Travel Request v4 - Getting Started

Concur Request automates the spend request and approval process for both travel and everyday expenses, giving you the data you need to accurately track and better control spending. By increasing visibility into planned expenses and up-to-date budget data, you can make strategic spending decisions before any spending actually occurs. The Request API provides many possibilities, particularly Requests creation and transition into the approval workflow.

Version 4.0 of Request API works only with the new Authentication API.


The Request v4 API exposes five different resources:

Resource Description
Request You can read, create, update or delete a Request and get the list of existing Requests.
Workflow You can perform action in the approval workflow of a Request (submit, approve, cancel…)
Expected Expense You can read, create, update or delete an expected expense, and get the list of expected Expenses for a specific Request.
Request Allocation You can read or update existing allocation for a specific Request.
Request Policy You can get the list of existing Request policies.
Travel Agency You can get the description of a Travel Agency office.
Agency Proposals Ability for Travel Agencies to interact with Concur Request to submit travel itineraries directly into a request.

These resources are used to manage documents used for pre-spend authorizations within Concur Request.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API.

Process Flow

Process Flow for Request V4

Products and Editions

  • Concur Request Professional Edition
  • Concur Request Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Name Description Endpoint
travelrequest.write Read and write Requests GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
travelrequest.externalsystemworkflow.write Approve and send back a Request in the workflow at an external system step POST


SAP Concur clients must purchase Concur Request in order to use this API. This API may require for some use cases to consume the following additional SAP Concur APIs:

  • User (Identity API), to retrieve the userId - required in most of the endpoints when accessed via a Company Token.
  • List, to retrieve the listItemId - required in the management of custom fields related to list items.

Access Token Usage

This API supports both company level and user level access tokens.

Company Access Token

  • The userId parameter is required in certain endpoints to provide the user identity of who made the API call.
  • Does not have an associated role.

User Access Token

  • The userId parameter is not required.
  • Requires the role with expected rights to call the API.