User v1

This API has been decommissioned for the US and EMEA data centers. This API is still available in China data centers.

Deprecation Date: 11/10/2022

Decommission Date: 1/21/2025

Partners and customers using a deprecated API should contact SAP Concur and discuss moving to the latest versions.

Learn more in the API Lifecycle & Deprecation Policy.

The Users resource represents a set of SAP Concur users. It is always managed as a batch of users, even if the batch contains only one user.




Access to this documentation does not provide access to the API. 

Process Flow

Process Flow for the User Resource

Retrieve a User’s Information

This resource allows you to get profile information for a given user. If a request URL does not include a ?loginID parameter then the response will be for the logged in user (and you must pass authentication information with your request).

GET api/user/v1.0/user


Name Type Format Description
loginID string - The URL-encoded SAP Concur login of the user. Optional.

Get User Response Schema

Name Type Format Description
loginID string - The user’s login ID.
Active Boolean Y/N Whether the user is currently active.
FirstName string - The user’s first name.
LastName string - The user’s last name.
Mi string - The user’s middle initial.
EmailAddress string - The user’s email address.
EmpId string - The unique identifier for the user.
LedgerName string - The user’s assigned account code ledger.
LocaleName string - The user’s language locale code. One of the Supported Locales. Example: United States English is en_US.
OrgUnit1 through OrgUnit6 string - Varies depending on configuration.
Custom1 through Custom21 string - Varies depending on configuration. If the custom field is a list field, the data will be returned as: (list item short code) list item name. List Field Example: (1234) Project 1234
CtryCode string 2-character country code The user’s two-digit country code.
CashAdvanceAccountCode string - The user’s account code for cash advances.
CrnCode string ISO 4217 currency code The user’s three character reimbursement currency. Example: United States Dollar is USD.
CtrySubCode string - The user’s two-digit country code and two-digit state or province code. Example: Washington State, United States is US-WA.
ExpenseUser Boolean Y/N Whether the user has access to Expense.
ExpenseApprover Boolean Y/N Whether the user is an Expense approver.
TripUser Boolean Y/N Whether the user has access to Travel.
InvoiceUser Boolean Y/N Whether the user has access to Invoice.
InvoiceApprover Boolean Y/N Whether the user is an Invoice approver.
ExpenseApproverEmployeeID string - The employee ID of the user’s Expense approver. If you are importing both a user and their approver, the approver should be listed before the user in the batch.
IsTestEmp Boolean Y/N Whether the user is a test user.

Retrieve All Users Based on Search Criteria

Note that this is a version 3.0 API and can be found here.

Retrieve the List of Required Fields for Creating a User

Retrieves a list of configured fields on the Global employee form in SAP Concur.

GET api/user/v1.0/FormFields

Required Fields Response Schema

Name Type Format Description
Id string - The unique field identifier.
Label string - The displayed field label.
ControlType string - The type of field.
DataType string - The type of data the field collects.
MaxLength string - The maximum length of data in the field.
Required string - Whether the field is required.
Cols string - The number of columns the field occupies.
Access string - The end-user access to the field.
Width string - The width of the field, in pixels.
Custom string - Whether the field is custom.
Sequence string - The sequence of the field on the form.

These elements are returned for Custom fields only:

Name Type Format Description
ParentFormTypeCode string - This element is only populated for multi-level list fields. The type of form that the parent field (the field one level higher in the list hierarchy) is connected to.
ParentFieldId string - The identifier for the field one level higher in the list hierarchy.
IsCopyDownSourceForOtherForms string - Whether the field is used as a copy down source by other forms.
ListName string - The name of the list associated with the field.
HierLevel string - The list level of the field. If it is the second level field in a two-level list, the value would be 2.

Update a User’s Account Information

Updates one or more users. The batch can contain up to 500 users.

NOTE: The User API can be used to add new users, however the user accounts will not be fully configured and ready for use. Additional work to the user profiles must be completed, either with manual edits or updates via the user import, in order to complete the user profiles. There is a high degree of variability in customer configuration that is not all supported by this API. Manual edits or updates via a file import are most likely required to complete the User profiles started with this API. Only POST is supported. Please use the Employee Import feature if the User API does not meet your needs.

POST api/user/v1.0/users

This API requires as its arguments a batch element containing a UserProfile child element for each user to be added (in the future) or updated. The UserProfile child elements will vary depending on the form configuration, and may contain the following elements.

Update User Account Information Request Schema

Name Type Format Description
EmpId string - Required. The unique identifier for the user. The default value is the user’s email address. Maximum 48 characters.
FeedRecordNumber string - Required. The record number in the current batch.
LoginId string - Required. The user’s login ID. The default value is the user’s email address. The value MUST have a ‘@’. Maximum 128 characters.
LocaleName string - The user’s language locale code. List of locale codes are available in the Employee Import Appendix. One of the Supported Locales. Example: United States English is en_US. The supported languages vary by company but always include en_US. Maximum: 5 characters.
Active Boolean Y/N Whether the user is currently active.
Password string - Required. The user’s password. This element can be used to enter the password for a new user, but cannot be used to update the password for an existing user. Maximum 255 characters.
FirstName string - The user’s first name. Maximum 32 characters.
LastName string - The user’s last name. Maximum 32 characters.
Mi string - The user’s middle initial. Maximum 1 character.
EmailAddress string - The user’s email address. Maximum 255 characters.
LedgerKey string - Required for new users. The user’s assigned account code ledger. Example: Default. Maximum 20 characters.
OrgUnit1 through OrgUnit6 string - The custom organizational unit fields on the Employee form. Varies depending on configuration. Use the Employee Form Field resource to get the list of configured fields. Maximum 48 characters for each field.
Custom1 through Custom21 string - The custom fields on the Employee form. Varies depending on configuration. Use the Employee Form Field resource to get the list of configured fields. Maximum 48 characters.
CtryCode string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code Country code, example: United States is US. Maximum 2 characters.
CashAdvanceAccountCode string - The user’s account code for cash advances. Maximum 20 characters.
CrnKey string ISO 4217 3-letter currency code Currency code for the user’s reimbursement currency. Example: United States Dollar is USD. Maximum 3 characters.
CtrySubCode string - The user’s two-character country code and two-character state or province code. Example: Washington State, United States is US-WA. Maximum 2 characters.
ExpenseUser Boolean Y/N Whether the user has access to Expense.
ExpenseApprover Boolean Y/N Whether the user is an Expense approver.
TripUser Boolean Y/N Whether the user has access to Travel.
InvoiceUser Boolean Y/N Whether the user has access to Invoice.
InvoiceApprover Boolean Y/N Whether the user is an Invoice approver.
ExpenseApproverEmployeeID string - The employee ID of the user’s Expense approver. If you are importing both a user and their approver, the approver should be listed before the user in the batch. Maximum 48 characters.
NewLoginID string - Use this element to change the Login ID for an existing employee. Maximum 128 characters.
NewEmployeeID string - Use this element to change the Employee ID for an existing employee. Maximum 48 characters.

Update User Account Information Response Schema

Name Type Format Description
records-succeeded string - The number of records processed that were successfully added or updated.
records-failed string - The number of records processed that were not successfully added or updated.

When any users are successfully updated:

The request will return the UserDetails parent element with a UserInfo element for each successfully added or updated user. The UserInfo elements will contain the following child elements:

Name Type Format Description
EmployeeID string - The employee ID of the user.
FeedRecordNumber string - The item number of the record in the feed.
Status string - The status of the attempt to add or update the user. Should always contain the word SUCCESS.

When any users fail:

The request will return the errors parent element with an error parent element for each record failure. The error element will contain the following child elements:

Name Type Format Description
EmployeeID string - The employee ID of the user.
FeedRecordNumber string - The item number of the record in the feed.
Message string - The error message.


<batch xmlns="">
        <--! Any more required fields -->

Update a User’s Password

 POST api/user/v1.0/Users/password

Updates passwords for up to 500 users.

Please keep in mind that this method will not update the user password expiry date, if you are updating the password to overcome password expiration policy. User will still have to change his password when they login to SAP Concur if the original password before update was expired.

Update User’s Password Request Schema

This function requires as its arguments a UserBatch element containing a User child element for each user. The User element must have the following elements:

Name Type Format Description
LoginID string - Required. The user’s login ID. The default value is the user’s email address. The value MUST contain ‘@’.
Password string - The user’s new password.

Update User’s Password Response Schema

This request will return a BatchResult parent element with the following child elements:

Name Type Format Description
RecordsSucceeded string - The number of records processed that were successfully updated.
RecordsFailed string - The number of records processed that were not successfully updated.
UserPasswordStatusList string - This parent element will contains a UserPasswordStatus element for each user.

The UserPasswordStatus element contains the following child elements:

Name Type Format Description
LoginID string - The login ID of the user.
Status Boolean Success/Failed The status of the attempt to update the user’s password.
Message string - Additional details about the success or failure of the request.


<UserBatch xmlns="">

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