Itinerary v4

The Itinerary API provides clients and authorized partners access to travel itinerary data.


  • Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. This API is only available in US and EMEA data centers.
  • Events are only raised on a go-forward basis. If you need access to historical data, see the retrieve trips endpoint.
  • Retrieve trips lets you access data for the last 6 months. It is meant to allow authorized clients and partners to pull the initial data they may need to get setup.
  • Retrieve trips (historical data only) has an aggressive rate limit of 10 requests per minute. This should not be used to poll for updates, only for an initial data fetch. Events are fired for all changes going forward.

Prior Versions

  • Itinerary v1 documentation is available here.

Process Flow

Sequence Diagram

Products and Editions

  • Concur Travel Professional Edition
  • Concur Travel Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Name Description Endpoint Allows user to read travel itinerary data. GET



Access Token Usage

This API supports only company level access tokens.

Retrieve a Trip Record

Retrieves the record of a trip.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.


GET https://{region}{id}


Name Type Format Description
region string - Required: Region of the trip. Supported values: us, eu
id string - Required The trip ID.


Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>

Status Codes


Certain schema elements are optional. If their fields are empty they will be completely omitted from the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "BookedVia": "Agent",
    "Bookings": [
            "AgencyName": "Outtask Travel Apollo",
            "AgencyPCC": "C4I",
            "AirfareQuotes": [
                    "BaseFare": 1264,
                    "BaseFareCurrency": "EUR",
                    "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                    "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                    "IssueByDate": "2020-09-25T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                    "TotalFare": 1341.2,
                    "TotalFareCurrency": "EUR"
            "AirlineTickets": {
                "AirlineAdjustment": [
                        "AddCollectAmount": 0,
                        "AdjustmentDateTime": "2020-11-02T00:00:00.000-00:00",
                        "AdjustmentType": "C",
                        "AirlineCharges": {
                            "Fixed": [
                                    "Amount": -23,
                                    "Currency": "EUR",
                                    "Description": "Ice cream with meal",
                                    "IsPaid": true,
                                    "IsPrimary": false
                        "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "PassengerName": "EschIII/BenDwayne",
                        "PlatingCarrierNumericCode": "638",
                        "PlatingControlNumber": "0522482769",
                        "RecordLocator": "A56053",
                        "Taxes": [
                                "TaxAmount": 5,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Adjustment Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.58,
                                "TaxType": "US"
                                "TaxAmount": -5,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Adjustment Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.58,
                                "TaxType": "AY"
                                "TaxAmount": -9,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Adjustment Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.58,
                                "TaxType": "XF"
                        "TotalAdjustment": -100,
                        "TotalAdjustmentCurrency": "USD"
                "AirlineTicket": [
                        "AccountingLine": {
                            "AirlineCode": "AA",
                            "Comment": "VIxxxxxxxxxxxx1111",
                            "Commission": "10.00",
                            "Fare": "1168",
                            "FOPMethod": "CX",
                            "MCOType": "AC",
                            "Tax": "72.40",
                            "TranControlNbr": "0251207588"
                        "AirlineTicketCoupons": [
                                "ClassOfService": "E",
                                "CouponNumber": 1,
                                "CouponStatus": "USED",
                                "EndCityCode": "DEN",
                                "FlightNumber": "5894",
                                "RateCode": "CQ690",
                                "StartCityCode": "IAD",
                                "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-11T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                                "Vendor": "AA"
                                "ClassOfService": "E",
                                "CouponNumber": 2,
                                "CouponStatus": "OPEN",
                                "EndCityCode": "LAX",
                                "FlightNumber": "6617",
                                "RateCode": "CQ210",
                                "StartCityCode": "IAD",
                                "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-16T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                                "Vendor": "UA"
                        "AirlineTicketFareBreakups": [
                                "BaseFare": 275.55,
                                "Currency": "USD",
                                "EndCityCode": "SFO",
                                "IsRefundable": true,
                                "StartCityCode": "LAX",
                                "TotalFare": 355.55,
                                "Vendor": "AA"
                        "BaseFare": 1168,
                        "BaseFareCurrency": "USD",
                        "ComparisonFare": 1,
                        "ComparisonFareCurrency": "USD",
                        "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "Endorsements": "NOREF/NOEXCH.  NO VALUE AFTER FIRST FLT DATE",
                        "IssueDateTime": "2020-11-03T00:00:00.000-00:00",
                        "IssuingIataAgencyNumber": 82494313,
                        "IssuingPseudoCity": "13H1",
                        "LinearFareConstructor": "THIS IS A LINEAR FARE CONSTRUCTOR IAD-LAX",
                        "PassengerName": "DoverRN MSN CNBC/Emil",
                        "PlatingCarrierNumericCode": "001",
                        "PlatingControlNumber": "0251207588",
                        "ProgramCarrierCode": "AA",
                        "ProgramMembershipNumber": "387519635",
                        "RecordLocator": "A88372",
                        "Taxes": [
                                "TaxAmount": 58.4,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "US"
                                "TaxAmount": 5,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "SillyAir Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "AY"
                                "TaxAmount": 9,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "XF"
                                "TaxAmount": 3.6,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "ZP"
                        "Ticketless": false,
                        "TotalFare": 1244,
                        "TotalFareCurrency": "USD"
                        "AccountingLine": {
                            "AirlineCode": "AA",
                            "Comment": "VIxxxxxxxxxxxx1111",
                            "Commission": "10.00",
                            "Fare": "2341",
                            "FOPMethod": "CX",
                            "MCOType": "AC",
                            "Tax": "131.05",
                            "TranControlNbr": "0137973356"
                        "AirlineTicketCoupons": [
                                "ClassOfService": "E",
                                "CouponNumber": 1,
                                "CouponStatus": "EXCH",
                                "EndCityCode": "DEN",
                                "FlightNumber": "5894",
                                "RateCode": "CQ690",
                                "StartCityCode": "IAD",
                                "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-11T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                                "Vendor": "AA"
                                "ClassOfService": "E",
                                "CouponNumber": 2,
                                "CouponStatus": "EXCH",
                                "EndCityCode": "LAX",
                                "FlightNumber": "6617",
                                "RateCode": "CQ210",
                                "StartCityCode": "IAD",
                                "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-16T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                                "Vendor": "UA"
                        "AirlineTicketExchanges": [
                                "Amount": 100,
                                "AppliedSegment1": 1,
                                "AppliedSegment2": 1,
                                "Currency": "EUR",
                                "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                                "OldRecordLocator": "DEL324",
                                "PlatingCarrierNumericCode": "001",
                                "PlatingControlNumber": "0137973356"
                        "AirlineTicketFareBreakups": [
                                "BaseFare": 255.55,
                                "Currency": "USD",
                                "EndCityCode": "SFO",
                                "IsRefundable": true,
                                "StartCityCode": "JFK",
                                "TotalFare": 375.55,
                                "Vendor": "AA"
                        "BaseFare": 2341,
                        "BaseFareCurrency": "USD",
                        "ComparisonFare": 1,
                        "ComparisonFareCurrency": "USD",
                        "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "Endorsements": "NOREF/NOEXCH.  NO VALUE AFTER FIRST FLT DATE",
                        "IssueDateTime": "2020-11-02T00:00:00.000-00:00",
                        "IssuingIataAgencyNumber": 96085218,
                        "IssuingPseudoCity": "13H1",
                        "LinearFareConstructor": "THIS IS A LINEAR FARE CONSTRUCTOR IAD-LAX",
                        "PassengerName": "DoverRN MSN CNBC/Emil",
                        "PlatingCarrierNumericCode": "001",
                        "PlatingControlNumber": "0137973356",
                        "ProgramCarrierCode": "AA",
                        "ProgramMembershipNumber": "387519635",
                        "RecordLocator": "A21012",
                        "Taxes": [
                                "TaxAmount": 117.05,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "US"
                                "TaxAmount": 5,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "SillyAir Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "AY"
                                "TaxAmount": 9,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "XF"
                                "TaxAmount": 3.6,
                                "TaxAuthority": "USA",
                                "TaxName": "Silly Air Ticket Tax",
                                "TaxRate": 0.57,
                                "TaxType": "ZP"
                        "Ticketless": false,
                        "TotalFare": 2475.65,
                        "TotalFareCurrency": "USD"
            "BookingOwner": "ConcurTravel",
            "BookingSource": "Manual",
            "Charges": {
                "Fixed": [
                        "Amount": 2,
                        "Currency": "USD",
                        "Description": "Booking fee",
                        "IsPrimary": false,
                        "SemanticsCode": "OTHER",
                        "SemanticsVendorType": "C",
                        "Vendor": "LH",
                        "VendorChargeCode": "BF2000"
                "Percent": [
                        "Amount": 7,
                        "Currency": "USD",
                        "Description": "Tax",
                        "IsPrimary": false,
                        "SemanticsCode": "VAT",
                        "SemanticsVendorType": "H",
                        "VendorChargeCode": "Mars tax"
            "DateBookedLocal": "2020-10-30T15:54:18.000-00:00",
            "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
            "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
            "Delivery": {
                "AddressLine1": "200 Street 1",
                "AddressLine2": "Street 2",
                "City": "London",
                "Country": "UK",
                "Email": "",
                "Latitude": 51.320000,
                "LocationAdditionalDetails": "<Kiosk KioskLocation=\"On concourse\"/>",
                "LocationDesc": "You will find the Self-service Ticket machine located at the front of the station. Aberystwyth Station is open 24 hours a day.",
                "LocationName": "London Euston",
                "Longitude": 0.500000,
                "PhoneNumber": "(703)837.6100",
                "ReferenceNumber": "RBK9G589",
                "State": "MA",
                "Type": "Kiosk",
                "Zip": "32432"
            "FormOfPaymentName": "CorporateAccount",
            "FormOfPaymentType": "CA",
            "IsGhostCard": false,
            "PassPrograms": [
                    "Amount": 2,
                    "Name": "North America - Tango Plus 200 credits",
                    "Type": "Credits",
                    "UserFirstName": "Peter",
                    "UserLastName": "Neagle"
            "Passengers": [
                    "FirstNameNumber": 0,
                    "FrequentTravelerPrograms": {
                        "FrequentFlyer": [
                                "FrequentFlyerNumber": "1234567890"
                                "AirlineVendor": "BA",
                                "FrequentFlyerNumber": "01234567890"
                    "LastNameNumber": 1,
                    "NameFirst": "Emil",
                    "NameLast": "Dover",
                    "NameSuffix": "RN MSN CNBC",
                    "NameTitle": "Mr.",
                    "TextName": "DoverRN MSN CNBC/Emil"
                    "FirstNameNumber": 1,
                    "FrequentTravelerPrograms": {
                        "FrequentFlyer": [
                                "FrequentFlyerNumber": "1234567890"
                                "AirlineVendor": "BA",
                                "FrequentFlyerNumber": "01234567890"
                                "FrequentFlyerNumber": "ABC12345",
                                "Status": "Gold",
                                "StatusExpirationDate": "2020-12-31T00:00:00.000-00:00"
                    "LastNameNumber": 1,
                    "NameFirst": "Ben",
                    "NameLast": "Esch",
                    "NameMiddle": "Dwayne",
                    "NameRemark": "FINANCE",
                    "NameSuffix": "III",
                    "NameTitle": "Mr.",
                    "TextName": "EschIII/BenDwayne"
            "PhoneNumbers": [
                    "Description": "Residence",
                    "PassengerRPH": 0,
                    "PhoneNumber": "703-837-6100"
            "RecordLocator": "BCC52120201104205418831",
            "Remarks": {
                "TripLinkRemarks": [
                        "TripLinkRemark": [
                                "Text": "TESTING"
            "Segments": {
                "Air": [
                        "AircraftCode": "767",
                        "Cabin": "E",
                        "CarbonEmissionLbs": 5470,
                        "CarbonModel": 158,
                        "CheckedBaggage": "Extra bag $25",
                        "ClassOfService": "E",
                        "ConfirmationNumber": "N1985820201104205418865",
                        "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "Duration": 140,
                        "EndCityCode": "DEN",
                        "EndDateLocal": "2020-12-11T18:14:18.000-00:00",
                        "EndDateUtc": "2020-12-12T01:14:18.000+00:00",
                        "EndGate": "68",
                        "EndTerminal": "D",
                        "FlightNumber": "5894",
                        "FrequentTravelerId": "387519635",
                        "IsUpgradeAllowed": true,
                        "LegId": 1,
                        "Meals": "Kebabs",
                        "Miles": 986,
                        "NumStops": 0,
                        "OperatedByFlightNumber": "8606",
                        "OperatedByVendor": "DL",
                        "OperatedByVendorName": "Delta",
                        "Seats": [
                                "PassengerRph": 0,
                                "SeatNumber": "12A",
                                "Status": "X"
                                "PassengerRph": 1,
                                "SeatNumber": "13B"
                        "SpecialInstructions": "Nothing special",
                        "StartCityCode": "IAD",
                        "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-11T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                        "StartDateUtc": "2020-12-11T20:54:18.000+00:00",
                        "StartGate": "47",
                        "StartTerminal": "A",
                        "Status": "HK",
                        "UpgradedDateTime": "2020-12-11T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                        "Vendor": "AA",
                        "VendorName": "American Airlines"
                        "AircraftCode": "767",
                        "Cabin": "E",
                        "CheckedBaggage": "Extra bag $25",
                        "ClassOfService": "E",
                        "ConfirmationNumber": "N7192620201104205418868",
                        "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "Duration": 81,
                        "EndCityCode": "LAX",
                        "EndDateLocal": "2020-12-16T17:15:18.000-00:00",
                        "EndDateUtc": "2020-12-17T01:15:18.000+00:00",
                        "EndGate": "20",
                        "EndTerminal": "D",
                        "FlightNumber": "6617",
                        "FrequentTravelerId": "1815857656",
                        "IsUpgradeAllowed": true,
                        "LegId": 2,
                        "Meals": "Kebabs",
                        "Miles": 663,
                        "NumStops": 2,
                        "OperatedByFlightNumber": "4047",
                        "OperatedByVendor": "UA",
                        "OperatedByVendorName": "United",
                        "Seats": [
                                "PassengerRph": 0,
                                "SeatNumber": "12A",
                                "Status": "X"
                                "PassengerRph": 1,
                                "SeatNumber": "13B"
                        "SpecialInstructions": "Nothing special",
                        "StartCityCode": "IAD",
                        "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-16T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                        "StartDateUtc": "2020-12-16T20:54:18.000+00:00",
                        "StartGate": "86",
                        "StartTerminal": "A",
                        "Status": "HK",
                        "UpgradedDateTime": "2020-12-11T15:54:18.000-00:00",
                        "Vendor": "UA",
                        "VendorName": "United"
            "WebAddresses": [
                    "Description": "Work Email",
                    "Format": "E",
                    "PassengerRPH": 0,
                    "Type": "WRK",
                    "WebAddress": ""
            "AgencyName": "Outtask Travel Apollo",
            "AgencyPCC": "C4I",
            "BookingOwner": "ConcurTravel",
            "BookingSource": "Manual",
            "Charges": {
                "Fixed": [
                        "Amount": 4,
                        "Currency": "USD",
                        "Description": "Booking fee",
                        "IsPrimary": false,
                        "SemanticsCode": "OTHER",
                        "SemanticsVendorType": "C",
                        "Vendor": "LH",
                        "VendorChargeCode": "BF2000"
                "Percent": [
                        "Amount": 1,
                        "Currency": "USD",
                        "Description": "Tax",
                        "IsPrimary": false,
                        "SemanticsCode": "VAT",
                        "SemanticsVendorType": "H",
                        "VendorChargeCode": "Mars tax"
            "DateBookedLocal": "2020-10-30T15:54:18.000-00:00",
            "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
            "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
            "Delivery": {
                "AddressLine1": "200 Street 1",
                "AddressLine2": "Street 2",
                "City": "London",
                "Country": "UK",
                "Email": "",
                "Latitude": 51.320000,
                "LocationAdditionalDetails": "<Kiosk KioskLocation=\"On concourse\"/>",
                "LocationDesc": "You will find the Self-service Ticket machine located at the front of the station. Aberystwyth Station is open 24 hours a day.",
                "LocationName": "London Euston",
                "Longitude": 0.500000,
                "PhoneNumber": "(703)837.6100",
                "ReferenceNumber": "RBK9G589",
                "State": "MA",
                "Type": "Kiosk",
                "Zip": "32432"
            "FormOfPaymentName": "CorporateAccount",
            "FormOfPaymentType": "CA",
            "PassPrograms": [
                    "Amount": 2,
                    "Name": "North America - Tango Plus 200 credits",
                    "Type": "Credits",
                    "UserFirstName": "Peter",
                    "UserLastName": "Neagle"
            "Passengers": [
                    "FirstNameNumber": 0,
                    "LastNameNumber": 0,
                    "NameFirst": "Ann",
                    "NameLast": "Esch",
                    "NamePrefix": "Sgt.",
                    "NameRemark": "ABC*123",
                    "NameSuffix": "III",
                    "NameTitle": "Mr.",
                    "TextName": "EschIII/AnnSgt."
            "PhoneNumbers": [
                    "Description": "Agency",
                    "PhoneNumber": "703-837-6106",
                    "Type": "W"
            "RecordLocator": "K5589420201104205418911",
            "Segments": {},
            "WebAddresses": [
                    "Description": "Work Email",
                    "Format": "E",
                    "PassengerRPH": 0,
                    "Type": "WRK",
                    "WebAddress": ""
            "AgencyName": "Outtask Travel Apollo",
            "AgencyPCC": "C4I",
            "BookingOwner": "ConcurTravel",
            "BookingSource": "Manual",
            "Charges": {
                "Fixed": [
                        "Amount": 4,
                        "Currency": "USD",
                        "Description": "Booking fee",
                        "IsPrimary": false,
                        "SemanticsCode": "OTHER",
                        "SemanticsVendorType": "C",
                        "Vendor": "LH",
                        "VendorChargeCode": "BF2000"
                "Percent": [
                        "Amount": 3,
                        "Currency": "USD",
                        "Description": "Tax",
                        "IsPrimary": false,
                        "SemanticsCode": "VAT",
                        "SemanticsVendorType": "H",
                        "VendorChargeCode": "Mars tax"
            "DateBookedLocal": "2020-10-30T15:54:18.000-00:00",
            "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
            "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
            "Delivery": {
                "AddressLine1": "200 Street 1",
                "AddressLine2": "Street 2",
                "City": "London",
                "Country": "UK",
                "Email": "",
                "Latitude": 51.320000,
                "LocationAdditionalDetails": "<Kiosk KioskLocation=\"On concourse\"/>",
                "LocationDesc": "You will find the Self-service Ticket machine located at the front of the station. Aberystwyth Station is open 24 hours a day.",
                "LocationName": "London Euston",
                "Longitude": 0.500000,
                "PhoneNumber": "(703)837.6100",
                "ReferenceNumber": "RBK9G589",
                "State": "MA",
                "Type": "Kiosk",
                "Zip": "32432"
            "FormOfPaymentName": "CorporateAccount",
            "FormOfPaymentType": "CA",
            "PassPrograms": [
                    "Amount": 2,
                    "Name": "North America - Tango Plus 200 credits",
                    "Type": "Credits",
                    "UserFirstName": "Peter",
                    "UserLastName": "Neagle"
            "Passengers": [
                    "FirstNameNumber": 1,
                    "LastNameNumber": 0,
                    "NameFirst": "Ann",
                    "NameLast": "Dover",
                    "NamePrefix": "Sgt.",
                    "NameRemark": "FINANCE",
                    "NameTitle": "Mr.",
                    "TextName": "Dover/AnnSgt."
            "PhoneNumbers": [
                    "Description": "Business",
                    "PhoneNumber": "800 401 8412",
                    "Type": "B"
            "RecordLocator": "TF630420201104205418911",
            "Remarks": {
                "TripLinkRemarks": [
                        "TripLinkRemark": [
                                "Text": "MID OFFICE STUFF"
                                "Text": "TESTING"
                                "Text": "TO TEST THE MID OFFICE REMARKS"
            "Segments": {
                "Ride": [
                        "CancellationPolicy": "Call 20 minutes in advance to avoid charge",
                        "ConfirmationNumber": "C74450820201104205418911",
                        "Currency": "USD",
                        "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
                        "DropoffInstructions": "Open door and jump out when speed is below 10 MPH",
                        "Duration": 2,
                        "EndAddress": "DCA",
                        "EndAddress2": "Thomas Ave & Abingon",
                        "EndCity": "Alexandria",
                        "EndCityCode": "DCA",
                        "EndCountry": "US",
                        "EndDateLocal": "2020-12-16T13:54:18.000-00:00",
                        "EndDateUtc": "2020-12-16T18:54:18.000+00:00",
                        "EndLatitude": 38.852843,
                        "EndLongitude": -77.038536,
                        "EndPostalCode": "22202",
                        "EndState": "VA",
                        "MeetingInstructions": "Meet by hot dog stand in front of building",
                        "Miles": 10,
                        "Name": "Yellow Cab",
                        "NumPersons": 2,
                        "NumberOfHours": 0.03333333333333333,
                        "PhoneNumber": "703-837-6100",
                        "PickupInstructions": "Pickup at given address",
                        "Rate": 24,
                        "RateDescription": "Hourly rate",
                        "RateType": "H",
                        "StartAddress": "209 Madison Street",
                        "StartCity": "Alexandria",
                        "StartCityCode": "DCA",
                        "StartCountry": "US",
                        "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-16T11:54:18.000-00:00",
                        "StartDateUtc": "2020-12-16T16:54:18.000+00:00",
                        "StartLatitude": 38.814098,
                        "StartLongitude": -77.040939,
                        "StartPostalCode": "22314",
                        "StartState": "VA",
                        "TimeZoneId": 25,
                        "Vendor": "$R",
                        "VendorName": "RideCharge"
            "WebAddresses": [
                    "Description": "Home AIM",
                    "Format": "I",
                    "Type": "RES",
                    "WebAddress": "mloreOuttask"
    "Comments": "Generated from - MakeRandomItineraryWithSpecifiedSegment: 401722883",
    "CustomAttributes": [
            "Data": "1914163392_1398750079_63698747",
            "DataType": "Enumeration",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": true,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_1882786037",
            "Name": "Custom_1047320375"
            "Data": "2144949539_499322633_1732005039",
            "DataType": "Enumeration",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": false,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_559871572",
            "Name": "Custom_1726736195"
            "Data": "683267112_1599532776_1875679442",
            "DataType": "Enumeration",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": true,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_119690786",
            "ExternalId": 1088610323,
            "Name": "Custom_1899779539"
            "Data": "56781286_861560873_80874171",
            "DataType": "Enumeration",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": true,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_390352466",
            "Name": "Custom_1579191469"
            "Data": "2067714888_1442184475_1016439405",
            "DataType": "String",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": true,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_1544667785",
            "Name": "Custom_1166600630"
            "Data": "351251522_246017323",
            "DataType": "Numeric",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": true,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_19093583",
            "Name": "Custom_750631891"
            "Data": "821749202_364197364_762362918",
            "DataType": "Enumeration",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": false,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_1467115321",
            "ExternalId": 1986175686,
            "Name": "Custom_2007441754"
            "Data": "473097600_978534217",
            "DataType": "Numeric",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": true,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_1137473737",
            "Name": "Custom_1832693806"
            "Data": "1679301535_433494967_1252049254",
            "DataType": "Enumeration",
            "DisplayOnItinerary": true,
            "DisplayTitle": "Title_15390255",
            "Name": "Custom_1100573803"
    "DateBookedLocal": "2020-10-30T15:54:18.000-00:00",
    "DateCreatedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:19.000+00:00",
    "DateModifiedUtc": "2020-11-04T20:54:51.026+00:00",
    "Description": "Trip from somewhere to somewhere else 506643842",
    "EndDateLocal": "2020-12-16T17:15:18.000-00:00",
    "EndDateUtc": "2020-12-17T01:15:18.000+00:00",
    "id": "",
    "ItinLocator": "gWutRRSrKhRhhY9lx0GUfP1YhfAXDTBtYwFTA$pKU",
    "ProjectName": "Big Project # 43534534",
    "StartDateLocal": "2020-12-11T15:54:18.000-00:00",
    "StartDateUtc": "2020-12-11T20:54:18.000+00:00",
    "TravelRequestId": "TR98318081",
    "TripName": "My Random Trip #266255879",
    "TripStatus": 0,
    "UserLoginId": ""


Main Itinerary Level Elements

Name Type Format Description
BookedByFirstName string - The first name of the person who booked the trip.
BookedByLastName string - The last name of the person who booked the trip.
BookedVia string - The booking method for the trip.
Bookings array Booking Element A parent element that contains a Booking child element for each booking associated with this itinerary.
CancelComments string - The comments provided if the itinerary is cancelled. Maximum length: 256 characters
ClientLocator string - Represents the unique identifier of the trip in an external (non-SAP Concur) system. Maximum length: 32 characters
Comments string - Comments for this itinerary. Maximum length: 512 characters
CustomAttributes array Custom Attribute Element A parent element that contains a CustomAttribute child element for all custom attributes configured for trip level that may or not may not have values set.
DateBookedLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the trip was booked, in the local time of the booking’s location.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date that this trip was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The UTC date that this trip was last modified.
Description string - The trip description. Maximum length: 512 characters
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The end date of the trip in the ending location’s timezone.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The end date of the trip, in UTC.
HasOpenBookingPassive boolean true/false The trip has TripLink passive segments.
ID string - The unique identifier for the itinerary, this is included in the event and is used for the callback to get details of the trip.
IsPersonal boolean true/false If true, the booking is a personal trip.
ItinLocator string - The itinerary locator. This element is now deprecated and only supported for backward compatibility.
ProjectName string - The associated project name for the trip. Maximum length: 255 characters
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The start date of the trip in the starting location’s timezone.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The start date of the trip, in UTC.
TravelRequestID string - SAP Concur Travel Request ID.
TripLinkLocator string - SAP Concur TripLink ID.
TripName string - Name of the trip. Maximum length: 255 characters
TripStatus string - The status of the itinerary. Supported values: 0 - Confirmed, 1 - Ticketed by agent, 2 - Cancelled
UserLoginID string - The user’s login to the SAP Concur system.

Booking Element

Name Type Format Description
AgencyName string - The name of the agency.
AgencyPCC string - Pseudo city code for the agency.
AirfareQuotes array Airfare Quotes Element List of stored airfare quotes. This parent element has a Quote child element for each airfare quote. The Quote parent element contains the Airfare Quotes Child Elements.
AirlineTickets type Airline Ticket Child Element List of airline tickets. This parent element contains Airline Tickets Child Elements.
BookingOwner string - Indicates the tool that supplied the booking to Concur Travel.
BookingSource string - The name of the booking source for this booking. A booking source is a textual name the system uses to track where a booking took place.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
DateBookedLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in the local time of the booking’s location.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date that this booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The UTC date that this booking was last modified.
Delivery type Delivery Element The method this booking was delivered.
FormOfPaymentName string - The name of the form of payment for the booking.
FormOfPaymentType string - The type of the form of payment.
IsGhostCard boolean true/false If true, the payment was made using a shared corporate credit card.
ItinSourceName string TravelSupplier The itinerary source.
LastTicketDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of the latest ticket.
MiscChargeOrders array Misc Charge Order Element This parent element has a MiscellaneousChargeOrder child element for each included miscellaneous charge. The MiscellaneousChargeOrder parent element contains Miscellaneous Charge Order Child Elements.
Passengers array Passenger Element Contains a Passenger child element for each included passenger.
PassPrograms array Pass Program Element This parent element has Pass Program child elements for each pass program associated with the booking.
PhoneNumbers array Phone Number Data Element List of phone numbers associated with this booking. This parent element has a PhoneNumberData child element for each phone number associated with the booking. The PhoneNumberData parent element has the following child elements: PassengerRPH, PhoneNumber, Type, and Description.
RailPayments type [Rail Payment Child Element](#schema-rail-payment-base) List of rail payments associated with rail segments in this booking. It has the following child elements: RailPayment that represents the payment information for a rail booking and RailAdjustment for the amount adjusted for a rail booking.
RecordLocator string - The unique identifier for a booking. This is often six alphanumeric characters, but can have other formats depending on the booking source.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the booking.
Segments type Segment Element List of segments in this booking. The child elements included in this element vary depending on whether a TMC, SAP Concur client, third-party developer, or TripLink supplier is requesting the itinerary details: For TMCs, clients, and third-party developers, the Segments element contains one or more Air, Car, Hotel, Dining, Ride, Rail, Parking, or Travel parent elements. For TripLink suppliers, the Segments element contains one or more Air, Car, Hotel, or Ride parent elements.
TicketMailingAddress string - The mailing address for the booked ticket, if available.
TicketPickupLocation string - The pick-up location for the booked ticket, if available.
TicketPickupNumber string - The confirmation number for the booked ticket, if available.
WaitListSegments type Wait List Segment Element The segments that the traveler is waitlisted for this booking.
Warning array Warning Element The warnings associated with the booking.
WebAddresses array Web Address Element List of web addresses such as emails, pick-up URLs, and so on associated with this booking.

Airfare Quotes Element

Name Type Format Description
AirlineCharges array Charge Detail Element This parent element contains a Fixed and a Percent child element for each fixed charge and percent of fixed charge associated with this airfare quote. For information about these child elements, see the Fixed Elements table and the Percent Elements table.
BaseFare decimal - The base fare of the airfare quote.
BaseFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the base fare.
BaseFareNuc decimal - The base fare in NUC.
BaseFareNucCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the base fare in NUC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date that this airfare quote was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The UTC date that this airfare quote was last modified.
Endorsements string - Notes from the airline if it endorses the ticket as acceptable on a different airline.
IssueByDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the quote must be issued by.
TotalFare decimal - The total price of the booking.
TotalFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total fare.

Airline Ticket Child Element

Name Type Format Description
AirlineAdjustment array Airline Adjustment Element Any adjustment made to the booking. For information about the child elements of AirlineAdjustmentType, see the AirlineAdjustmentType Elements table.
AirlineTicket array Airline Ticket Element The manual airline ticket for the booking. For information about the child elements of ManualAirlineTicket, see the ManualAirlineTicket Elements table.
ManualAirlineTicket array Manual Airline Ticket Element The airline ticket for the booking. For information about the child elements of AirlineTicket, see the AirlineTicket Elements table.

Delivery Element

Name Type Format Description
AddressLine1 string - The delivery street address.
AddressLine2 string - The delivery street address.
City string - The city of the delivery address.
Country string - The country of the delivery address.
Email string - The email of the delivery contact.
Latitude decimal - The latitude of the delivery address.
LocationAdditionalDetails string - Additional information about the delivery location.
LocationDesc string - The description of the delivery location.
LocationName string - The name of the delivery location.
Longitude decimal - The longitude of the delivery address.
PhoneNumber string - The phone number of the delivery contact.
ReferenceNumber string - The reference number for the delivery.
State string - The state of the delivery address.
Type string - The type of delivery address.
Zip string - The postal code or zip code of the delivery address.

Miscellaneous Charge Order Element

Name Type Format Description
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the charge order was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the charge order was last modified, in UTC.
IssueDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the charge order was issued.
PlatingCarrierNumericCode string - The three-digit ticket number that indicates the airline code. Examples: 001 - American, 005 - Continental, 006 - Delta, 012 - Northwest
PlatingControlNumber string - Ten digits of the ticket number that indicates the ticket control number.
TotalAmount decimal - The total amount of charge orders for the ticket.
TotalAmountCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total charge order amount.

Pass Program Element

Name Type Format Description
Amount decimal - The program amount.
Name string - The program name.
Type string - The program type.
UserFirstName string - The first name of the passenger.
UserLastName string - The last name of the passenger.

Passenger Element

Name Type Format Description
City string - The city of the passenger’s address.
Country string - The country of the passenger’s address.
FirstNameNumber integer - The number of characters in the passenger’s first name.
FrequentTravelerProgram type Frequent Traveler Program Element Passenger’s loyalty programs.
LastNameNumber number - The number of characters in the passenger’s last name.
NameFirst string - The first name of the passenger.
NameLast string - The last name of the passenger.
NameMiddle string - The middle name of the passenger.
NamePrefix string - The name prefix of the passenger.
NameRemark string - Additional details about the passenger’s name.
NameSuffix string - The name suffix of the passenger.
NameTitle string - The title of the passenger.
PostalCode string - The postal code or zip code of the passenger’s address.
State string - The state of the passenger’s address.
StreetAddress string - The passenger’s street address.
StreetAddress2 string - The passenger’s street address.
TextName string - The user’s full name as entered in the booking tool if different from the name in the database.

Phone Number Data Element

Name Type Format Description
Description string - The description for the phone number.
PassengerRPH integer - Indicates the passenger to whom this phone number belongs.
PhoneNumber string - The passenger’s phone number.
Type string - The type of phone number.

Rail Payment Child Element

Name Type Format Description
RailAdjustment array Rail Adjustment Element The amount adjusted for a rail booking. For information about the RailAdjustment child elements, see the Rail Adjustment Element table.
RailPayment array Rail Payment Element The payment information for a rail booking. For information about the RailPayment child elements, see the Rail Payment Element table.

Remark Element

Name Type Format Description
TripLinkRemarks array TripLink Remarks Element TripLink remarks.
Name Type Format Description
TripLinkRemark array TripLink Remark Element A TripLink remark.
Name Type Format Description
Text string - TripLink remarks.

Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
Air array Air Segment Element Air segment.
Car array Car Segment Element Car segment.
Dining array Dining Segment Element Dining segment.
Hotel array Hotel Segment Element Hotel segment.
Parking array Parking Segment Element Parking segment.
Rail array Rail Segment Element Rail segment.
Ride array Ride Segment Element Ride segment.
Travel array Travel Segment Element Travel segment.

Wait List Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
SegmentOption array Segment Option Item Element Air segments on which a user is waitlisted.

Warning Element

Name Type Format Description
Code array - Warning code.
Text array - Warning text.
Type array - Warning type.

Charge Detail Element

Name Type Format Description
Fixed array Fixed Charge Element The fixed charges.
Percent array Percent of Fixed Charges Element The percent of fixed charges.
Rate array Rate Charge Element The rate for the booking.
RateWithAllowance array Rate With Allowance Charge Element The rate for the booking, including any travel allowances.

Airline Adjustment Element

Name Type Format Description
AddCollectAmount decimal - Specifies the net fare (i.e. the actual fare paid) if it differs from the total fare for the ticket due to applicable credits from the original exchanged ticket.
AdjustmentDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Local timestamp for the adjustment.
AdjustmentDateTimeUTC dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp for the adjustment.
AdjustmentType string - Type of adjustment.
AirlineCharges array Charge Detail Element Charges associated to the adjustment.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of adjustment creation.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of adjustment modification.
PassengerName string - Name of passenger.
PlatingCarrierNumericCode string - The three-digit ticket number that indicates the airline code. Examples: 001 - American, 005 - Continental, 006 - Delta, 012 - Northwest
PlatingControlNumber string - Ten digits of the ticket number that indicates the ticket control number.
RecordLocator string - The unique identifier for a booking. This is often six alphanumeric characters, but can have other formats depending on the booking source.
Taxes array Tax Element Taxes on the adjustment.
TotalAdjustment decimal - Total cost of adjustment.
TotalAdjustmentCurrency string - Currency of the adjustment.

Airline Ticket Element

Name Type Format Description
AccountingLine type Accounting Line Element The accounting line on the airline ticket.
AddCollectAmount decimal - Specifies the net fare (i.e. the actual fare paid) if it differs from the total fare for the ticket due to applicable credits from the original exchanged ticket.
AirlineCharges array Charge Detail Element Charges associated to the ticket.
AirlineTicketCoupons array Airline Ticket Coupon Element A list of coupons for this ticket. This parent element has an AirlineTicketCoupon child element for each coupon associated with this airline ticket. For information about these child elements, see the Airline Ticket Coupon Element table.
AirlineTicketExchanges array Airline Ticket Exchanges Element A list of exchanges for this ticket. This parent element has an AirlineTicketExchange child element for each exchange associated with this airline ticket. For information about these child elements, see the Airline Ticket Exchange Element table.
AirlineTicketFareBreakups array Airline Ticket Fare Breakups Element A list of fare breakups for this ticket. This parent element has an AirlineTicketFareBreakup child element for each fare breakup associated with this airline ticket. For information about these child elements, see the Airline Ticket Fare Breakup Element table.
BaseFare decimal - Fare without any tax penalties.
BaseFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the base fare.
BaseFareNuc decimal - The base fare in NUC.
BaseFareNucCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the base fare in NUC.
ComparisonFare decimal - A baseline fare provided by the TMC for contractual reference.
ComparisonFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the comparison fare.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of ticket creation.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of ticket modification.
Endorsements string - Notes from the airline if it endorses the ticket as acceptable on a different airline.
InvoiceNumber string - Invoice associated with the ticket.
IssueDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Timestamp of ticket issuing.
IssueDateTimeUTC dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of ticket issuing.
IssuingIataAgencyNumber integer - IATA number of agency that issued the ticket.
IssuingPseudoCity string - Pseudo city code of the issuing ticket agency.
LinearFareConstructor string A breakdown of the total fare.  
MasterTicketNumber string - The ticket number.
NameReference string - Not used.
PassengerName string - Airline ticket holder’s full name.
PlatingCarrierNumericCode string - The three-digit ticket number that indicates the airline code. Examples: 001 - American, 005 - Continental, 006 - Delta, 012 - Northwest
PlatingControlNumber string - Ten digits of the ticket number that indicates the ticket control number.
ProgramCarrierCode string - The airline vendor code for the program.
ProgramMembershipNumber string - The membership number for the program.
RecordLocator string - The unique identifier for a booking. This is often six alphanumeric characters, but can have other formats depending on the booking source.
SabreDkNumber string - Appears only if a booking was created by the relavent GDS.
Taxes array Tax Element Taxes applied to the airline ticket.
Ticketless boolean true/false If true, the ticket is ticketless.
TicketType string - The type of the ticket.
TotalFare decimal - Total cost of ticket.
TotalFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code of ticket.
TourIdentifier string - Special negotiated fare.

Manual Airline Ticket Element

Name Type Format Description
AirlineCharges array Charge Detail Element Charges associated to the ticket.
BaseFare decimal - Fare without any tax penalties.
BaseFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the base fare.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of ticket creation.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of ticket modification.
Taxes array Tax Element Taxes on the ticket.
TotalFare decimal - Total cost of ticket.
TotalFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code of ticket.

Fixed Charge Element

Name Type Format Description
Amount decimal - The total amount for the rate for the booking.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total amount.
Description string - The description for the rate.
IsPaid boolean true/false If true, the rate has been paid.
IsPrimary boolean true/false If true, the rate is the primary rate. If one of the rates is the actual rate and the rest are penalties, the actual rate should be set as IsPrimary. Only one charge in a set should be set as primary.
SemanticsCode string - Indicates the charge category for the line item. Refer to the Semantics Codes table for more information.
SemanticsVendorType string - The vendor type. Supported values: H - Hotel, C - Car, A - Air, G - Ground, R - Rail
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The start date of the booking, in the user’s local time.
Vendor string - The vendor for the booking charge.
VendorChargeCode string - The vendor’s code for the charge.

Percent of Fixed Charges Element

Name Type Format Description
Amount decimal - The total amount for the rate for the booking.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total amount.
Description string - The description for the rate.
IsPaid boolean true/false If true, the rate has been paid.
IsPrimary boolean true/false If true, the rate is the primary rate. If one of the rates is the actual rate and the rest are penalties, the actual rate should be set as IsPrimary. Only one charge in a set should be set as primary.
SemanticsCode string - Indicates the charge category for the line item. Refer to the Semantics Codes table for more information.
SemanticsVendorType string - The vendor type. Supported values: H - Hotel, C - Car, A - Air, G - Ground, R - Rail
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The start date of the booking, in the user’s local time.
Vendor string - The vendor for the booking charge.
VendorChargeCode string - The vendor’s code for the charge.

Rate Charge Element

Name Type Format Description
Amount decimal - The total amount for the rate for the booking.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total amount.
Description string - The description for the rate.
IsPaid boolean true/false If true, the rate has been paid.
IsPrimary boolean true/false If true, the rate is the primary rate. If one of the rates is the actual rate and the rest are penalties, the actual rate should be set as IsPrimary. Only one charge in a set should be set as primary.
NumUnits decimal - The number of units expected for the charge.
PerUnit string - The unit of measure for the charge. Example: DAY, WEEK, MONTH
SemanticsCode string - Indicates the charge category for the line item. Refer to the Semantics Codes table for more information.
SemanticsVendorType string - The vendor type. Supported values: H - Hotel, C - Car, A - Air, G - Ground, R - Rail
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The start date of the booking, in the user’s local time.
Vendor string - The vendor for the booking charge.
VendorChargeCode string - The vendor’s code for the charge.

Rate With Allowance Charge Element

Name Type Format Description
AllowanceAmount decimal - The cost of overage fees when the allowance is exceeded. For example, if the allowance is 5000 miles, the cost could be $0.02 per mile. The overage must be in the same currency as the basic rate.
AllowanceIsUnlimited boolean true/false If true, the allowance is unlimited.
AllowanceNumUnits decimal - The number of units for the allowance associated with the charge.
AllowanceUnit string - The unit of measure for the allowance associated with the charge.
Amount decimal - The total amount for the rate for the booking.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total amount.
Description string - The description for the rate.
IsPaid boolean true/false If true, the rate has been paid.
IsPrimary boolean true/false If true, the rate is the primary rate. If one of the rates is the actual rate and the rest are penalties, the actual rate should be set as IsPrimary. Only one charge in a set should be set as primary.
NumUnits decimal - The number of units expected for the charge.
PerUnit string - The unit of measure for the charge. Example: DAY, WEEK, MONTH
SemanticsCode string - Indicates the charge category for the line item. Refer to the Semantics Codes table for more information.
SemanticsVendorType string - The vendor type. Supported values: H - Hotel, C - Car, A - Air, G - Ground, R - Rail
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The start date of the booking, in the user’s local time.
Vendor string - The vendor for the booking charge.
VendorChargeCode string - The vendor’s code for the charge.

Rail Adjustment Element

Name Type Format Description
AdjustmentDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Timestamp for the adjustment.
AdjustmentDateTimeUTC dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp for the adjustment.
AdjustmentType string - Type of adjustment.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp for adjustment creation.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp for adjustment modification.
RailCharges array Charge Detail Element List of charges for this rail booking.
Taxes array Tax Element Taxes on the adjustment.
TicketDocumentIdentifier string - Not used.
TotalAdjustment decimal - Total cost of the adjustment.
TotalAdjustmentCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total adjustment.

Rail Payment Element

Name Type Format Description
BaseFare decimal - Fare without any tax penalties.
BaseFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the base fare.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the quote was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the quote was last modified, in UTC.
IncludesVAT boolean true/false If true, includes the value add tax.
IssueByDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the quote must be issued by.
IssueDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Timestamp of quote being issued.
IssueDateTimeUTC dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UTC timestamp of quote being issued.
RailCharges array Charge Detail Element List of charges for this rail booking.
TaxInvoice boolean true/false If true, the charge is a legal tax invoice.
Taxes array Tax Element Taxes on the payment.
TicketDocumentIdentifier string - Not used.
TicketType string - Type of the ticket.
TotalFare decimal - The total price of the booking.
TotalFareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the total fare.
VatApplicable boolean true/false If true, value add tax is applicable.

Air Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
AircraftCode string - The code for the aircraft type.
Bags string - The number of bags included in the booking.
Cabin string - The section of the airplane for the booking.
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
CancellationPolicy string - The cancellation policy from the vendor.
CarbonEmissionLbs decimal - The pounds of carbon emission for this booking.
CarbonModel integer - The model used to calculate the carbon emissions.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
CheckedBaggage string - Whether the booking includes checked baggage.
ClassOfService string - The class of the booking.
ConfirmationNumber string - The record locator or confirmation number for the flight from the airline.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
Duration integer - The duration of the booked flight.
EndCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the end city of the booking.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.For TripLink suppliers: The time portion of this value will be set to T00:00:00 if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC. For TripLink suppliers: The time portion of this value will be set to T00:00:00 if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
EndGate string - The arrival gate for the booking. For TripLink suppliers: Will not appear in the response if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
EndTerminal string - The arrival terminal for the booking.For TripLink suppliers: Will not appear in the response if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
ETicket string E/Y/N Whether the booking has an e-ticket.
FlightNumber string - The flight number for the booking.
FrequentTravelerId string - The traveler’s ID for the frequent traveler reward program.
IsOpenSegment boolean true/false If true, the segment is open.
IsPreferredVendor boolean true/false If true, the airline is marked as a preferred property by the company.
IsUpgradeAllowed boolean true/false If true, the booking can be upgraded.
LegID string - The leg ID of the booking. Leg IDs do not change on a connection. For each unique leg ID in the trip, all flights subsequent to the first segment with the same leg ID are connections.
Meals string - The meals included in the booking.
Miles integer - The number of miles included in the booking.
Notes string - Additional details about the booking.
NumStops unsignedByte - The number of stops in the booking.
OpenSegment string - Additional information about the open segment.
OperatedByFlightNumber string - Flight number provided by the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline.
OperatedByVendor string - The airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline.
OperatedByVendorName string - The name of the airline operating the flight on behalf of the booked airline.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the segment.
RuleViolations array Rule Violation Element The list of rule violations associated with the itinerary. This parent element contains a Rule Violation child element for each associated rule violation.
Seats array Air Seat Element The seats for the booking. This parent element contains an AirSeat element for each included seat. For more information, see the Air Seat Elements table later on this page.
Services string - The services included in the booking.
SpecialInstructions string - Additional instructions regarding the booking. Maximum length: 256
StartCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the starting address for the booking.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in the booking location’s local time. For TripLink suppliers: The time portion of this value will be set to T00:00:00 if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in UTC. For TripLink suppliers: The time portion of this value will be set to T00:00:00 if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
StartGate string - The departure gate for the booking. For TripLink suppliers: Will not appear in the response if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
StartTerminal string - The departure terminal for the booking. For TripLink suppliers: Will not appear in the response if the request is from a TripLink - Open Booking Air supplier that does not own the booking.
Status string - The GDS based booking status for the segment. Example: HK, HL, BK
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
UpgradedDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date and time the booking was upgraded.
Vendor string - The two-letter GDS vendor code
VendorFlags string - Not used
VendorName string - The name of the vendor.

Car Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
AirCondition string - The character code that indicates if car has air conditioner. Supported values: R - AC, N - No AC
Body string - The body style of the car. Supported values: B - Two-door sedan, D - Four-door sedan, F - Four-wheel drive, J - All terrain, K - Truck, L - Limo, P - Pickup, R - recreation, S - Sport, T - Convertible, V - Van, W - Wagon/Estate, X - Special
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
Class string - Character code to indicate the class of the car. Varies by vendor. Supported values: C - Compact, E - Economy, F - Full size, I - Intermediate, L - Luxury, M - Mini, P - Premium, S - Standard, X - Special
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number from the vendor.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking.
DailyRate decimal - The daily rate for the booking.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
DiscountCode string - The discount code used by the company or TMC to get a discounted rate.
DropoffCollectionAddress1 string - The AddressLine1 for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionAddressType string - The type of address for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionCategory string - The category of dropofff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionCity string - City for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionCountry string - The country for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionLatitude string - The latitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionLongitude string - The longitude for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionNumber string - The number for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionPhoneNumber string - The phone number for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionPostalCode string - The postal code for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
DropoffCollectionState string - The state for the dropoff address when the rental service offers dropoff.
EndAddress2 string - The ending address for the booking.
EndAddress string - The ending address for the booking.
EndCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the ending address for the booking.
EndCity string - The ending address for the booking.
EndCloseTime string - The closing time for the dropoff location.
EndCountry string - The ending address for the booking.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
EndLatitude string - The latitude for the ending location of the booking.
EndLongitude string - The longitude for the ending location of the booking.
EndOpenTime string - The opening time of the dropoff location.
EndPhoneNumber string - The phone number of the dropoff location.
EndPostalCode string - The ending address for the booking.
EndState string - The ending address for the booking.
IsGhostCard boolean true/false Indicates if a payment was made using a shared corporate credit card.
IsPreferredVendor integer - If true, the rental service is marked as a preferred service by the company.
IsUpgradeAllowed boolean true/false If true, the booking can be upgraded.
Notes string - Additional information about the booking.
NumCars unsignedByte - The number of cars rented.
NumPersons unsignedByte - The number of people including the driver that the rental is for.
PhoneNumber string - The phone number for the user.
PickupDeliveryAddress1 string - The AddressLine1 for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryAddressType string - The type of address for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryCategory string - The category for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryCity string - The city for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryCountry string - The country for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryLatitude string - The latitude for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryLongitude string - The longitude for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryNumber string - The number for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryPhoneNumber string - The phone number for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryPostalCode string - The postal code for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
PickupDeliveryState string - The state for the pick-up address when the rental service offers pick-up.
RateCode string - The rate code for the booking.
RateType string - The rate type for the booking.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the segment.
SpecialEquipment string - Any special equipment required by the renter.
SpecialInstructions string - Additional instructions regarding the booking. Maximum length: 256
StartAddress2 string - The starting address for the booking.
StartAddress string - The starting address of the booking.
StartCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the starting address for the booking.
StartCity string - The starting address for the booking.
StartCloseTime string - The closing time for the pick-up location.
StartCountry string - The starting address for the booking.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in UTC.
StartLatitude string - The latitude for the starting location of the booking.
StartLocation string - The starting location of the booking.
StartLongitude string - The longitude for the starting location of the booking.
StartOpenTime string - The opening time for the pick-up location.
StartPostalCode string - The starting address for the booking.
StartState string - The starting address for the booking.
Status string - The booking status.
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
TotalRate decimal - The total rate amount of the booking.
Transmission string - The character code that indicates if the car has auto-transmission. Supported values: A - Auto, M - Manual
UpgradedDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date and time the booking was upgraded.
VendorName string - The name of the vendor. When using the Unknown Vendor Code ($$), this value appears as the vendor in the itinerary.
VendorFlags string - Not used
Vendor string - The two letter GDS vendor code.

Dining Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number from the vendor.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
FrequentTravelerId string - The loyalty program ID for the user.
IsPreferredVendor integer - If true, the restaurant is marked as a preferred property by the company.
IsUpgradeAllowed boolean true/false If true, the booking can be upgraded.
Name string - The name of the restaurant. Maximum length: 80
Notes string - Additional information about the booking.
NumPersons unsignedByte - The number of persons for the booking.
PhoneNumber string - The restaurant phone number.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the segment.
ReservationID string - The ID for restaurant reservation.
StartAddress string - The restaurant address. Maximum length: 80
StartAddress2 string - The restaurant address. Maximum length: 80
StartCity string - The restaurant address. Maximum length: 50
StartCountry string - The restaurant address.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in UTC.
StartLatitude string - The latitude of the restaurant.
StartLongitude string - The longitude of the restaurant.
StartPostalCode string - The restaurant address. Maximum length: 24
StartState string - The restaurant address. Maximum length: 50
Status string - The status of the segment.
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
UpgradedDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date and time the booking was upgraded.
Vendor string - The two letter GDS vendor code.
VendorFlags string - Not used
VendorName string - The name of the vendor. When using the Unknown Vendor Code ($$), this value appears as the vendor in the itinerary.

Hotel Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
Breakfast boolean true/false Indicates if breakfast is included with hotel stay.
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
CancellationPolicy string - The cancellation policy from the vendor.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
CheckinTime string - The check in time for the hotel booking.
CheckoutTime string - The check out time for the hotel booking.
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number from the vendor.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking.
DailyRate decimal - Average per day rate for the hotel. If the rate varies over the duration, it can be specified using the charges model.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
DirectBill boolean true/false Indicates the hotel will bill the company directly.
DiscountCode string - The discount code for the booking.
Email string - Email for the hotel.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
EquipmentCode string - Not used.
FaxNumber string - Fax number for the hotel.
FrequentTravelerId string - The traveler’s ID for the frequent traveler reward program.
HotelPropertyID string - The hotel’s property ID.
IncludedCustomAmenities string - Not used.
IsGhostCard boolean true/false Indicates if a payment was made using a shared corporate credit card.
IsPreferredVendor integer - If true, the hotel is marked as a preferred property by the company.
IsUpgradeAllowed boolean true/false If true, the booking can be upgraded.
ModificationCode string - The code for the modification to the booking.
Name string - The hotel name for the booking.
Notes string - Additional information about the booking.
NumPersons unsignedByte - The number of people the booking is for.
NumRooms unsignedByte - The number of rooms the booking is for.
Parking boolean true/false Indicates if the hotel reservation includes parking.
PartnerMembershipId string - The membership ID of the partner associated with the booking.
PassiveType string - The type of the booking.
PhoneNumber string - The phone number for the booking.
RateAccess string - The rate access for the booking.
RateCode string - The rate code for the booking.
RateType string - The rate type for the booking.
RoomDescription string - The room description for the booking. Maximum length: 200
RoomType string - The room type for the booking.
SpecialInstructions string - Additional instructions regarding the booking. Maximum length: 256
StartAddress string - The starting address of the booking.
StartAddress2 string - The starting address for the booking.
StartCity string - The starting address for the booking.
StartCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the starting address for the booking.
StartCountry string - The starting address for the booking.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in UTC.
StartLatitude string - The latitude for the starting location of the booking.
StartLongitude string - The longitude for the starting location of the booking.
StartPostalCode string - The starting address for the booking.
StartState string - The starting address for the booking.
Status string - The booking status.
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
TotalRate string - The total rate amount of the booking.
UpgradedDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date and time the booking was upgraded.
Vendor string - The two letter GDS vendor code.
VendorFlags string - Not used
VendorName string - The name of the vendor. When using the Unknown Vendor Code ($$), this value appears as the vendor in the itinerary.
WiFi boolean true/false Indicates if hotel reservation includes WIFI.

Parking Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
ClassOfService string - The class of the booking.
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number from the vendor.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
FrequentTravelerId string - The traveler’s ID for the frequent traveler reward program.
IsPreferredVendor integer If true, the parking company is marked as preferred by the company.  
IsUpgradeAllowed boolean true/false If true, the booking can be upgraded.
Name string - Name of the parking facility.
Notes string - Additional information about the booking.
OperatedByVendor string - The operating vendor of the booking.
ParkingLocationId string - The location of the parking booking.
PhoneNumber string - The parking phone number.
Pin string - The PIN number for the booking.
RateCode string - The vendor’s code for the rate of the booking.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the segment.
StartAddress string - The starting address of the booking.
StartAddress2 string - The starting address of the booking.
StartCity string - The starting address of the booking.
StartCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the starting city of the booking.
StartCountry string - The starting address of the booking.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The starting date of travel for this segment, in the local time of to the starting point.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The starting date of travel for this segment, in UTC.
StartLocation string - The parking location.
StartPostalCode string - The starting address of the booking. Maximum length: 24
StartState string - The starting address of the booking. Maximum length: 50
Status string - The booking status.
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
TotalRate string - The total rate amount of the booking.
UpgradedDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date and time the booking was upgraded.
Vendor string   The two letter GDS vendor code.
VendorFlags string - Not used
VendorName string - The name of the vendor. When using the Unknown Vendor Code ($$), this value appears as the vendor in the itinerary.

Rail Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
Amenities string - The booked amenities.
Cabin string - The cabin identifier.
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
CarbonEmissionLbs decimal - The pounds of carbon emission for this booking.
CarbonModel integer - The model used to calculate the carbon emissions.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
ClassOfService string - The class of the booking.
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number from the vendor.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
DiscountCode string - The discount code for the booking.
Duration integer - The duration of the trip booked.
EndCity string - The end city for the rail trip.
EndCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the end city of the trip.
EndCountry string - The country code for the booking.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
EndLatitude string - The latitude of the ending point of the booking.
EndLongitude integer - The longitude of the ending point of the booking.
EndPlatform string - The ending platform location of the booking.
EndRailStation string - The code for the ending station of the booking.
EndRailStationName string - The name of the ending station of the booking.
EndState string - The end state/province for the rail trip.
Eticket integer - The e-ticket number.
FrequentTravelerId string - The traveler’s ID for the frequent traveler reward program.
IsPreferredVendor integer - If true, the rail carrier is marked as a preferred rail carrier by the company.
IsUpgradeAllowed boolean true/false If true, the booking can be upgraded.
LegId string - The trip leg ID.
Meals string - The booked meals.
Miles integer - The number of miles booked.
Notes string - Additional information about the booking.
NumPersons unsignedByte - The number of persons booked for the trip.
NumStops unsignedByte - The number of stops in the booking.
OperatedByTrainNumber string - The train identifier of the operating vendor of the booked trip.
OperatedByVendor string - The operating vendor of the booked trip.
RateCode string - The vendor’s code for the rate of the booking.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the segment.
RouteRestrictCode string - The code to restrict the route of the booking.
Seats array Rail Seat Element The booked seats. This parent element contains a Rail Seat element for each included seat. For more information, see the Rail Seat Elements table.
SpecialInstructions string - The instructions for the booking. Maximum length: 256
StartCity string - The starting city of the booking.
StartCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the starting city of the booking.
StartCountry string - The starting country of the booking.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The starting date of travel for this segment, in the local time of to the starting point.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The starting date of travel for this segment, in UTC.
StartLatitude string - The latitude of the starting location of the booking.
StartLongitude string - The longitude of the starting location of the booking.
StartPlatform string - The starting platform location of the booking.
StartRailStation string - The code of the starting station of the booking.
StartRailStationName string - The name of the starting station of the booking.
StartState string - The start state/province for the rail trip.
Status string - The booking status.
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
TotalRate decimal - The total rate amount of the booking.
TrainNumber string - The number for the booked train.
TrainTypeCode string - The code for the type of train used in the booking.
TrainTypeName string - The name of the type of train used in the booking.
TransportMode string - The transport mode of the booking.
UpgradedDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date and time the booking was upgraded.
Vendor string - The two letter GDS vendor code.
VendorFlags string - Not used
VendorName string - The name of the vendor. When using the Unknown Vendor Code ($$), this value appears as the vendor in the itinerary.
WagonNumber string - The wagon number of the train car.

Ride Element

Name Type Format Description
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
CancellationPolicy string - The cancellation policy from the vendor.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number from the vendor.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
DropoffInstructions string - Instructions regarding the booking.
Duration integer - The duration of the booking.
EndAddress string - The ending address of the booking.
EndAddress2 string - The ending address of the booking.
EndCity string - The ending address of the booking.
EndCityCode string - The ending IATA airport code of the booking.
EndCountry string - The ending address of the booking.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
EndLatitude string - The latitude for the ending location of the booking.
EndLocationCode string - The ending location code of the booking.
EndLongitude string - The longitude of the ending point of the booking.
EndPostalCode string - The ending address of the booking.
EndState string - The ending address of the booking.
IsGhostCard boolean true/false Indicates if a payment was made using a shared corporate credit card.
IsPreferredVendor integer - If true, the ride vendor is marked as a preferred ride vendor by the company.
IsUpgradeAllowed boolean true/false If true, the booking can be upgraded.
MeetingInstructions string - The instructions for the meeting location of the booking.
Miles integer - The number of miles for the booking.
Name string - The name on the booking.
Notes string - Additional information about the booking.
NumPersons unsignedByte - The number of people included in the booking.
NumberOfHours double - The number of hours of the booking.
OperatedByVendor string - The operated by vendor for the booking.
PassiveCityCode string - The passive city code of the booking.
PhoneNumber string - The ride vendor phone number.
PickupInstructions string - Instructions regarding the booking.
ProviderFeedback string - Feedback from the provider.
Rate string - The rate for the booking.
RateDescription string - The rate description for the booking.
RateNotes string - The rate notes for the booking.
RateType string - The rate type for the booking.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the segment.
ReservationID string - The booking vendor’s reservation ID.
SpecialInstructions string - The special instructions for the ride. Maximum length: 256
StartAddress string - The starting address of the booking.
StartAddress2 string - The starting address of the booking.
StartCity string - The starting address of the booking.
StartCityCode string - The starting IATA airport code of the booking.
StartCountry string - The starting address of the booking.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking starting time and date, in UTC.
StartLatitude string   The latitude of the booking start location.
StartLocation string - The starting location of the booking.
StartLocationCode string - The code of the starting location of the booking.
StartLocationName string - The name of the starting location of the booking.
StartLongitude string - The longitude of the booking start location.
StartPostalCode string - The starting address of the booking.
StartState string - The starting address of the booking.
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
TotalRate decimal - The total rate amount of the booking.
UpgradedDateTime dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date and time the booking was upgraded.
Vendor string - The two letter GDS vendor code. For an unknown vendor, use the code value: $$.
VendorFlags string - Not used
VendorName string - The name of the vendor. When using the Unknown Vendor Code ($$), this value appears as the vendor in the itinerary.

Travel Segment Element

Name Type Format Description
CancellationNumber string - The cancellation number from the vendor. This field should be set when you cancel a segment.
Charges type Charge Detail Element List of charges for this booking.
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number from the vendor.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the booking.
DailyRate decimal - Average per day rate for the booking. If the rate varies over the duration, it can be specified using the charges model.
DateCancelledUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was cancelled, in UTC.
DateCreatedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was created, in UTC.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the booking was modified, in UTC.
EndAddress string - The ending address of the booking.
EndAddress2 string - The ending address of the booking.
EndCity string - The ending address of the booking.
EndCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the ending city of the booking.
EndCountry string - The ending address of the booking.
EndDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in the booking location’s local time.
EndDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The booking ending time and date, in UTC.
EndLatitude string - The latitude for the ending location of the booking.
EndLocation string - The ending location of the booking.
EndLongitude string - The longitude of the ending point of the booking.
EndPostalCode string - The ending address of the booking.
EndState string - The ending address of the booking.
IsGhostCard boolean true/false Indicates if a payment was made using a shared corporate credit card.
Notes string - Additional information about the booking.
NumPersons unsignedByte - The number of persons booked for the trip.
PhoneNumber string - The booking phone number.
Remarks type Remark Element Remarks on the segment.
SpecialInstructions string - The instructions for the booking. Maximum length: 256
StartAddress string - The starting address of the booking.
StartAddress2 string - The starting address of the booking.
StartCity string - The starting address of the booking.
StartCityCode string - The IATA airport code for the starting city of the booking.
StartCountry string - The starting address of the booking.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The starting date of travel for this segment, in the local time of to the starting point.
StartDateUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The starting date of travel for this segment, in UTC.
StartLatitude string - The latitude of the booking.
StartLocation string - The start location of the booking.
StartLongitude string - The longitude of the booking.
StartPostalCode string - The starting address of the booking. Maximum length: 24
StartState string - The starting address of the booking. Maximum length: 50
Status string - The booking status.
TimeZone string Olson or Windows Time Zones The time zone of the booking.
TimeZoneID integer - The ID for the time zone of the booking.
TotalRate decimal - The total rate amount of the booking.
TransportMode string - The transport mode of the booking.
Vendor string - The two letter GDS vendor code.
VendorName string - The name of the vendor. When using the Unknown Vendor Code ($$), this value appears as the vendor in the itinerary.

Accounting Line Element

Name Type Format Description
AirlineCode string - This is the 2-character IATA code assigned to the airline for which the ticket is issued
AmountPaid string - This should coincide with the amount charged to the form of payment, less any ticket credit application. This amount can also represent a fare difference (“add collect”) on an exchanged ticket. Example: original ticket = $100.00, new ticket = $250.00, AmountPaid = $150.00
AmountPaidCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code of the amount paid.
Ccnumber string - Credit card number used for the accounting line
Comment string - Comments left for the accounting line.
Commission string - This is the amount of commission the agency (TMC) is taking on the ticket. Like most commissions, it should be accounted for in the total cost of the ticket.
CommissionCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code of the commission.
ExchangedTicketNumber string - The original ticket number in the case where a ticket is being exchanged for another flight/fare.
Fare string - The cost for the flights booked on the ticket.
FareCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code of the fare.
Fopmethod string - Form of payment method.
IssueDate string - The date the ticket was issued.
McOType string - MCO = Miscellaneous Charge Order. MCOs are used as “virtual ticket numbers” or tracking numbers for agency service fees, as well as residual ticket credits (example: original ticket = $100.00, new ticket = $50.00, Residual/Credit issued as MCO = $50.00)
Tax string - Total tax applied to the airfare.
TaxCurrency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the taxes.
TranControlNbr string - “Transaction Control Number” This is the 10-digit number that follows the plating number on a ticket.
TranPlatingNbr string - “Transaction Plating Number.” All IATA-authorized airlines are issued a 3-digit number that designates the airline on the ticket. Examples: 006 = Delta, 001 = American Airlines, 016 = United Airlines.

Air Seat Element

Name Type Format Description
PassengerRph integer - The passenger assigned to the seat.
SeatNumber string - The number of the seat.
Status string - The status for the seat.

Airline Ticket Coupon Element

Name Type Format Description
ClassOfService string - Class of service for the coupon.
CouponNumber integer - ID for the coupon.
CouponStatus string - Status of the coupon.
EndCityCode string - End city code for the coupon.
FlightNumber string - Flight number for the coupon.
NotValidAfterDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Timestamp for when the coupon is not valid after.
NotValidBeforeDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Timestamp for when the coupon is not valid before.
RateCode string - The rate code for the coupon.
StartCityCode string - Start city code for the coupon.
StartDateLocal dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Local timestamp for when the flight departs.
Status string - Status of the coupon.
TicketDesignator string - A code on airline tickets to indicate what type of discount is applied, such as for a child or infant, or airline employee.
Vendor string - 2 letter vendor code for the coupon.

Airline Ticket Exchanges Element

Name Type Format Description
Amount decimal - Amount exchanged.
AppliedSegment1 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment10 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment2 unsignedByte - Internal use.
AppliedSegment3 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment4 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment5 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment6 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment7 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment8 integer - Internal use.
AppliedSegment9 integer - Internal use.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the ticket.
DateModifiedUtc dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The UTC timestamp of ticket exchange modification.
OldRecordLocator string - The unique identifier for a booking. This is often six alphanumeric characters, but can have other formats depending on the booking source.
PlatingCarrierNumericCode string - The three-digit ticket number that indicates the airline code. Examples: 001 - American, 005 - Continental, 006 - Delta, 012 - Northwest
PlatingControlNumber string - Ten digits of the ticket number that indicates the ticket control number.

Airline Ticket Fare Breakups Element

Name Type Format Description
BaseFare decimal - Fare without any tax penalities.
ClassOfService string - Class of fare for the ticket.
Currency string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code
EndCityCode string - End city code for the ticket.
IsRefundable boolean true/false Indicates if the ticket is refundable.
StartCityCode string - Start city code for the ticket.
TotalFare decimal - Total cost of the ticket.
Vendor string - 2 letter vendor code for the ticket fare.

Custom Attribute Element

Name Type Format Description
Data string - The value set for the custom attribute.
DataType string - The type of the custom attribute like numeric, string, etc.
DisplayOnItinerary boolean true/false The condition that determines whether the attribute is displayed on the itinerary.
DisplayTitle string - ignore this - this is the title of the custom attribute to display on the Concur-UI.
ExternalId integer - The internal reference to the definition of the custom attribute definition.
Name string - Work the Concur Travel Administrator for the company to get a list of configured custom trip attributes (known as Custom Trip Fields in the Concur documentation, not to be confused with Custom Profile fields). This is the name of the custom attribute configured by the admin.

Frequent Traveler Program Element

Name Type Format Description
FrequentFlyer array Frequent Flyer Element Frequent flyer information
RailProgram array Rail Program Element Advantage program information

Frequent Flyer Element

Name Type Format Description
AirlineVendor string - The 2 letter vendor code of the frequent flyer program.
Description string - The program descirption.
DiscountProgramExpirationDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the discount program enrollment expires.
DiscountProgramType string - The type of the discount program.
FrequentFlyerNumber string - The passenger’s identifier for the program.
Status string - The passenger’s program status.
StatusExpirationDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The expiration date for the passenger’s program status.

Rail Program Element

Name Type Format Description
Description string - The description of the discount program.
DiscountProgramExpirationDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The date the discount program enrollment expires.
DiscountProgramType string - The type of the discount program.
ProgramNumber string - The passenger’s identifier for the program.
Status string - The passenger’s program status.
StatusExpirationDate dateTime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss The expiration date for the passenger’s program status.

Rail Seat Element

Name Type Format Description
Amenities string - The amenities for the seat.
BerthPosition string - The berth location of the seat.
Deck string - Which deck the seat is on.
FacingForward string - Whether the seat is facing forward.
FareSpaceComfort string - The space around the seat.
PassengerRph integer - Which passenger the seat is assigned to.
SeatNumber string - The number of the seat.
SeatPosition string - The location of the seat.
SeatType string - The type of the seat.
SpaceType string - The type of space around the seat.
Status string - The status of the seat booking.
WagonNumber string - The number of the wagon the seat is on.
WagonType string - The type of wagon the seat is on.

Rule Violation Element

Name Type Format Description
CompanyReasonCode string - Internal Only. The reason code configured by the Travel Admin to identify the violation of policy for the booked trip
CompanyRuleText string - Internal Only. The rule text configured by the Travel Admin.
ViolationReasonCode integer - Internal Only. The integer identifier for the reason code selected when the user violates the rules/policy configured by the Travel Admin.

Segment Option Item Element

Name Type Format Description
Flight array Segment Option Flight Type Element The flight options.
SegmentIndex string - The index of the segment among the options.
StatusCode string - The status of the segment option.
TimeStamp string - The timestamp for the segment option.

Segment Option Flight Type Element

Name Type Format Description
ArrAirp string - Arrival airport.
Cabin string - Cabin for the flight.
Carrier string - The flight carrier.
DepAirp string - Departure airport.
FlightNum string - The flight number.

Tax Element

Name Type Format Description
TaxAmount decimal - The amount of the tax.
TaxAuthority string - The entity levying the tax
TaxName string - The name of the tax.
TaxRate decimal - The tax percentage rate.
TaxType string - The type of the tax.

Error Schema

Errors Element

Name Type Format Description
errors array Error Element -

Error Element

Name Type Format Description
errorCode string - Code for the error.
errorMessage string - Message for the error.
errors array Error Element List of sub errors.

Retrieve trips

Retrieve a list of trips booked within the last 6 months.

Scopes - Refer to Scope Usage for full details.


GET https://{region}


Parameter Required Type Description
schema No string Supported values - id
endDateFrom No string Start date of endDate for the query list, Dateformat - yyyy-mm-dd, e.g.2006-01-02. Date cannot be older than 6 months from now. Default value is NOW.
endDateTo No string End date of endDate for the query list, Dateformat - yyyy-mm-dd, e.g.2006-01-02. Date cannot be older than endDateFrom. Results include trips with this date.
startAfter No string A specific Id supporting pagination of results. Get results after this Id if provided. Response include NEXT and PREV page URI with this Id.


Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>

Status Codes


Response includes 10 trips at most and NEXT or PREV operations in JSON format for each request.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "data": [
            "id": "000051ec-b6cd-45f2-a2e5-e9b16ec08904",
            "href": ""
            "id": "0000af58-498d-4c78-9b92-a97e19c04054",
            "href": ""
            "id": "000201bd-84b2-4af2-a197-3358dd52dfe5",
            "href": ""
            "id": "0002381e-4f8f-475c-8c8c-af74327daac0",
            "href": ""
            "id": "00095570-c28c-42a8-9415-9f70c4601c3d",
            "href": ""
            "id": "0009f1d1-cb25-4f11-b43d-f120e79dff3b",
            "href": ""
            "id": "000d874a-1c6d-4e92-9775-58a78e8333df",
            "href": ""
            "id": "0010641c-2725-43d2-a467-297db061dbfe",
            "href": ""
            "id": "00147c95-7f53-474f-9d6d-6704693fc562",
            "href": ""
            "id": "0014a986-dd7b-4a86-9f54-57663e4e6e9f",
            "href": ""
    "operations": [
            "rel": "next",
            "href": ""


Name Type Format Description
data array Itinerary Element A parent element that contains all Itinerary elements.
operations array `Operations A parent element that contains all pagination operations.

Itinerary Element

Name Type Format Description
id string - Unique id for an itinerary.
href string - Direct Link to itinerary.

Operation Element

Name Type Format Description  
rel string next/prev - Operation type.
href string - Operation URL.  

Error Schema

Errors Element

Name Type Format Description
errors array Error Element -

Error Element

Name Type Format Description
errorCode string - Code for the error.
errorMessage string - Message for the error.
errors array Error Element List of sub errors.

On this page