Allocations v3

The SAP Concur Allocations API allows for the retrieval of allocation information as it relates to a Report ID, Entry ID, or Itemization ID. Using this API allows for an in-depth review of Expense Report Data and how that data has been allocated in SAP Concur. The Allocations API allows for the programmatic gathering of details on how the expense report data was allocated by the report owner, making it ideal for Data Gathering, Expense Reporting, and Validations.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Retrieve All Allocations Per Entry or Report

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/allocations


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
limit Int32 query The number of records to return. The default is 25 and the maximum is 100.
offset string query The starting point of the next set of results, after the limit specified in the limit field has been reached.
reportID string query The unique identifier for the report as it appears in the Concur Expense UI. Format: A variable-length string. Maximum length: 32 characters.
entryID string query The unique identifier for the expense entry.
itemizationID string query The unique identifier for the expense itemization.

Note: userId is not a supported query string parameter for this API.

Request URL

JSON Example of a Successful Response

  "Items": [
      "EntryID": "gWidFO7ikXSy7gHnNngC12jkL7khMiREv4g",
      "Percentage": "100.00000000",
      "IsPercentEdited": false,
      "IsHidden": true,
      "AccountCode1": "1",
      "AccountCode2": null,
      "Custom1": null,
      "Custom2": null,
      "Custom3": null,
      "Custom4": null,
      "Custom5": null,
      "Custom6": null,
      "Custom7": null,
      "Custom8": null,
      "Custom9": null,
      "Custom10": null,
      "Custom11": null,
      "Custom12": null,
      "Custom13": null,
      "Custom14": null,
      "Custom15": null,
      "Custom16": null,
      "Custom17": null,
      "Custom18": null,
      "Custom19": null,
      "Custom20": null,
      "ID": "gWmudeHM8AuFikny3Hrpz$s2gaNvc0E7Xfyw",
      "URI": "$s2gaNvc0E7Xfyw"
      "EntryID": "gWidFO7ikXSy41$smPkwdC5cL1aku$pSgc$p4g",
      "Percentage": "100.00000000",
      "IsPercentEdited": false,
      "IsHidden": true,
      "AccountCode1": "1",
      "AccountCode2": null,
      "Custom1": null,
      "Custom2": null,
      "Custom3": null,
      "Custom4": null,
      "Custom5": null,
      "Custom6": null,
      "Custom7": null,
      "Custom8": null,
      "Custom9": null,
      "Custom10": null,
      "Custom11": null,
      "Custom12": null,
      "Custom13": null,
      "Custom14": null,
      "Custom15": null,
      "Custom16": null,
      "Custom17": null,
      "Custom18": null,
      "Custom19": null,
      "Custom20": null,
      "ID": "gWmudeHM8AuFhxez1E72ExJPksvTH0KPPyw",
      "URI": ""


Allocations Schema

Retrieve a Single Allocation by ID

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/allocations/{id}


EXPRPT - get, add, approve, or update expense reports.


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The unique identifier for the allocation.
user string query The login ID of the user who owns the allocation. The user must have the Web Services Admin role to use this parameter.



Name Type Format Description
Items array Allocation The result collection.
NextPage string - The URI of the next page of results, if any.


Name Type Format Description
AccountNumber string - The primary accounting code assigned to the expense type associated with this allocation. Typically, expense types have only a primary account code.
AccountCode2 string - The secondary or alternative accounting code assigned to the expense type associated with this allocation.
Custom1 through Custom20 CustomFieldExtension - A custom field associated with the allocation. This field may or may not have data, depending on how Expense is configured. Format: Text field. Maximum length: 64 characters.
EntryID string - The unique identifier for the expense entry.
ID string - The unique identifier of the resource.
IsHidden Boolean - Indicates whether the allocation is hidden. Format: true or false
IsPercentEdited Boolean - Indicates whether the percentage has been edited. Format: true or false
Percentage string - The percentage of the expense that is included in this allocation.
URI string - The URI to the resource.

Custom Field

Name Type Format Description
Code string - For list fields, this is the list item code.
Label string - The label value for the custom field.
ListItemID string - For list fields, this is the list item ID.
Sequence integer - The sequence value for this custom field i.e. the order in which this field appears on the form.
Type string - The custom field type. Possible values: Amount, Boolean, ConnectedList, Date, Integer, List, Number, Text
Value string - The value in the Org Unit or Custom field. For list fields, this is the name of the list item. Maximum length: 48 characters

Request URL

JSON Example of a Successful Response

  "EntryID": "gWidFO7ikXSy8HdaIfw32sJhcmk76TjD$p4g",
  "Percentage": "100.00000000",
  "IsPercentEdited": false,
  "IsHidden": true,
  "AccountCode1": "1",
  "AccountCode2": null,
  "Custom1": null,
  "Custom2": null,
  "Custom3": null,
  "Custom4": null,
  "Custom5": null,
  "Custom6": null,
  "Custom7": null,
  "Custom8": null,
  "Custom9": null,
  "Custom10": null,
  "Custom11": null,
  "Custom12": null,
  "Custom13": null,
  "Custom14": null,
  "Custom15": null,
  "Custom16": null,
  "Custom17": null,
  "Custom18": null,
  "Custom19": null,
  "Custom20": null,
  "ID": "gWmudeHM8AuFlD9Py$p7cwkclNQvGC1JQPyw",
  "URI": "$p7cwkclNQvGC1JQPyw"

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