": null,
         "entryCustom22Code": null,
         "entryCustom23Code": null,
         "entryCustom24Code": null,
         "entryCustom25Code": null,
         "entryCustom26Code": null,
         "entryCustom27Code": null,
         "entryCustom28Code": null,
         "entryCustom29Code": null,
         "entryCustom30Code": null,
         "entryCustom31Code": null,
         "entryCustom32Code": null,
         "entryCustom33Code": null,
         "entryCustom34Code": null,
         "entryCustom35Code": "US",
         "entryCustom36Code": null,
         "entryCustom37Code": null,
         "entryCustom38Code": null,
         "entryCustom39Code": "0.00000000",
         "entryCustom40Code": "200.00000000",
         "reportEntryTransactionAmount": 200,
         "entryLocationCityName": "Minneapolis",
         "entryCountrySubCode": "US-MN",
         "entryIsBillable": "N",
         "entryOrgUnit1Code": null,
         "entryOrgUnit2Code": null,
         "entryOrgUnit3Code": null,
         "entryOrgUnit4Code": null,
         "entryOrgUnit5Code": null,
         "entryOrgUnit6Code": null,
         "offsetPayType": "N",
         "entryCountryCode": "US",
         "entryUuid": null,
         "entrySupplierTaxID": null,
         "entryCustom1Code": null,
         "entryCustom2Code": null,
         "entryCustom3Code": null,
         "entryCustom4Code": null,
         "entryCustom5Code": null,
         "entryCustom6Code": null,
         "entryCustom7Code": null,
         "entryCustom8Code": null,
         "entryCustom9Code": null,
         "entryCustom10Code": null,
         "entryCustom11Code": null,
         "entryCustom12Code": null,
         "entryCustom13Code": null,
         "entryCustom14Code": null,
         "entryCustom15Code": null,
         "entryCustom16Code": null,
         "entryCustom17Code": null,
         "entryCustom18Code": null,
         "entryCustom19Code": null,
         "cardAccountID": null,
         "cardTransactionID": null,
         "cardTransactionAmount": null,
         "cardTransactionCurrency": null,
         "cardTransactionPostedAmount": null,
         "cardTransactionPostedCurrency": null,
         "clearingAccountCode": null,
         "entryApprovedAmount": 200,
         "expensePayIndicator": "N",
         "entryId": "A92F3AD820F4E546800515258C3E0893",
         "entryDescription": "",
         "entryVendorCode": "Astron Hotels",
         "entryCustom1Value": null,
         "entryCustom2Value": null,
         "entryCustom3Value": null,
         "entryCustom4Value": null,
         "entryCustom5Value": null,
         "entryCustom6Value": null,
         "entryCustom7Value": null,
         "entryCustom8Value": null,
         "entryCustom9Value": null,
         "entryCustom10Value": null,
         "entryCustom11Value": null,
         "entryCustom12Value": null,
         "entryCustom13Value": null,
         "entryCustom14Value": null,
         "entryCustom15Value": null,
         "entryCustom16Value": null,
         "entryCustom17Value": null,
         "entryCustom18Value": null,
         "entryCustom19Value": null,
         "entryCustom20Value": null,
         "entryCustom21Value": null,
         "entryCustom22Value": null,
         "entryCustom23Value": null,
         "entryCustom24Value": null,
         "entryCustom25Value": null,
         "entryCustom26Value": null,
         "entryCustom27Value": null,
         "entryCustom28Value": null,
         "entryCustom29Value": null,
         "entryCustom30Value": null,
         "entryCustom31Value": null,
         "entryCustom32Value": null,
         "entryCustom33Value": null,
         "entryCustom34Value": null,
         "entryCustom35Value": null,
         "entryCustom36Value": null,
         "entryCustom37Value": null,
         "entryCustom38Value": null,
         "entryCustom39Value": null,
         "entryCustom40Value": null,
         "entryOrgUnit1Value": null,
         "entryOrgUnit2Value": null,
         "entryOrgUnit3Value": null,
         "entryOrgUnit4Value": null,
         "entryOrgUnit5Value": null,
         "entryOrgUnit6Value": null,
         "entryLocationName": "Minneapolis",
         "entryReceiptId": "E921EECCBCBA393EAC5A9212DCE57D9B",
         "entryElectronicReceiptId": null,
         "allocation": [
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                     "journalPayer": "COMP",
                     "cardTransactionReferenceNumber": null,
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                     "amountGross": 50,
                     "taxGuid": [],
                     "accountingTransactionType": null
               "tax": []
         "entryReceiptType": "N",
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         "entryVendorDescription": "Astron Hotels",
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         "entryDate": "2018-02-17T00:00:00.000Z",
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         "cardStatementPeriodEndDate": null,
         "reportEntryPatKey": "CASH",
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         "cashAdvanceApplicationAmount": -50,
         "cashAdvanceTransactionType": 2


      "requestCustom10Value":"Default-Change to Client",
      "requestTitle":"FIS Test",
      "vendorTaxId": null,
      "externalPolicyId": "BB015C3A7701469C93B1",
      "policyName": "FI"
      "employeeCustom9Value":"522 Product",
      "employeeCustom10Value":"Default-Change to Client",
      "vendorName":"Test Vendor",

         "expenseTypeCode":"2000   ",

Cash Advance

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      "employeeLastName": "LastName",
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      "employeeMI": null,
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      "employeeOrgUnit6Code": null,
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      "employeeOrgUnit2Value": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit3Value": null,
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      "employeeCustom17Code": null,
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      "employeeOrgUnit3Code": null,
      "employeeOrgUnit4Code": null
   "cashAdvanceData": {
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      "exchangeRate": 1,
      "countryCode": null,
      "currencyAlphaCode": "USD",
      "cashAdvanceId": "FE884EE31617CF4CABE36C7FC44512A1",
      "clearingAccountCode": null,
      "purpose": null,
      "paymentMethod": 0,
      "requestAmount": 150,
      "requestDate": "2018-03-03T02:16:51.363Z",
      "issuedDate": "2018-03-06T03:54:36.993Z",
      "isTest": "N",
      "countrySubCode": null,
      "requestedDisbursementDate": null,
      "travelStartDate": null,
      "travelEndDate": null,
      "currencyNumCode": "840",
      "expensePayIndicator": "N",
      "employeeCurrencyAlphaCode": "USD",
      "cardAccountID": null,
      "cardTransactionID": null,
      "cardTransactionAmount": null,
      "cardTransactionCurrency": null,
      "cardTransactionPostedAmount": null,
      "cardTransactionPostedCurrency": null,
      "transactionType": 1,
      "name": "Cash Advance Testing 3"
   "journalData": [
         "accountCode": "12345",
         "amount": 150,
         "payee": "EMPL",
         "debitOrCredit": "DR",
         "payer": "COMP",
         "paymentCode": "Cash"

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