Attendee Types v3

The Attendee Type resource represents the type of attendee as configured.

Attendee Types v1 (Deprecated)


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Retrieve all attendees types

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/attendeetypes/


Name Type Format Description
offset string query The starting point of the next set of results, after the limit specified in the limit field has been reached.
limit Int32 query The number of records to return. Default value: 25

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

  "Items": [
      "Name": "Business Guest",
      "Code": "BUSGUEST",
      "AttendeeFormID": "gWvidmKNPVEaOg$s66rqA62OJVXfvHBMs4sw",
      "DuplicateSearchFields": [
      "ConnectorID": "",
      "AllowManuallyEnteredAttendees": true,
      "AllowAttendeeCountEditing": true,
      "ID": "gWjUHBxUY4iQLA9KTkbtUD6pc",
      "URI": ""
      "Name": "Healthcare Professional",
      "Code": "HCP",
      "AttendeeFormID": "gWvidmKNPVEH7wO$pDpD9$pk6xVlyJ4EjwIdA",
      "DuplicateSearchFields": [
      "ConnectorID": "",
      "AllowManuallyEnteredAttendees": true,
      "AllowAttendeeCountEditing": false,
      "ID": "gWjYOjoOorT3dhpHGto5H$poJuoa0m",
      "URI": "$poJuoa0m"


Attendee types NOSHOWS, UNDEF, and SYSEMP will not be included in the response.

Retrieve attendee types by ID

GET  /api/v3.0/expense/attendeetypes/{id}


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The ID of the attendee type.

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

  "Name": "Healthcare Professional",
  "Code": "HCP",
  "AttendeeFormID": "gWvidmKNPVEH7wO$pDpD9$pk6xVlyJ4EjwIdA",
  "DuplicateSearchFields": [
  "ConnectorID": "",
  "AllowManuallyEnteredAttendees": true,
  "AllowAttendeeCountEditing": false,
  "ID": "gWjYOjoOorT3dhpHGto5H$poJuoa0m",
  "URI": "$poJuoa0m"

Create a new attendee type

DEPRECATED: 05/19/2016 UNSUPPORTED: 11/19/2016

POST  /api/v3.0/expense/attendeetypes


Name Type Format Description
content - body Required The AttendeeType object to create.


Attendee Schema


Attendee Schema

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

  "ID": "gWjYOj4JuT5VB$paQnF31149$sKgaM$p",
  "URI": "$paQnF31149$sKgaM$p"

Update existing attendee type

PUT  /api/v3.0/expense/attendeetypes/{id}


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The ID of the attendee type.
content - body Required The partial or complete Attendee object to update.


Attendee Schema


Attendee Schema

Request URL

Delete an attendee type

DEPRECATED: 05/19/2016 UNSUPPORTED: 11/19/2016

DELETE  /api/v3.0/expense/attendeetypes{id}


Name Type Format Description
id string path Required The ID of the attendee type to delete


Attendee Schema


Attendee Schema

Request URL


Attendee Type

Name Type Format Description
AllowAttendeeCountEditing boolean - Determines whether users are allowed to edit the count for this attendee type. Format: true or false
AllowManuallyEnteredAttendees boolean - Determines whether users are allowed to add attendees for this attendee type. Format: true or false
AttendeeFormID string - The unique identifier for the attendee form for this attendee type.
Code string - A code that indicates the type of attendee. Examples: EMPLOYEE, SPOUSE, BUSGUEST. Maximum length: 40 characters
ConnectorID string - The unique identifier for the Application Connector that is the data source for this attendee type. When this field is empty, the Expense database is the data source.
DuplicateSearchFields Array AttendeeType The list of Attendee field IDs used by the Add Attendee user interface to alert users that the attendee they want to add is a possible duplicate. This parent element has a DuplicateSearchField child element for each field ID.
ID string - The unique identifier of the resource.
Name string - The name for the attendee type. This name must be unique. Maximum length: 40 characters
URI string - The URI to the resource.

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