Report Full Details v1.1

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Retrieves the full set of information for the report. Includes the Report Header, Entry, Attendee, Itemization and Allocation details.


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Get expense report full details



This URI is returned in the Report-Full-Details-Url element by the Expense Reports List v1.1 endpoint. The report key is the encrypted database key for the report.



  • Content-Type - application/xml



  • Content-Type - application/xml


This request will return a <ReportDetails> parent element with an xmlns version attribute and the following child elements:

Element Description
X-UserID The user ID of the report owner.
ReportId The unique identifier for the report, which appears in the Concur Expense UI.
ReportName The name of the report.
Purpose The information from the Business Purpose field.
CrnCode The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the expense report currency. The expense report currency is defined as the report creator’s default reimbursement currency.
ApsKey The approval status code for the report.
ReportDate The date from the report header. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
CreationDate The date the report was created. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
ReceiptImageUrl The URL to access the image associated with the report. This URL is only valid for 30 minutes after the web service call.
HasException Whether the report has exceptions. Format: Y/N
EverSentBack Whether the report has ever been sent back to the employee. Format: Y/N
EmployeeName The name of the employee who created the report.
ApvStatusName The approval status name for the report.
PayKey The unique identifier for the payment status of the report.
PayStatusName The payment status of the report.
PaidDate The date the report was extracted for payment. This element has an attribute named i:nil. If the value for this element is null, the i:nil attribute will be set to true. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
SubmitDate The date the report was submitted.
EntryCount The number of expense entries in the report. This count includes itemized entries.
LedgerName The name of the expense report ledger.
OrgUnit1 through OrgUnit6 The details from the Org Unit custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
Custom1 through Custom20 The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. If the custom field is a list field, the data will be returned as: (list item short code) list item name. List Field Example: (1234) Project 1234</Custom1
PolKey The unique identifier of the policy that applies to this report.
RptKey The encrypted database key for the report, which is used as the unique identifier in other web service requests.
ReportTotal The total amount of the report.
PersonalExpenses The total amount of expenses marked as personal.
AmountDueEmployee The total amount due to the employee for the report.
AmountDueCompanyCard The total amount due to the company card for the report.
TotalClaimedAmount The total amount of all non-personal expenses in the report.
TotalApprovedAmount The total amount of approved expenses in the report.
WorkflowActionURL The URL to post a workflow action to the report using the Post Report Workflow Action endpoint.
Entries This parent element has a Count attribute indicating the number of entries (not including itemization entries) that are included in the report. It has an ExpenseEntry child element for each entry. Refer to the Expense Entry Child Elements table for more information.
Expense Entry Child Elements
Element Description
ReceiptRequired Whether the original receipt is required for the entry.
ImageRequired Whether a receipt image is required for the entry.
EreceiptId The ID for the attached e-receipt, if available.
Custom1 through Custom40 The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. If the custom field is a list field, the data will be returned as: (list item short code) list item name. List Field Example: (1234) Project 1234</Custom1
RpeKey The ID of the report entry.
RptKey The encrypted database key of the report.
ExpKey The expense type key for the expense entry. Expense Type Keys are returned in the ExpKey element by the Expense Group Configuration endpoint.
FormKey The key for the expense entry form.
ReceiptImageId The unique identifier for the image associated with the entry.
ExpName The expense type name.
SpendCategory The spend category specified for this expense type. Varies by client, used in reporting.
BusinessPurpose The text from the Business Purpose field of the entry.
HasVat Whether the entry contains VAT data.
ExchangeRate The exchange rate that applies to the entry.
TransactionAmount The amount of the expense entry in the original transaction currency.
PostedAmount The amount of the expense entry in the user’s reimbursement currency. The user’s reimbursement currency is returned in the <CrnCode element for the report.
ApprovedAmount The approved amount of the expense entry in the user’s reimbursement currency. The user’s reimbursement currency is returned in the <CrnCode element for the report.
TransactionCurrencyName The name of the transaction currency.
VendorDescription The vendor name of the expense entry, which can be entered manually by the user or imported from the card transaction Merchant Name field.
LocationName The location for the expense entry, usually the city name.
LocationSubdivision The location’s State, Province, or Country Subdivision.
LocationCountry The location’s Country.
OrgUnit1 through OrgUnit6 The details from the Org Unit custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration.
HasComments Whether the expense entry has comments.
CommentCount The number of comments associated with the expense entry.
PaymentTypeKey The key for the payment type.
IsItemized Whether the expense entry is itemized.
HasExceptions Whether the expense entry has exceptions.
IsPersonal Whether the expense entry is marked as personal.
HasAttendees Whether the expense entry has attendees.
HasAllocation Defines the amount of allocations for the expense. Possible values are: P, for partial allocation, F, for full allocation, or N, for no allocation.
IsCreditCardCharge Whether the expense came from a credit card feed.
AttendeeCount The number of attendees associated with the expense entry.
IsPersonalCardCharge Whether the expense came from a personal card feed.
TransactionDate The date of the expense entry.
LastModifiedDate The date the expense entry was last changed.
ItemizationList The list of itemizations for the expense entry. This parent element is empty if there are no itemizations. When the report has itemizations, this element contains an ItemizationEntry Details element for each itemization. Refer to the Itemization Entry Details Child Elements table for more information.
Itemization Entry Details Child Elements
Element Description
Custom1 through Custom40 The custom fields associated with the itemization. These may not have data, depending on your configuration. If the custom field is a list field, the data will be returned as: (list item short code) list item name. List Field Example: (1234) Project 1234
ItemizationKey The unique identifier for the itemization.
ExpenseKey The expense type key for the itemization.
ExpenseName The expense type for the itemization.
BusinessPurpose The business purpose field from the report header.
TransactionAmount The amount for the itemization in the expense currency.
TransactionDate The date of the transaction.
PostedAmount The amount for the itemization in the user’s reimbursement currency. The user’s reimbursement currency is returned in the <CrnCode element for the report.
ApprovedAmount The approved amount of the itemization in the user’s reimbursement currency. The user’s reimbursement currency is returned in the <CrnCode element for the report.
HasComments Whether the itemization has comments.
IsPersonal Whether the itemization is personal.
LastModified The UTC date when the itemization was last modified.
AllocationsList This parent element contains one Allocations element for each associated allocation. This element will be empty if there are no allocations. The parent element contains [child elements](#allocchild)
Allocations This element appears once for each allocation associated with the expense entry if the entry is not itemized. This element will be empty if there are no allocations, or if the ItemizationList element contains the allocation data. This element contains child elements.
AttendeeDetails This parent element appears once for each associated attendee, and contains child elements.
Allocations List Child Elements
Element Description
Custom1 through Custom20 The custom fields associated with the allocation. These may not have data, depending on your configuration. If the custom field is a list field, the data will be returned as: (list item short code) list item name. List Field Example: (1234) Project 1234
AllocationKey The unique alphanumeric identifier for the allocation.
Percentage The percentage of the expense that is included in this allocation.
AccountCode1 The account code for the allocation.
AccountCode2 The second account code for the allocation. This is only populated in rare cases, such as when using travel allowance, where one expense might have an account code for the allowed amount, and a second account code for the overage.
Allocations Child Elements
Element Description
Custom1 through Custom20 The custom fields associated with the allocation. These may not have data, depending on your configuration. If the custom field is a list field, the data will be returned as: (list item short code) list item name. List Field Example: (1234) Project 1234
AccountCode1 The account code for the allocation.
AccountCode2 The second account code for the allocation. This is only populated in rare cases, such as when using travel allowance, where one expense might have an account code for the allowed amount, and a second account code for the overage.
allocKey The unique alphanumeric identifier for the allocation.
percentage The percentage of the expense that is included in this allocation.
Attendee Details Child Elements
Element Description    
Custom1 through Custom20 The details from the Custom fields. These may not have data, depending on configuration. If the custom field is a list field, the data will be returned as (list item short code) list item name. List Field Example (1234) Project 1234
AttendeeType The type of attendee.    
FirstName The attendee’s first name.    
LastName The attendee’s last name.    
Company The attendee’s company name.    
ExternalId The unique identifier for the attendee, managed outside Concur.    
HasExceptionsPrevYear Whether the attendee has exceptions in the previous year, based on yearly total limits for attendees.    
HasExceptionsYtd Whether the attendee has exceptions in the current year, based on yearly total limits for attendees.    
IsDeleted Whether the attendee is marked as deleted.    
OwnerEmpName The name of the employee that owns the attendee record.    
Title The attendee’s title.    
TotalAmountPrevYear The total amount spent on the attendee in the previous calendar year.    
TotalAmountYtd The total amount spent on the attendee in the current calendar year.    
VersionNumber The attendee’s version number.    
AttendeeKey Attendee unique identifier within Concur.    



Authentication: OAuth


HTTPS/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
<ReportDetails xmlns:ns="" xmlns:i="">
  <ReportName>Client Meeting </ReportName>
  <Purpose>Sales meeting</Purpose>
  <EmployeeName>Miller, Chris </EmployeeName>
  <ApvStatusName>Not Submitted</ApvStatusName>
  <PayStatusName>Not Paid</PayStatusName>
  <PaidDate i:nil="true"/>
  <OrgUnit1 />
  <OrgUnit2 />
  <OrgUnit3 />
  <OrgUnit4 />
  <OrgUnit5 />
  <OrgUnit6 />
  <Custom1 />
  <Custom2 />
  <Custom3 />
  <Custom4 />
  <Custom5 />
  <Custom6 />
  <Custom7 />
  <Custom8 />
  <Custom9 />
  <Custom10 />
  <Custom11 />
  <Custom12 />
  <Custom13 />
  <Custom14 />
  <Custom15 />
  <Custom16 />
  <Custom17 />
  <Custom18 />
  <Custom19 />
  <Custom20 />
  <Entries Count="2">
      <EreceiptId />
      <OrgUnit1 />
      <OrgUnit2 />
      <OrgUnit3 />
      <OrgUnit4 />
      <OrgUnit5 />
      <OrgUnit6 />
      <Custom1 />
      <Custom2 />
      <Custom3 />
      <Custom4 />
      <Custom5 />
      <Custom6 />
      <Custom7 />
      <Custom8 />
      <Custom9 />
      <Custom10 />
      <Custom11 />
      <Custom12 />
      <Custom13 />
      <Custom14 />
      <Custom15 />
      <Custom16 />
      <Custom17 />
      <Custom18 />
      <Custom19 />
      <Custom20 />
      <Custom21 />
      <Custom22 />
      <Custom23 />
      <Custom24 />
      <Custom25 />
      <Custom26 />
      <Custom27 />
      <Custom28 />
      <Custom29 />
      <Custom30 />
      <Custom31 />
      <Custom32 />
      <Custom33 />
      <Custom34 />
      <Custom35 />
      <Custom36 />
      <Custom37 />
      <Custom38 />
      <Custom39 />
      <Custom40 />
      <ReceiptImageId />
      <BusinessPurpose />
      <TransactionCurrencyName>Dollar, United States</TransactionCurrencyName>
      <VendorDescription>Mel's Diner </VendorDescription>
      <SpendCategory>Meals and Entertainment</SpendCategory>
          <Custom1 />
          <Custom2 />
          <Custom3 />
          <Custom4 />
          <Custom5 />
          <Custom6 />
          <Custom7 />
          <Custom8 />
          <Custom9 />
          <Custom10 />
          <Custom11 />
          <Custom12 />
          <Custom13 />
          <Custom14 />
          <Custom15 />
          <Custom16 />
          <Custom17 />
          <Custom18 />
          <Custom19 />
          <Custom20 />
          <Custom21 />
          <Custom22 />
          <Custom23 />
          <Custom24 />
          <Custom25 />
          <Custom26 />
          <Custom27 />
          <Custom28 />
          <Custom29 />
          <Custom30 />
          <Custom31 />
          <Custom32 />
          <Custom33 />
          <Custom34 />
          <Custom35 />
          <Custom36 />
          <Custom37 />
          <Custom38 />
          <Custom39 />
          <Custom40 />
          <BusinessPurpose>Promo T-shirt</BusinessPurpose>
              <Custom1>North America</Custom1>
              <Custom3 />
              <Custom4 />
              <Custom5 />
              <Custom6 />
              <Custom7 />
              <Custom8 />
              <Custom9 />
              <Custom10 />
              <Custom11 />
              <Custom12 />
              <Custom13 />
              <Custom14 />
              <Custom15 />
              <Custom16 />
              <Custom17 />
              <Custom18 />
              <Custom19 />
              <Custom20 />
              <AccountCode2 />
          <Custom1 />
          <Custom2 />
          <Custom3 />
          <Custom4 />
          <Custom5 />
          <Custom6 />
          <Custom7 />
          <Custom8 />
          <Custom9 />
          <Custom10 />
          <Custom11 />
          <Custom12 />
          <Custom13 />
          <Custom14 />
          <Custom15 />
          <Custom16 />
          <Custom17 />
          <Custom18 />
          <Custom19 />
          <Custom20 />
          <Custom21 />
          <Custom22 />
          <Custom23 />
          <Custom24 />
          <Custom25 />
          <Custom26 />
          <Custom27 />
          <Custom28 />
          <Custom29 />
          <Custom30 />
          <Custom31 />
          <Custom32 />
          <Custom33 />
          <Custom34 />
          <Custom35 />
          <Custom36 />
          <Custom37 />
          <Custom38 />
          <Custom39 />
          <Custom40 />
          <BusinessPurpose>Client Meeting</BusinessPurpose>
              <Custom1>North America</Custom1>
              <Custom4 />
              <Custom5 />
              <Custom6 />
              <Custom7 />
              <Custom8 />
              <Custom9 />
              <Custom10 />
              <Custom11 />
              <Custom12 />
              <Custom13 />
              <Custom14 />
              <Custom15 />
              <Custom16 />
              <Custom17 />
              <Custom18 />
              <Custom19 />
              <Custom20 />
              <AccountCode2 />
              <Custom1>North America</Custom1>
              <Custom4 />
              <Custom5 />
              <Custom6 />
              <Custom7 />
              <Custom8 />
              <Custom9 />
              <Custom10 />
              <Custom12 />
              <Custom13 />
              <Custom14 />
              <Custom15 />
              <Custom16 />
              <Custom17 />
              <Custom18 />
              <Custom19 />
              <Custom20 />
              <AccountCode />
      <Allocations />
        <Custom1 />
        <Custom2 />
        <Custom3 />
        <Custom4 />
        <Custom5 />
        <Custom6 />
        <Custom7 />
        <Custom8 />
        <Custom9 />
        <Custom10 />
        <Custom11 />
        <Custom12 />
        <Custom13 />
        <Custom14 />
        <Custom15 />
        <Custom16 />
        <Custom17 />
        <Custom18 />
        <Custom19 />
        <Custom20 />
        <Company />
        <ExternalId />
        <OwnerEmpName>Miller, Chris</OwnerEmpName>
        <Title />
        <Custom1 />
        <Custom2 />
        <Custom3 />
        <Custom4 />
        <Custom5 />
        <Custom6 />
        <Custom7 />
        <Custom8 />
        <Custom9 />
        <Custom10 />
        <Custom11 />
        <Custom12 />
        <Custom13 />
        <Custom14 />
        <Custom15 />
        <Custom16 />
        <Custom17 />
        <Custom18 />
        <Custom19 />
        <Custom20 />
        <ExternalId />
        <OwnerEmpName>Miller, Chris</OwnerEmpName>
        <Title>Finance Manager</Title>
      <EreceiptId />
      <OrgUnit1 />
      <OrgUnit2 />
      <OrgUnit3 />
      <OrgUnit4 />
      <OrgUnit5 />
      <OrgUnit6 />
      <Custom1 />
      <Custom2 />
      <Custom3 />
      <Custom4 />
      <Custom5 />
      <Custom6 />
      <Custom7 />
      <Custom8 />
      <Custom9 />
      <Custom10 />
      <Custom11 />
      <Custom12 />
      <Custom13 />
      <Custom14 />
      <Custom15 />
      <Custom16 />
      <Custom17 />
      <Custom18 />
      <Custom19 />
      <Custom20 />
      <Custom21 />
      <Custom22 />
      <Custom23 />
      <Custom24 />
      <Custom25 />
      <Custom26 />
      <Custom27 />
      <Custom28 />
      <Custom29 />
      <Custom30 />
      <Custom31 />
      <Custom32 />
      <Custom33 />
      <Custom34 />
      <Custom35 />
      <Custom36 />
      <Custom37 />
      <Custom38 />
      <Custom39 />
      <Custom40 />
      <TransactionCurrencyName>US, Dollar</TransactionCurrencyName>
      <LocationName />
      <LocationSubdivision />
      <LocationCountry />
      <ItemizationList />
        <Custom1 />
        <Custom2 />
        <Custom3 />
        <Custom4 />
        <Custom5 />
        <Custom6 />
        <Custom7 />
        <Custom8 />
        <Custom9 />
        <Custom10 />
        <Custom11 />
        <Custom12 />
        <Custom13 />
        <Custom14 />
        <Custom15 />
        <Custom16 />
        <Custom17 />
        <Custom18 />
        <Custom19 />
        <Custom20 />
        <AccountCode2 />

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