Travel Profile Resource v1

This API has been deprecated.

Deprecation Date: 04/01/2016

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Current version: Travel Profile v2

The Travel Profile resource represents a Concur travel profile which contains travel-relation information about a user, such as:

  • Identity
  • Contact information
  • Rate preferences and discount codes
  • Preferences by travel type


Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 



Get a travel profile

Gets the travel profile information for the specified user. The travel profile includes information such as the user’s identity, contact information, rate preferences and discount codes, preferences by travel type, and custom fields. The travel profile information returned by this GET operation depends on whether the caller is a Travel Supplier, a TMC, or a mainstream developer:

  • Travel Suppliers can get only the loyalty program information and discount codes for their own loyalty and discount programs.
  • TMCs can get all loyalty programs and discount codes for the specified user.
  • A mainstream developer cannot get any loyalty program or discount information.

Request parameters

All request paramenters are optional. To identify a specific user by login ID or XMLSyncID, you can specify the following request parameters:

Parameter Name Parameter Type Data Type Description
userid_type Path String The type of user identification to use. Possible values are: login and xmlsyncid
userid_value Path String The user’s login ID or XMLSync ID, depending on which user type is selected. This parameter must be provided in conjunction with the userid_type parameter.


Content-Type header


Authorization header

Authorization: OAuth {access_token}

Where access_token is the OAuth 2.0 access token of the user whose travel profile information you want to retrieve. If you want to access company-wide travel profile information, the user account associated with the OAuth 2.0 access token must have a Concur account with one of these roles: Web Services Administrator for Professional or Can Administer for Standard.

Data model

The data model of the response for the GET operation.

<ProfileResponse Status="Active|Inactive" Unique="{unique identifier for the user}">
    <NamePrefix />
    <FirstName />
    <MiddleName />
    <LastName />
    <NameSuffix />
    <PreferredName />
    <JobTitle />
    <PreferredLanguage />
    <EReceiptOptIn />
    <MarketingOptIn />
    <HasOpenBooking />
    <CountryCode />
    <CompanyName />
    <Telephone Type="Cell|Other|Pager|Fax|Home|Work|Primary Mobile Phone">
      <ContactOptIn />
      <CountryCode />
      <PhoneNumber />
      <Extension />
    <Address Type="Home|Work|Billing|Other">
      <AttentionLine />
      <Line1 />
      <Line2 />
      <Line3 />
      <MailStop />
      <City />
      <StateProvince />
      <CountryCode />
      <ZipCode />
      <Laditude />
      <Longitude />
      <DriversLicenseNumber />
      <IssuingCountry />
      <IssuingState />
      <Expiration />
    <EmailAddress />
    <AAARate />
    <AARPRate />
    <GovtRate />
    <MilitaryRate />
    <DiscountCode />
    <AirSmokingCode />
        <VendorCode />
        <AccountNo />
        <Status />
        <StatusBenefits />
        <PointTotal />
        <SegmentTotal />
        <NextStatus />
        <PointsUntilNextStatus />
        <SegmentsUntilNextStatus />
      <InterRowPositionCode />
      <SectionPositionCode />
      <MealCode />
    <HomeAirport />
    <AirOther />
    <DHSRedressNumber />
    <DHSKnownTravelerNumber />
    <CarSmokingCode />
    <CarGPS />
    <CarOption />
    <CarMemberships />
      <VendorCode />
      <AccountNo />
      <Status />
      <StatusBenefits />
      <PointTotal />
      <SegmentTotal />
      <NextStatus />
      <PointsUntilNextStatus />
      <SegmentsUntilNextStatus />
    <CarOther />
    <CarSkiRack />
    <SmokingCode />
    <HotelMemberships />
    <RoomType />
    <HotelOther />
    <preferFoamPillows />
    <preferCrib />
    <preferRollawayBed />
    <preferGym />
    <preferPool />
    <preferRestaurant />
    <preferWheelchairAccess />
    <preferAccessForBlind />
    <preferRoomService />
    <preferEarlyCheckIn />
      <Name />
      <Value />

ProfileResponse root element

The ProfileResponse root element contains the General, Telephones, Addresses, DriversLicenses, EmailAddresses, RatePreferences, DiscountCodes, Air, Car, Hotel, and CustomFields child elements. It has the attributes shown in the Data Model section.

General elements

The General parent element contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
NamePrefix String The user’s name prefix. Format: Varchar(60)
FirstName String The user’s first name. Format: Varchar(32)
MiddleName String The user’s middle name. Format: Varchar(32)
LastName String The user’s last name. Format: Varchar(32)
NameSuffix String The user’s name suffix. Format: Varchar(60)
PreferredName String The user’s preferred name. Format: Varchar(60)
JobTitle String The user’s job title. Format: Nvarchar(255)
PreferredLanguage String The user’s preferred language locale. Example: United States English is en-US. Format: Varchar(20)
EReceiptOptIn String Whether the user has opted in to receive e-receipts. Format: True/False
MarketingOptIn String Whether the user has opted in to receive marketing information. Format: True/False
HasOpenBooking Boolean Whether the user has the TripLink User (formerly Open Booking User) permission. Format: True/False
CountryCode String The country code in from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code specification. Format: Char(2)
CompanyName String The user’s company name.

Telephones elements

The Telephones parent element contains a Telephone child element for each included telephone. The Telephone element has the attributes shown in the Response Class section and contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
ContactOptIn String Whether the user has opted in to being contacted on this phone. Only appears when the phone type is Cell or Primary Mobile Phone. Format: True/False
CountryCode String The country code in from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code specification. Format: Char(2)
PhoneNumber String The phone number as entered by the user, which may contain characters such as () or -. Format: Char(60)
NOTE: The user phone number may sometimes be incorrectly parsed if there are data input issues.
Extension String The phone extension. Format: Varchar(60)

Addresses elements

The Addresses parent element contains an Address child element for each included address. The Address element has the attributes shown in the Response Class section and contains the following child elements:

NOTE: The values returned for the Address child elements are as entered by the user. The fields do not enforce formatting and may have a wide variety of values.

Element Name Data Type Description
AttentionLine String Attention Line in the address. Format: Nvarchar(Unlimited)
Line1 String Address line 1. Format: Nvarchar(Unlimited)
Line2 String Address line 2. Format: Nvarchar(Unlimited)
Line3 String Address line 3. Format: Nvarchar(Unlimited)
MailStop String Address mail stop. Format: Nvarchar(Unlimited)
City String The city name. Format: Nvarchar(Unlimited)
StateProvince String The state or province. Format: Nvarchar(Unlimited)
CountryCode String The country code in from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code specification. Format: Char(2)
ZipCode String The zip code. Format: Varchar(20)
Longitude String Longitude value of Work Address.
Latitude String Latitude value of Work Address.

DriversLicenses elements

The DriversLicenses parent element contains a DriversLicense child element for each each included licenses. The DriversLicense element contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
DriversLicenseNumber String The user’s driver license identification number. Format: Varchar(30)
IssuingCountry String The country the license was issued in. Format: Char(2)
IssuingState String The state the license was issued in. Format: Varchar(2)
Expiration String The expiration date of the license. Format: YYYY-MM-DD

EmailAddresses elements

The EmailAddresses parent element contains a EmailAddress child element for each included email address. It contains the following child element:

Element Name Data Type Description
EmailAddress String The the user’s email address. The EmailAddress element has two attributes: Type and Contact. The Type attribute specifies the type of email address and the possible values are: Business, Business2, Personal. The Contact attribute specifies whether the email address should be used for travel notifications and the possible values are True or False. Format: Varchar(255)

RatePreferences elements

The RatePreferences parent element contains the following child element:

Element Name Data Type Description
AAARate Boolean Whether the user is eligible for the AAA rate. Format: true/false
AARPRate Boolean Whether the user is eligible for the AARP rate. Format: true/false
GovtRate Boolean Whether the user is eligible for the Government rate. Format: true/false
MilitaryRate Boolean Whether the user is eligible for the Military rate. Format: true/false

DiscountCodes elements

The DiscountCodes parent element contains a DiscountCode child element for each included discount code.

Element Name Data Type Description
DiscountCode String The discount code for the specified vendor.The DiscountCode element has a Vendor attribute that specifies the name of the vendor for the discount code.

Air elements

The Air parent element contains the user’s air travel preferences and contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
AirSmokingCode String Whether the user wants a flight with smoking allowed. Legacy. Format: S, N, D.
AirMemberships Membership The AirMemberships element only appears if the request came from a travel supplier for this travel type, or from a TMC. This element contains an AirMembership child element for each included membership and includes the following child elements:
Seat - This parent element contains the user’s Car travel preferences. The Car element contains the following child elements:
Meals - This parent element contains the MealCode child element that indicates the meal preference of the traveler. The possible values are:
AVML = Vegetarian Hindu Meal
BBML = Baby Meal
BLML = Bland Meal
CHML = Child Meal
DBML = Diabetic Meal
FPML = Fruit Platter
GFML = Gluten Intolerant Meal
HNML = Hindu Meal
KSML = Kosher Meal
LCML = Low Calorie Meal
LFML = Low Fat Meal
LSML = Low Salt Meal
MOML = Muslim Meal
NLML = Low Lactose Meal
NSML = No Salt Meal
PFML = Peanut Free Meal
SFML = Seafood Meal
SPML = Special Request Meal
VGML = Vegetarian
RVML = Vegetarian Raw Vegan Meal
VLML = Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo
VJML = Vegetarian Jain Meal
VOML = Vegetarian Oriental Meal

Note: Regular Meal will not return a value for this preference.
HomeAirport String The user’s home airport
DHSRedressNumber String TSA Redress Number
DHSKnownTravelerNumber String TSA Known Traveler Number
AirOther String Other Air related description
Air Memberships elements
Element Name Data Type Description
VendorCode String The code for the vendor that manages the loyalty program.
AccountNo String The user’s account identifier in the loyalty program.
Status String Name of the user’s current level in the loyalty program.
StatusBenefits String Description of a benefit of the loyalty program at the current status.
PointTotal String The user’s total number of points in the loyalty program.
SegmentTotal String The user’s total segments in the loyalty program.
NextStatus String Name or description of next higher status level in the loyalty program.
PointsUntilNextStatus String Loyalty points required to next status level.
SegmentsUntilNextStatus String Booking segment to next status level.
Seat elements
Element Name Data Type Description
InterRowPositionCode String Preferred position in an airplane row. Format: Window, Aisle, Middle, Isolated, DontCare.
SectionPositionCode String Preference for position in plane. Format: F, B, R, D.

Car elements

The Car parent element contains the user’s car travel preferences. It contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
CarSmokingCode String Smoking car preferred. Format: S, N, O
CarGPS String Car GPS preference. Format: true/false.
CarOption String Car option preference. Format: Char(3)
CarMemberships Membership The CarMemberships element only appears if the request came from a travel supplier for this travel type, or from a TMC. This element contains a CarMembership child element for each included membership. The CarMembership element has the following child elements:
CarOther String Other Car related description. Format: Char(30)
CarSkiRack String Car ski rack preference. Format: true/false.
Car Memberships elements
Element Name Data Type Description
VendorCode String The code for the vendor that manages the loyalty program.
AccountNo String The user’s account identifier in the loyalty program.
Status String Name of the user’s current level in the loyalty program.
StatusBenefits String Description of a benefit of the loyalty program at the current status.
PointTotal String The user’s total number of points in the loyalty program.
SegmentTotal String The user’s total segments in the loyalty program.
NextStatus String Name or description of next higher status level in the loyalty program.
PointsUntilNextStatus String Loyalty points required to next status level.
SegmentsUntilNextStatus String Booking segment to next status level.

Hotel elements

The Hotel parent element contains the user’s hotel travel preferences. It contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
SmokingCode String Smoking room preference. Format: S, N,D
HotelMemberships - This parent element only appears if the request came from a travel supplier for this travel type, or from a TMC. This element contains a HotelMembership child element for each included membership. The HotelMembership element has the following child elements:
RoomType String Hotel room preference. Values are: H, 2, K, Q, 1, T
HotelOther String Other Hotel related description. Format: Varchar(30)
PreferFoamPillows String Whether the user prefers foam pillows. Format: true/false.
PreferCrib String Whether the user prefers to have a crib. Format:true/false.
PreferRollawayBed String Whether the user prefers to have a rollaway bed. Format:true/false.
PreferGym String Whether the user prefers a hotel with a gym. Format:true/false.
preferPool String Whether the user prefers a hotel with a pool. Format:true/false.
preferRestaraunt String Whether the user prefers a hotel with a restaurant. Format:true/false.
preferWheelchairAccess String Whether the user requires wheelchair access. Format: true/false.
preferAccessForBlind String Whether the user requires a room with access for blind guests. Format:true/false.
preferRoomService String Whether the user prefers a hotel with room service. Format:true/false.
preferEarlyCheckIn String Whether the user prefers a hotel with early check in. Format:true/false.
Hotel Memberships elements
Element Name Data Type Description
VendorCode String The code for the vendor that manages the loyalty program.
AccountNo String The user’s account identifier in the loyalty program.
Status String Name of the user’s current level in the loyalty program.
StatusBenefits String Description of a benefit of the loyalty program at the current status.
PointTotal String The user’s total number of points in the loyalty program.
SegmentTotal String The user’s total segments in the loyalty program.
NextStatus String Name or description of next higher status level in the loyalty program.
PointsUntilNextStatus String Loyalty points required to next status level.
SegmentsUntilNextStatus String Booking segment to next status level.

CustomFields elements

The CustomFields parent element contains child elements that specify custom fields in a travel profile. It contains a CustomField child element for each custom field. To retrieve this information, the Travel Profile, Custom Fields scope must be selected in the Register Partner Application page under Web Services.

CustomField child elements

For each custom field, the CustomField element has a Name and Value child element.

Element Name Data Type Description
Name String The name of the custom field. For example, Employee, Cost Centre, Fund, PassportNumber, Visa, and Assistants.
Value String The value of the custom field. If the value is null, the Value child element is omitted.

Examples for Travel Suppliers

Example 1: Get the travel profile for the user associated with the specified OAuth 2.0 access token

GET {InstanceURI}/api/travelprofile/v1.0/profile HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {access token}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml    
<ProfileResponse Status="Active" Unique="CM12345678">
    <NamePrefix />
    <NameSuffix />
    <PreferredName />
    <JobTitle>Finance Manager</JobTitle>
    <Telephone Type="Work">
      <Extension />
    <Telephone Type="Cell">
      <Extension />
    <Address Type="Work">
      <AttentionLine>Finance Department</AttentionLine>
      <Line1>1234 Rainy Street.</Line1>
      <Line2>Suite 442</Line2>
      <Line3 />
      <MailStop />
    <Address Type="Home">
      <AttentionLine />
      <Line1>1234 1st Ave. S</Line1>
      <Line2>Apt. 821</Line2>
      <Line3 />
      <MailStop />
    <EmailAddress Type="Business" Contact="True"></EmailAddress>
    <DiscountCode Vendor="Marriott">1234567899</DiscountCode>
    <AirOther />
    <CarOption />
        <StatusBenefits>10%  discount</StatusBenefits>
        <StatusBenefits>30%  discount</StatusBenefits>
    <CarOther />
    <HotelMemberships />
    <HotelOther />
      <Name>Employee ID</Name>
      <Name>Cost Centre</Name>
      <Name>Passport Number&gt;</Name>
      <Value>John Smith</Value>

Example 2: Get the travel profile for a user with a specific login ID

Authorization: OAuth {access token}

The response is the same as in Example 1.

Examples for TMCs

Example 3: Get the travel profile for the user associated with the specified OAuth 2.0 access token

GET {InstanceURI}/api/travelprofile/v1.0/profile HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {access token}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml    
<ProfileResponse Status="Active" Unique="CM12345678">
    <NamePrefix />
    <NameSuffix />
    <PreferredName />
    <JobTitle>Finance Manager</JobTitle>
    <Telephone Type="Work">
      <Extension />
    <Telephone Type="Cell">
      <Extension />
    <Address Type="Work">
      <AttentionLine>Finance Department</AttentionLine>
      <Line1>1234 Rainy Street.</Line1>
      <Line2>Suite 442</Line2>
      <Line3 />
      <MailStop />
    <Address Type="Home">
      <AttentionLine />
      <Line1>1234 1st Ave. S</Line1>
      <Line2>Apt. 821</Line2>
      <Line3 />
      <MailStop />
    <EmailAddress Type="Business" Contact="True"></EmailAddress>
    <DiscountCode Vendor="Marriott">1234567899</DiscountCode>
    <DiscountCode Vendor="IHG">111222333</Discount</span>
    <AirOther />
    <CarOption />
        <StatusBenefits>10%  discount</StatusBenefits>
        <StatusBenefits>30%  discount</StatusBenefits>
    <CarOther />
    <HotelMemberships />
    <HotelOther />
      <Name>Employee ID</Name>
      <Name>Cost Centre</Name>
      <Name>Passport Number&gt;</Name>
      <Value>John Smith</Value>

Example 4: Get the travel profile for a user with a specific login ID

Authorization: OAuth {access token}

The response is the same as in Example 3.

Get a list of travel profile summaries

Gets the list of travel profile summaries that have been updated since the specified date. The response is separated into pages.


GET {InstanceURI}/api/travelprofile/v1.0/profile?LastModifiedDate=2015-01-01T01:00:00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {access token}

Request parameters

All request paramenters are optional. To identify a specific user by login ID or XMLSyncID, you can specify the following request parameters.

Parameter Name Required/Optional Parameter Type Data Type Description
LastModifiedDate Required path string The date and time, in UTC, that the profiles must be updated after to be included in the response. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
Page Optional path string The number of pages to retrieve. If the page is outside the number of existing pages, the response elements will be empty
ItemsPerPage Optional path string The number of travel profiles per page. The maximum value is 200. The default value is 200.


Accept header


Authorization header

Authorization: OAuth {access_token}

Where access_token is the OAuth 2.0 access token of the user whose travel profile summaries you want to retrieve. If you want to access company-wide travel profile information, the user account associated with the OAuth 2.0 access token must have a Concur account with one of these roles: Web Services Administrator for Professional or Can Administer for Standard.

Data model

The data model of the response for the GET operation.

      <TotalPages />
      <TotalItems />
      <Page />
      <ItemsPerPage />
      <PreviousPageURL />
      <NextPageURL />
      <LoginID />
      <XmlProfileSyncID />
      <ProfileLastModifiedUTC />


ConnectResponse root element

The ConnectResponse root element contains the General, Telephones, Addresses, DriversLicenses, EmailAddresses, RatePreferences, DiscountCodes, Air, Car, Hotel, and CustomFields child elements. It has the attributes shown in the Response Class section.

Metadata element

The Metadata parent element contains the Paging child element.

Paging elements

The Paging parent element contains contains the paging information for the response and it contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
TotalPages String The total number of pages to return.
TotalItems String The total number of profiles the query returned.
Page String The page number for the set of results in the current response.
ItemsPerPage String The number of items set to display per page.
PreviousPageURL String The URI to the previous page of results. This element will be empty when there are no previous pages.
NextPageURL String The URI to the next set of results. This element will be empty when there are no next pages.

Data element

The Data parent element contains a ProfileSummary child element for each included travel profile.


The Paging parent element contains contains the paging information for the response and it contains the following child elements:

Element Name Data Type Description
LoginID String The Concur user login ID.
XMLProfileSyncID String TThe user’s XML Profile Sync ID, if available.
ProfileLastModifiedUTC String The date, in UTC, when the travel profile was last modified. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.


This example gets the list of travel profile summaries modified after January 1 2015.


GET {InstanceURI}/api/travelprofile/v1.0/profile?LastModifiedDate=2015-01-01T01:00:00 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {access token}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
      <PreviousPageURL />
      <NextPageURL />

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