User Locations v4

Important: This API is currently in pre-release status and is only available to approved early access participants. The API is under development and might change before being generally released. To become an early access participant, contact your SAP Concur Representative.

User Locations

The goal of this API is to allow customers and third party vendors to add their traveler’s location data to Concur Locate so it can be utilized locate and contact travelers to address their duty of care requirements.

This API supports POST only.


This API is available only in the North America and EMEA Data Centers. Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Products and Editions

  • Concur Expense Professional Edition
  • Concur Expense Standard Edition
  • Concur Travel Professional Edition
  • Concur Travel Standard Edition

Scope Usage

Required Scopes:

Name Description Endpoint Get user location information. POST
locate.location.write Post user location information. POST



Access Token Usage

This API supports company level access tokens.

POST Endpoint

The service is a POST call adhering to the following steps:

  • Vendor onboarding has been completed prior to invoking the API. All the authentication and authorization credentials have been set up at this point.
  • Third party vendors invoke the User Location API using the client credentials (JWT)
  • Since the new service is registered with API gateway, the call is intercepted by the API Gateway and basic authentication and authorization for the given client credentials (JWT) is done
  • If the checks fail, then the appropriate error response is returned to the caller.
  • If the checks pass, then the request is forwarded to the load balancer which routes the request to the appropriate node for processing
  • The selected node processes the request which is in JSON format. Validations are performed the data conversion takes place. If any of the validations fail, then the appropriate error response is returned to the client (HTTP 400 Bad Request / HTTP 403 Unauthorized)
  • If the validations pass, then the request is processed, and the data is persisted to the backend (DB) in the following ways:
    • Direct persistence
    • Persistence via queues
  • If the persistence is successful, then an HTTP 200 OK is returned to the caller
  • If there are any issues with the persistence, then the appropriate codes are returned to the caller (HTTP 500 Application exception)
  • Note that the error messages are intentionally ambiguous to prevent exploitation








Status Codes





Mobile and Mobile Country Code Valid Combinations

Example with country code for South Africa (country Code: ZA)

Country Code Mobile Number
Empty 7160986233
JP 800122334
81 800122334
  • When mobileCountryCode is non-blank it will validate the mobile number against that country’s market. It will accept the country letters (in this case JP) or the country code (in this case 81)
  • When mobileCountryCode is blank, it will default to the client country (client id defined in the client section of the JSON)
  • Mobile is validated against the mobileCountryCode or default country (as mentioned in point 1 above) if this field is blank. When a mobile number is provided there are no issues as long as it follows the appropriate format and is a valid mobile in the country where it is registered. For e.g If the mobileCountryCode provided in the JSON is 81 (JP - Japan) then the subsequent mobile number must be valid in JP.
  • If the mobileCountryCode is not provided in the JSON and the client country is US then the mobile number provided must be valid in US because of the default behaviour mentioned above.
  • mobileCountryCode can be of the following two variants
    • A 2-letter ISO code (e.g US, JP, IT)
    • A 4 digit International Calling Code. Please ensure that there are no special characters and spaces in the mobile or mobileCountryCode fields. Also ensure that the above limits and datatypes are strictly followed to prevent unwanted behaviour of the system.

A new field partiallyProcessedTransactions is introduced in the response to cater to the following invalid mobile scenarios. * Mobile number is not valid for the country derived based on details provided for traveller * A well formed mobile number could not be derived using the mobile provided


Cancel request without location and user fields (minimal request)
POST https://{baseURI}/locate/api/v4/user/locations
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "userLocations": [
      "client": {
        "id": "UL_CLI"
      "sourcePartner": {
        "id": "SP",
        "name": "Source Partner",
        "description": "Source Partner"
      "transaction": {
        "transactionId": "AAAAAA",
        "createdDate": "2018-08-06T12:05",
        "transactionType": "Cancel"


200 OK
date: Mon, 15 May 2018 14:28:07 GMT
content-length: 20
content-type: application/json
    "processedTransactions": {
        "AAAAAA" : "Successfully Processed"
    "unprocessedTransactions": {
    "partiallyProcessedTransactions": {


Add request
POST https://{baseURI}/locate/api/v4/user/locations
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "userLocations": [
      "client": {
        "id": "UL_CLI",
        "firstSubLevel": "",
        "secondSubLevel": ""
      "users": [
          "visitorId": 22,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST3",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc333",
          "mobileCountryCode": "27",
          "mobile": "7160981138",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
          "visitorId": 23,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST4",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc334",
          "mobileCountryCode": "US",
          "mobile": "2125551138",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
      "locations": [
          "locationId": 0,
          "locationAddress": "",
          "locationName": "SomeLocation",
          "locationDescription": "",
          "locationLatitude": "",
          "locationLongitude": "",
          "locationIataCode": "LHR",
          "startDate": "2018-09-01T12:07",
          "endDate": "2018-09-02T12:07",
          "timezoneId": "Europe/London",
          "locationPhone": "",
          "visitorId": [
      "sourcePartner": {
        "id": "SP",
        "name": "Source Partner",
        "description": "Source Partner"
      "transaction": {
        "transactionId": "ASDFGH",
        "createdDate": "2018-08-06T12:05",
        "transactionType": "Add"


200 OK
date: Mon, 15 May 2018 14:28:07 GMT
content-length: 20
content-type: application/json
    "processedTransactions": {
        "ASDFGH" : "Successfully Processed"
    "unprocessedTransactions": {
    "partiallyProcessedTransactions": {


Add request - mobile phone variation
POST https://{baseURI}/locate/api/v4/user/locations
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "userLocations": [
      "client": {
        "id": "UL_CLI",
        "firstSubLevel": "",
        "secondSubLevel": ""
      "users": [
          "visitorId": 22,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST3",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc333",
          "mobileCountryCode": "",
          "mobile": "+(27)7160981138",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
          "visitorId": 23,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST4",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc334",
          "mobileCountryCode": "US",
          "mobile": "2125551138",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
      "locations": [
          "locationId": 0,
          "locationAddress": "",
          "locationName": "SomeLocation",
          "locationDescription": "",
          "locationLatitude": "",
          "locationLongitude": "",
          "locationIataCode": "LHR",
          "startDate": "2018-09-01T12:07",
          "endDate": "2018-09-02T12:07",
          "timezoneId": "Europe/London",
          "locationPhone": "",
          "visitorId": [
      "sourcePartner": {
        "id": "SP",
        "name": "Source Partner",
        "description": "Source Partner"
      "transaction": {
        "transactionId": "ASDFGH",
        "createdDate": "2018-08-06T12:05",
        "transactionType": "Add"


200 OK
date: Mon, 15 May 2018 14:28:07 GMT
content-length: 20
content-type: application/json
    "processedTransactions": {
        "ASDFGH" : "Successfully Processed"
    "unprocessedTransactions": {
    "partiallyProcessedTransactions": {


Add request - invalid mobile phone variation
POST https://{baseURI}/locate/api/v4/user/locations
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "userLocations": [
      "client": {
        "id": "UL_CLI",
        "firstSubLevel": "",
        "secondSubLevel": ""
      "users": [
          "visitorId": 22,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST3",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc333",
          "mobileCountryCode": "",
          "mobile": "+(27)7160981138",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
          "visitorId": 23,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST4",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc334",
          "mobileCountryCode": "US",
          "mobile": "0005551138",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
      "locations": [
          "locationId": 0,
          "locationAddress": "",
          "locationName": "SomeLocation",
          "locationDescription": "",
          "locationLatitude": "",
          "locationLongitude": "",
          "locationIataCode": "LHR",
          "startDate": "2018-09-01T12:07",
          "endDate": "2018-09-02T12:07",
          "timezoneId": "Europe/London",
          "locationPhone": "",
          "visitorId": [
      "sourcePartner": {
        "id": "SP",
        "name": "Source Partner",
        "description": "Source Partner"
      "transaction": {
        "transactionId": "ASDFGH",
        "createdDate": "2018-08-06T12:05",
        "transactionType": "Add"


200 OK
date: Mon, 15 May 2018 14:28:07 GMT
content-length: 20
content-type: application/json
    "processedTransactions": {
    "unprocessedTransactions": {
    "partiallyProcessedTransactions": {
        "ASDFGH": "Partially processed the transactions : [Incorrect mobile for [23] ]"


Add request - unprocessed transaction
POST https://{baseURI}/locate/api/v4/user/locations
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {token}
  "userLocations": [
      "client": {
        "id": "UL_CLI",
        "firstSubLevel": "",
        "secondSubLevel": ""
      "users": [
          "visitorId": 22,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST3",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc333",
          "mobileCountryCode": "",
          "mobile": "+(27)7160981138",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
          "visitorId": 23,
          "firstName": "Test",
          "lastName": "TEST4",
          "email": "",
          "employeeId": "abc334",
          "mobileCountryCode": "US",
          "mobile": "asdfrgh",
          "optedIn": true,
          "concurLoginId": "",
          "affiliation": "Student"
      "locations": [
          "locationId": 0,
          "locationAddress": "",
          "locationName": "SomeLocation",
          "locationDescription": "",
          "locationLatitude": "",
          "locationLongitude": "",
          "locationIataCode": "LHR",
          "startDate": "2018-09-01T12:07",
          "endDate": "2018-09-02T12:07",
          "timezoneId": "Europe/London",
          "locationPhone": "",
          "visitorId": [
      "sourcePartner": {
        "id": "SP",
        "name": "Source Partner",
        "description": "Source Partner"
      "transaction": {
        "transactionId": "ASDFGH",
        "createdDate": "2018-08-06T12:05",
        "transactionType": "Add"


200 OK
date: Mon, 15 May 2018 14:28:07 GMT
content-length: 20
content-type: application/json
    "processedTransactions": {
    "unprocessedTransactions": {
        "ASDFGH": "Invalid mobile details found for transaction [ASDFGH]. Skipping transaction "
    "partiallyProcessedTransactions": {


Name Type Format Description
UserLocations object UserLocations Required Contains the Client, Users, Locations, SourcePartner and Transaction.
Client object Client Required This indicates which entity within the organization the traveler belongs to.
Users object Users Required This is the users’ information. This will be used to either create a new traveler or to match with an existing traveler.
Locations object Locations Required This is the users’ location information. Multiple locations can be passed for a single user.
SourcePartner object SourcePartner Required This is used to identify your application. This information will be provided to you in advance.
Transaction object Transaction Required Whether this transaction adds or cancels itineraries/locations.


This indicates which entity within the organization the traveler belongs to. This will vary by client. You will be provided with a list of the applicable agencies for each customer.

Name Type Format Description
Id string - Required This maps to the top level corporation. Maximum length: 36
firstSubLevel string - This is the child corporation i.e one level below the top level corporation. Maximum length: 36
secondSubLevel string - This is the sub level of the child corporation (firstsublevel). Maximum length: 36


This information will be used to match or create a new user. Either login ID or email address must be provided. If an existing user is not found for the login ID or email, one will be created.

Name Type Format Description
visitorId long - Required This is a unique identifier for the user generated by your application. Maximum length: 10
firstName string - Required The first name of the user. Maximum length: 100
lastName string - Required The last name of the user. Maximum length: 100
email string - Either email or concurLoginId must be provided Maximum length: 255
employeeId string - Optional field to indicate the employee ID of the user. Maximum length: 19
mobileCountryCode string - Either ISO Alpha-2 code or International Calling Codes (4 digits). Maximum length: 4
mobile string - The contact number of the user. Maximum length: 10
optedIn boolean - If true, indicates if the user has chosen to receive messages via SMS or text.
concurLoginId string - Either email or concurLoginId must be provided
affiliation string - Used to indicate the type of traveler (e.g. employee, student, faculty). Maximum length: 128


This section includes information about the traveler’s future or current location. Either the location latitude and longitude or the IATA (airport) code must be present. If both are present, the latitude and longitude take precedence.

Name Type Format Description
locationId string - Identifier of the travel location.
locationAddress string - Address of the travel location. Maximum length: 512
locationName string - Name of the travel location. Maximum length: 100
locationDescription string - A short description of the travel location. Maximum length: 100
locationPhone string - Contact details of the travel location. Maximum length: 50
locationLatitude string - Either locationIATACode or locationLatitude/locationLongitude must be provided
locationLongitude string - Either locationIATACode or locationLatitude/locationLongitude must be provided
locationIATACode string - Either locationIATACode or locationLatitude/locationLongitude must be provided The three character IATA airport code. Maximum length: 3
startDate string YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM Required Traveler’s arrival date. Maximum length: 16
endDate string YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM Required Traveler’s departure date. Maximum length: 16
timezoneId string - Required Maximum length: 60
visitorID string - This corresponds to the visitorId provided in the Users schema. IDs present in this array must be present in the Users schema. Maximum length: 10

Source Partner

This information will be provided to you along with your client ID and secret.

Name Type Format Description
Id string - Required This will provide to clients similar to the Client ID. Maximum length: 2
name string - The name of the source provider. Example: Source Provider1. Maximum length: 100
description string - A short description of the source provider. Maximum length: 100


Itineraries can be added or cancelled. This section allows you to indicate whether this is an addition of a new itinerary or cancellation of an existing itinerary. A cancellation request is for canceling the itinerary completely in our system and if there are any updates to the existing itineraries then it needs to be resent using the same booking or transaction ID.

Name Type Format Description
transactionId string - Required This is a unique identifier generated by your application for the request. Maximum length: 5
createdDate string YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM Required Maximum length: 16
transactionType string - Required Add is indicative of creating a new itinerary or updating an existing itinerary. Cancel means removing the itinerary. Cancel works only on future dated itineraries. Supported values: Add, Cancel

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