Invoice v3


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Retrieve an Invoice

GET /api/v3.0/invoice/paymentrequest/{id}


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required Invoice ID.

Create a New Invoice

POST /api/v3.0/invoice/paymentrequest


Update an Invoice

PUT /api/v3.0/invoice/paymentrequest



Payment Request

Name Type Format Description
AmountWithoutVat string - The net amount of the invoice (excluding VAT).
BuyerCostCenter string - The company defined center responsible for the Invoice.
CheckNumber string - Check number of the payment made to the vendor.
CompanyBillToAddressCode string - The code which identifies the company location to which the vendor billed the invoice.
CompanyShipToAddressCode string - The code which identifies the company location to which the vendor shipped items listed in the invoice.
CountryCode string - Required The country code.
CurrencyCode string - The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the invoice currency. Examples: USD - US dollars; BRL - Brazilian real; CAD - Canadian dollar; CHF - Swiss franc; EUR - Euro; GBO - Pound sterling; HKD - Hong Kong dollar; INR - Indian rupee; MXN - Mexican peso; NOK - Norwegian krone; SEK - Swedish krona.
Custom1 through Custom24 string - The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
DataSource string - A code which indicates the method used to created the Invoice. Use GET /invoice/localizeddata to translate the code into text.
DeliverySlipNumber string - The delivery slip number associated with receiving receipt.
Description string - User entered description of the Invoice.
DiscountPercentage string - The discount from the supplier if the discount terms are met.
DiscountTerms string - The NET discount terms with a supplier when discounts apply.
EmployeeEmailAddress string - The email address of the employee to whom the invoice should be assigned. Not evaluated if EmployeeLoginId or EmployeeId match an employee. This value is required if none of the following are provided: LedgerCode; EmployeeLoginId, EmployeeId; PurchaseOrderNumber; ExternalPolicyId.
EmployeeId string - The company ID of the employee to whom the invoice should be assigned. Has precedence over EmployeeEmail; not evaluated if EmployeeLoginId matches an employee. This value is required if none of the following are provided: LedgerCode; EmployeeLoginId; EmployeeEmail; PurchaseOrderNumber; ExternalPolicyId.
EmployeeLoginId string - The login ID of the employee to whom the invoice should be assigned. Has precedence over EmployeeId and EmployeeEmail. This value is required if none of the following are provided: LedgerCode; EmployeeId; EmployeeEmail; PurchaseOrderNumber; ExternalPolicyId.
ExternalPolicyId string - The external policy ID of the Invoice. This value is required if none of the following are provided: LedgerCode; EmployeeLoginId, EmployeeId; EmployeeEmail; PurchaseOrderNumber.
InvoiceAmount string - Required User-entered value representing the total invoice amount, used to calculate amount remaining on the line item page.
InvoiceDate string - The date the vendor issued the Invoice.
InvoiceNumber string - The Invoice Number from the vendor for the Invoice.
InvoiceReceivedDate string - The date on which the invoice was received.
IsEmergencyCheckRun string - Is an emergency check run required (Y/N).
IsInvoiceConfirmed boolean - Indicates if the Invoice is confirmed or in a different status Supported values: true, false
LedgerCode string - A code which indicates which company journal the Invoice is assigned to. Use GET /invoice/localizeddata to obtain valid codes. This value is required if none of the following are provided: EmployeeLoginId; EmployeeId; EmployeeEmail; PurchaseOrderNumber; ExternalPolicyId.
LineItems array LineItem The details of the Core Payment Request Line Item Identity Fields.
Name string - Required The Invoice name.
NotesToVendor string - Information from the customer to the vendor for special requests or handling for the ordered good or service.
OB10BuyerId string - A unique buyer account on the OB10 network.
OB10TransactionId string - Unique Identifier for the Invoice transaction (generated by OB10).
OrgUnit1 string - The details from the Organization Unit fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
OrgUnit2 string - The details from the Organization Unit fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
OrgUnit3 string - The details from the Organization Unit fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
OrgUnit4 string - The details from the Organization Unit fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
OrgUnit5 string - The details from the Organization Unit fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
OrgUnit6 string - The details from the Organization Unit fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
PaymentAdjustmentNotes string - Notes to the vendor regarding the amount paid (underpayment due to damages, for example).
PaymentAmount string - Represents the amount of the payment that will be/has been made for the Invoice.
PaymentDueDate string - The date the vendor needs to be paid by.
PaymentTermsDays string - This number, along with type of payment terms (example: NET), determine when the invoice is expected to be paid.
ProvincialTaxId string - The Vendor Provincial Tax ID.
PurchaseOrderNumber string - The ID of the Purchase Order to which the Invoice should be matched. This value is required if none of the following are provided: LedgerCode; EmployeeLoginId, EmployeeId, EmployeeEmail, ExternalPolicyId.
ReceiptConfirmationType string - A code which indicates the receipt confirmation type for this Invoice (Invoice Confirmation, for example). Use GET /invoice/localizeddata to translate the code into text.
ShippingAmount string - The value for the Shipping Amount header field.
TaxAmount string - The value for the Tax Amount header field.
VatAmountOne string - The amount of VAT included in the invoice total (first of two VAT amount fields available).
VatAmountTwo string - The amount of VAT included in the invoice total (second of two VAT amount fields available).
VatRateOne string - The VAT rate applied to the net invoice total (should relate to the first VAT amount field).
VatRateTwo string - The VAT rate applied to the net invoice total (should relate to the second VAT amount field).
VendorRemitToIdentifier object VendorRemitToIdentifier Required Used to identify the vendor location for payment remittance. At a minimum, the VendorCode or the combination of (VendorName, Address1, and PostalCode) are required. Use of as many fields as possible is encouraged to ensure a single vendor can be identified. If more than one vendor matches the information provided, the Invoice creation attempt will fail.
VendorShipFromAddressCode string - The code which identifies the location from which the vendor shipped items listed in the invoice.
VendorTaxId string - The Vendor Tax ID.


Name Type Format Description
Allocations array Allocation The details of the Invoice allocation fields.
AmountWithoutVat string - The net amount of the line item (excluding VAT).
Custom1 through Custom20 string - The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
Description string - Brief overview of the good or service ordered.
ExpenseTypeCode string - A code which indicates the Expense Type for the Line Item.
ItemCode string - Represents the item code (the unique code a vendor assigns to a good or code a vendor assigns to a good or service to identify it).
MatchedPurchaseOrderReceipts array MatchedPurchaseOrderReceipt The details of the Matched Purchase Order Receipts Identity Fields (if any).
PurchaseOrderNumber string - Purchase Order that is associated to the Line Item .
Quantity string - Total number of goods or services ordered.
ShipFromPostalCode string - The postal code the good or service was shipped from.
ShipToPostalCode string - The postal code the good or service will be shipped to.
SupplierPartId string - The unique identifier provided by the supplier that is associated with the good or service.
Tax string - The tax associated with the line item.
TotalPrice string - The total amount of the line item.
UnitOfMeasure string - The code for the measurement unit used to quantify the good or service. Use GET /invoice/localizeddata to look up codes and descriptions.
UnitPrice string - The cost for a single unit of the line item good or service.
VatAmount string - The amount of VAT included in the line item total.
VatRate string - The VAT rate applied to the net line item total.


Name Type Format Description
Custom1 through Custom7 string - The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
Custom8 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 8 that is part of the allocation form.
Custom9 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 9 that is part of the allocation form.
Custom10 string - A value that can be applied to a custom field 10 that is part of the allocation form.
Custom11 through Custom20 string - The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
Percentage string - Required The percentage of the Request Line Item that the individual allocation record. All Allocations associated to a given Line Item should add up to 100.


Name Type Format Description
GoodsReceiptNumber string - The identifier of the purchase order goods receipt number to which the Invoice line item is matched.


Name Type Format Description
Address1 string - Line 1 of the street address.
AddressCode string - The code which identifies a particular vendor location.
Name string - The name of the vendor.
PostalCode string - The postal / zip code.
VendorCode string - The code which identifies a particular vendor.

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