This API has been deprecated.

Deprecation Date: 02/07/2017

Unsupported Date: 08/07/2017

Receipts v4 which replaces this API opens doors to global availability, enriched schemas, and better support for detailed tax content.

Partners and customers using a deprecated API should contact SAP Concur and discuss moving to the latest versions.

Learn more in the API Lifecycle & Deprecation Policy.

The Receipts resource represents receipts that can be posted to Concur by a provider company on behalf of opted-in users. This resource currently supports three types of receipts:

  • General — A general-purpose receipt type that can be used for various goods or services
  • Hotel — A receipt for a hospitality service, such as a hotel stay
  • Ride — A receipt for a ride service


  • Receipts currently can’t be Posted to users whose data is hosted in Concur’s EU datacenter. Only users whose data is hosted in the US datacenter can receive e-receipts.
  • The Receipt Service only accepts receipts that are up to 6 months old. Older receipts will not be accepted.
  • Unlike all the other Concur API endpoints, the e-receipt requires the Concur Platform team to configure your sandbox to enable access.


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 




Create a new receipt

POST /api/v3.0/common/receipts


Name Type Format Description
content - body The receipt object to create



Name Type Format Description
ID string -  
URI string -  


Name Type Format Description
Amount Decimal - Required The net amount of the transaction. A positive number means a payment is due. A negative number means a refund is due. Zero means no payment or refund is due. Range: -922,337,203,685,477 to 922,337,203,685,477
CurrencyCode string - Required The 3-letter ISO 4217 currency code for the currency paid to the provider.
CustomFields Array Custom Field The parent element for custom fields.
FormofPaymentCode string - Required The code for the form of payment. Possible values: CASH (Cash), CCARD (Credit Card), CPAID (Company Paid)
GeneralDetail GeneralDetail - The details of a general transaction. This element is required when the Type value is General.
HotelDetail HotelDetail - The details of a hospitality service. This element is required when the Type value is Hotel.
ImageBase64 string - The binary receipt image in Base64 encoding. This API supports PNG, JPEG, JPG, and PDF file formats.
MatchingFact MatchingFact - Required The parent element for information that is used to match the receipt to the Concur user who initiated the transaction. The MatchingFact object must contain either a valid access token or a Concur login ID.
Merchant Merchant - Required The parent element for information about the provider who is posting the receipt.
PaymentCard PaymentCard - The parent element for the credit card used for payment. This element is required when the FormofPaymentCode value is CCARD.
RideDetail RideDetail - The details of a hired ride. This element is required when the Type value is Ride.
TransactionDateTime DateTime - Required The date and time when the transaction happened (in Local Time). Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
Type string - Required The type of receipt. Possible values: General, Ride, Hotel

Custom Field

Name Type Format Description
Name string - Required The name of the custom field. Maximum length: 128 characters
Value string - Required The value of the custom field. Maximum length: 256 characters

General Detail

Name Type Format Description
LineItems Array Line Item The parent element for the line items in the receipt. There is a LineItem child element for each line item.

Line Item

Name Type Format Description
Amount Decimal - Required The total charged amount for the line item. Range: -922,337,203,685,477 to 922,337,203,685,477
Date DateTime - The date and time when the line item was charged (in Local Time). Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
Description string - Required The item’s description. Maximum length: 100 characters
Description2 string - Additional details about the item. In the receipt image, the secondary description appears on the line following the primary description. Maximum length: 32 characters
Quantity Int32 - The quantity of units. Format: Any positive number
Rate Decimal - The amount charged per unit. Range: -922,337,203,685,477 to 922,337,203,685,477
RateType string - The unit of measure or rate type. Possible values: HOUR or PER HOUR, DAY or PER DAY, WEEK or PER WEEK, MONTH or PER MONTH. Maximum length: 10 characters
Reference string - The item’s SKU, identifier, or some other attribute the provider uses to reference the item. Maximum length: 32 characters
SequenceNumber Int32 - Required The order in which the item appears in the sequence of line items.

Hotel Detail

Name Type Format Description
AverageDailyRoomRate Decimal - Required The sum of the room rate for each night stayed, divided by the number of nights stayed. Range: -922,337,203,685,477 to 922,337,203,685,477
CheckinDateTime DateTime - Required The check-in date and time (in Local Time). Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
CheckoutDateTime DateTime - Required The check-out date and time (in Local Time). Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
ConfirmationNumber string - The confirmation number for the booking. Maximum length: 32 characters
GNR string - The Guest Name Record (GNR) for the stay. Maximum length: 20 characters
LineItems Array Line Item The parent element for the line items in the receipt. There is a LineItem child element for each line item.
NumberInParty Int32 - The number of people for this stay.
RatePlanType string - The rate plan type that is used to calculate the room rate. Possible values are rate plan types defined using hospitality industry standards. Maximum length: 50 characters
RoomNumber string - The room number for the stay. Maximum length: 15 characters
RoomType string - The type of room. Possible values are room types defined using hospitality industry standards, such as Single, Double, Suite, and so on. Maximum length: 50 characters

Matching Fact

Name Type Format Description
Type string - Required The type of matching fact that is used to identify the Concur user who owns the receipt. Possible values: OAuth, Login
Value string - Required The value of the matching fact. If the Type element is set to OAuth, this value must be the access token for the Concur user who owns the receipt. In this case, the access token must not be expired or revoked. If the Type element is set to Login, this value must be the login ID of the Concur user who owns the receipt.


Name Type Format Description
Location Location - Required The parent element for the provider location.
Name string - Required The name of the provider (Merchant). Maximum length: 64 characters


Name Type Format Description
Address string - The provider’s street address. Maximum length: 100 characters
Address2 string - The provider’s secondary street address. Maximum length: 50 characters
City string - The provider’s city. Maximum length: 100 characters
CountryCode string - Required The provider’s country. Format: 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code
CountrySubdivisionCode string - The provider’s state, province, or other country subdivision. Format: ISO 3166-2:2007 country subdivision code YYY, where YYY is the one-to-threeÐcharacter subdivision code
EmailAddress string - The provider’s email address. Maximum length: 255 characters
FaxNumber string - The provider’s fax number. Maximum length: 32 characters
InternetAddress string - The provider’s Web address. Maximum length: 255 characters
Name string - The name of the provider’s location, such as an airport, car rental agency, property, store, or other named location. Maximum length: 100 characters
PostalCode string - The provider’s postal code. Maximum length: 20 characters
TelephoneNumber string - The provider’s telephone number. Maximum length: 100 characters

Payment Card

Name Type Format Description
AuthorizationCode string - The authorization code that the card interchange provided when it approved this purchase. Maximum length: 15 characters
MaskedNumber string - Required The masked card number for the credit card. With the exception of the AX (American Express) card type, this is the last four digits of the card number. For American Express, the value can be one of these, in order of preference: a) The first six digits and the last four digits of the card number. b) The last five digits. c) The last four digits.
type string - Required The card interchange for the credit card. Possible values: AX (American Express), DC (Diner’s Club), DS (Discover), CA (MasterCard), VI (Visa), CB (Carte Blanche), ER (Enroute), TP (Universal Air Travel), JC (JCB), EC (EuroCard), OTHER (other types)

Ride Detail

Name Type Format Description
DriverName string - The name of the driver. Maximum length: 255 characters
DropoffLatitude Decimal - The latitude of the ride end location. Range: -90 to 90
DropoffLongitude Decimal - The longitude of the ride end location. Range: -180 to 180
EndDateTime DateTime - Required The ending date and time for the ride (in Local Time). Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
LineItems Array Line Item The parent element for the line items in the receipt. There is a LineItem child element for each line item.
StartDateTime DateTime - Required The starting date and time for the ride (in Local Time). Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm
VehicleNumber string - The unique identifier for the vehicle. Maximum length: 50 characters

Request URL

JSON example of a successful response

  "ID": "270583561310",
  "URI": ""

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